HITZ Center – Ixa Group. Language Technology. https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa News from the Ixa Group in the University of the Basque Country Tue, 20 Jul 2021 11:52:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.4 Workshop: Resources and tools for the automatic processing of the languages of the Pyrenees (2021-05-12, Online, Free) https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2021/04/30/workshop-resources-and-tools-for-the-automatic-processing-of-the-languages-of-the-pyrenees-2021-04-12-online-free/ https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2021/04/30/workshop-resources-and-tools-for-the-automatic-processing-of-the-languages-of-the-pyrenees-2021-04-12-online-free/#respond Fri, 30 Apr 2021 17:52:56 +0000 http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/?p=2814

The European project EFA 227/16/LINGUATEC “Development of cross-border cooperation and knowledge transfer in language technologies” organizes the workshop open to all researchers, with the aim of disseminating the work carried out within the project and presenting some of the advances made for Basque and Occitan. This project is co-financed by the European Regional [...]]]>

The European project EFA 227/16/LINGUATEC “Development of cross-border cooperation and knowledge transfer in language technologies” organizes the workshop open to all researchers, with the aim of disseminating the work carried out within the project and presenting some of the advances made for Basque and Occitan.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Free registration. Please, use this registration form

12 May, 2021
Online, with presentations in English, Spanish and French, with simultaneous translation into English, Spanish and French.

10h – Opening

10h15 Invited talks: Catalan processing

Lluis Padró (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Morphological and Syntactic Resources in FreeLing
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French

Mariona Taulé (Universitat de Barcelona)
AnCora: un corpus anotado a diferentes niveles lingüístico
AnCora: a corpus annotated at different linguistic levels
Presentation in Spanish – Simultaneous translation in English and French

11h15 — Break

11h30 Presentations: Corpora for Occitan, Basque and other under-resourced languages

Assaf Urieli, Joliciel
Talismane, Jochre: automatic syntax analysis and OCR for under-resourced languages
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French

Aleksandra Miletic y Dejan Stosic, CLLE
Mutualisation des ressources pour la création de treebanks : le cas du serbe et de l’occitan
Pooling resources for the creation of syntactic tree banks: the case of Serbian and Occitan
Presentation in French – Simultaneous translation in English and Spanish

Ainara Estarrona (IXA, HiTZ, UPV/EHU)
Construcción del corpus histórico en euskera
Construction of a historical corpus in Basque
Presentation in Spanish – Simultaneous translation in English and French

13h — Break

14h30 Invited talk: Use of Neural Networks

Mans Hulden (University of Colorado)
Neural Networks in Linguistic Research
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French

15h30 Presentación: Language processing

Rodrigo Agerri (IXA, HITZ, UPV/EHU)
Contextual lemmatization for inflected languages: statistical and deep-learning approaches
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French

16h – Break

16h15 – Presentations: Results of the LINGUATEC project

Myriam Bras, Aleksandra Miletic, Marianne Vergez-Couret, Clamença Poujade, Jean Sibille, Louise Esher, CLLE :
Automatic processing of Occitan: construction of the first annotated corpora
Video in Occitan with accessible subtitles in English, Spanish and French

Creation and improvement of Basque resources within the framework of Linguatec
Video in Occitan with accessible subtitles in English, Spanish and French

16h45 – Conclusions

Presentation in Spanish and French – No simultaneous translation

17h – Closing

]]> https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2021/04/30/workshop-resources-and-tools-for-the-automatic-processing-of-the-languages-of-the-pyrenees-2021-04-12-online-free/feed/ 0
HiTZ Research Center = IXA + Aholab (2020-11-05) https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2020/11/18/hitz-research-center-ixa-aholab-2020-11-05/ https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2020/11/18/hitz-research-center-ixa-aholab-2020-11-05/#respond Wed, 18 Nov 2020 18:28:28 +0000 http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/?p=2800 Jokin Bildarratz, Education Chancellor in Basque Government

Last week we presented the new HiTZ Research Center. Along with director Eneko Agirre in the presentation were present Rector Nekane Balluerka, Education Chancellor in the Basque Government Jokin Bildarratz, Deputy General of Gipuzkoa Markel Olano and Mayor of Saint Sebastian Eneko Goia.

Eneko Agirre, Director [...]]]>

Jokin Bildarratz, Education Chancellor in Basque Government

Last week we presented the new HiTZ Research Center.
Along with director Eneko Agirre in the presentation were present Rector Nekane Balluerka, Education Chancellor in the Basque Government Jokin Bildarratz, Deputy General of Gipuzkoa Markel Olano and Mayor of Saint Sebastian Eneko Goia.

Eneko Agirre, Director of HiTZ Center

We have created HiTZ Center by merging two research groups: IXA and Aholab. The research groups Ixa and Aholab, both from the University of the Basque Country  (UPV/EHU), have been — since their creation in 1988 and 1998 respectively — the main tractors in the area of Language Technologies of the Basque Country. Both groups have been collaborating since 2002, when they promoted the formation of an Basque consortium in strategic research after contacting and attracting to the area the Elhuyar Foundation and the Vicomtech-IK4T and Tecnalia technology centers (named Robotiker at the time). Since then, the consortium has maintained an uninterrupted line of collaboration within the strategic projects of the Basque Government as well as local and state calls for proposals.

Now we are a total of 60 members (professors, researchers, technicians and PhD students), a broad team with interdisciplinary experts: computer scientists, linguists, engineers, translators and sociologists, among others.

By bringing together what the two groups separately did in training, research and technological transfer, this new research center aims to be an international  reference in Language Technology.

The IXA Group has a history of 32 years in the treatment of written contents.
The Aholab Group has been working since 1998 in speech technology.
We have been collaborating since 2002

We are an important research and development center worldwide together with other agents related to artificial intelligence, and we currently work on 36 research projects, six of them in Europe and the United States. In the last year we published our research results in 78 scientific articles.

As for training, we offer the Erasmus Mundus International Master’s Degree, a doctoral programme in linguistic technologies and an international course on “Deep Learning” techniques. In the newly created Degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Informatics of San Sebastian we also have an important role.


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‘AI Basque’ created by GAIA Cluster and HITZ Center https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2020/09/08/ai-basque-created-by-gaia-cluster-and-hitz-center/ https://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/2020/09/08/ai-basque-created-by-gaia-cluster-and-hitz-center/#respond Tue, 08 Sep 2020 07:20:58 +0000 http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ixa/?p=2755 This summer we have created AI Basque with the GAIA cluster. We want to achieve greater diffusion in our local area for the work that our HITZ Center carries out in language technology and artificial intelligence.

Basque Cluster on ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’

With AI Basque center we want to be an international [...]]]> This summer we have created AI Basque with the GAIA cluster. We want to achieve greater diffusion in our local area for the work that our HITZ Center carries out in language technology and artificial intelligence.

Basque Cluster on ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’

With AI Basque center we want to be an international reference in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), in industry, services sector and public administration. Our goal is to make companies, institutions and citizens aware of the advantages of artificial intelligence and proper data management. We want to extend this effort to all economic and social areas, in collaboration with other sectors, promoting the development of new products and services.

Who are we in AI Basque at present:

  • 21 companies in the sector of  ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’
  • 3 technology centers
  • Gaia Cluster
  • and our Hitz Center of the UPV/EHU.

See news published by GAIA Cluster:

Nace AI BASQUE de la mano del Clúster GAIA y del Grupo Hitz de la UPV-EHU para impulsar la Inteligencia Artificial en Euskadi

and by the Basque Government:

AI Basque sortu da, Gaia Klusterraren eta EHUko Hitz Taldearen eskutik, Inteligentzia Artifiziala sustatzeko Euskadin

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