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W Member List

This is the complete list of members for W, including all inherited members.
addPart(const M &p)W
getEdited() const W
getFrom() const W
getId() const W
getOrig() const W
getParts() const W
getRend() const W
getStatus() const W
getTarget() const W
getTargetSynced() const W
getTo() const W
getType() const W
getValue() const W
hasType() const W
init(XMLSimpleNode *xptrItem, XMLSimpleNode *wItem)W
operator!=(const W &w) const W
operator<(const W &w) const W
operator=(const W &w)W
operator==(const W &w) const W
putEdited(bool edt)W
putFrom(const Offset &from)W
putId(const WId &id)W
putOrig(const std::string &ori)W
putParts(const std::list< M > &par)W
putRend(const std::string &ren)W
putStatus(WStatus sts)W
putTarget(const std::string &tar)W
putTargetSynced(bool snc)W
putTo(const Offset &to)W
putType(const WType &type)W
putValue(const std::string &value)W
toXML_W(XMLSimpleStruct *xmlstruct) const W
toXML_Xptr(XMLSimpleStruct *xmlstruct, std::string docRef) const W
W(const WId &id, const std::string &value, const Offset &from, const Offset &to)W
W(const WId &id, const std::string &value, const Offset &from, const Offset &to, const WType &type)W
W(const WId &id, const std::string &value, const Offset &from, const Offset &to, const WType &type, const std::string &target, const std::string &rend, const std::list< M > &parts, const std::string &ori)W
W(const WId &id, const std::string &value, const Offset &from, const Offset &to, const WType &type, const std::string &target, const std::string &rend, const std::list< M > &parts, const std::string &ori, const WStatus &sts, const bool &snc, const bool &edt)W

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