artificial intelligence – Ixa Group. Language Technology. News from the Ixa Group in the University of the Basque Country Tue, 08 Sep 2020 07:20:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ‘AI Basque’ created by GAIA Cluster and HITZ Center Tue, 08 Sep 2020 07:20:58 +0000 This summer we have created AI Basque with the GAIA cluster. We want to achieve greater diffusion in our local area for the work that our HITZ Center carries out in language technology and artificial intelligence.

Basque Cluster on ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’

With AI Basque center we want to be an international [...]]]> This summer we have created AI Basque with the GAIA cluster. We want to achieve greater diffusion in our local area for the work that our HITZ Center carries out in language technology and artificial intelligence.

Basque Cluster on ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’

With AI Basque center we want to be an international reference in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), in industry, services sector and public administration. Our goal is to make companies, institutions and citizens aware of the advantages of artificial intelligence and proper data management. We want to extend this effort to all economic and social areas, in collaboration with other sectors, promoting the development of new products and services.

Who are we in AI Basque at present:

  • 21 companies in the sector of  ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’
  • 3 technology centers
  • Gaia Cluster
  • and our Hitz Center of the UPV/EHU.

See news published by GAIA Cluster:

Nace AI BASQUE de la mano del Clúster GAIA y del Grupo Hitz de la UPV-EHU para impulsar la Inteligencia Artificial en Euskadi

and by the Basque Government:

AI Basque sortu da, Gaia Klusterraren eta EHUko Hitz Taldearen eskutik, Inteligentzia Artifiziala sustatzeko Euskadin

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Eneko Agirre won for the third consecutive year the Google prize Wed, 01 Apr 2020 11:31:36 +0000

Eneko Agirre won again a Google prize last March. He is one of the few researchers who has obtained the Google Faculty Research Award on three occasions. The $62,000 prize will fund the project ‘Conversational Question Answering agents that learn after deployment’ to develop user dialogue systems, chatbots and artificial intelligence.


Eneko Agirre  won again a Google prize last March. He is one of the few researchers who has obtained the Google Faculty Research Award on three occasions. The $62,000 prize will fund the project ‘Conversational Question Answering agents that learn after deployment’ to develop user dialogue systems, chatbots and artificial intelligence.

Eneko Agirre, member of Ixa Group and professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the UPV/EHU, is the director of the newly created HiTZ Research Center. The other 6 colleagues in the project are professors Aitor Soroa and Gorka Azkune, researcher Arantxa Otegi, doctoral student Jon Ander Campos, student of Master in Language Analysis and Processing Aitor Agirre and student of Degree in Computer Science Eduardo Vallejo.

Although the project focuses mainly on English dialogues (questions about cooking and food), they are also working with Basque dialogues. For this purpose, last year Ixa Group launched a campaign to recruit volunteers for the collection of interviews in Basque. The campaign was succesfull and many personal interviews were collected in Basque (


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