Left unit | Sense | Right unit | Relation type | Relation name | Document | Tagger | Area | Notes |
In the recent past, a trend has been noted, and reported by many researchers in the area of Serbian scientific terminology, of importing borrowings of lexical and larger structural units from English into specific scientific registers, rather that to opt for translations, calques, etc. | <-- | This corresponds closely to the fact that a consensus has been reached among Serbian scientists of various orientations regarding the status of English as the only language of scientific communication in the last several decades.
| cause | N-S | TERM18_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Edozein zientzia-arlotako terminologia eraikitzea lan luzea eta neketsua da. | --> | Aurreko hamarkadetan, serbierako zientzia-arloko ikertzaile askok joera bat nabaritu dute eta horren berri eman dute: ingeleseko unitate lexikalen maileguak eta unitate-egitura luzeagoen maileguak hartzen dira zientzia-erregistro zehatz baterako, itzulpenak edo kalkoak egin ordez. Izan ere, iritzi ezberdinetako zientzialari serbiarrek adostasuna lortu dute eta aurreko hamarkadetan ingelesari eman diote zientzia-komunikaziorako hizkuntza bakarraren estatusa.
| cause | N-S | TERM18_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Aurreko hamarkadetan, serbierako zientzia-arloko ikertzaile askok joera bat nabaritu dute eta horren berri eman dute: ingeleseko unitate lexikalen maileguak eta unitate-egitura luzeagoen maileguak hartzen dira zientzia-erregistro zehatz baterako, itzulpenak edo kalkoak egin ordez. | <-- | Izan ere, iritzi ezberdinetako zientzialari serbiarrek adostasuna lortu dute eta aurreko hamarkadetan ingelesari eman diote zientzia-komunikaziorako hizkuntza bakarraren estatusa.
| cause | N-S | TERM18_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
As all subjects are taught through Irish, all terminology used on the course must be available in Irish. | --> | To this end, a special bilingual (Irish-English) termbank has been created for use by students and staff on the BSc in Finance, Computing and Enterprise.
| cause | N-S | TERM23_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Informatika, bulego-lana eta eraikuntzako arloetako termino teknikoen glosario eleanizduna biltzen ari da VOCALL, | <-- | eta horrek esan nahi du arlo horietako irlanderazko termino berri ugari sortzen ari dela.
| cause | N-S | TERM23_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
In the case of Basque the need is even greater, | <-- | as our language is not in a good situation in the field of law.
| causa | N-S | TERM25_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
y en el caso del euskera esa necesidad es aún más acentuada, | <-- | ya que en el ámbito jurÃdico nuestra lengua no se encuentra todavÃa en una buena situación.
| cause | N-S | TERM25_A2.rs3 | A2 | TERM | |
Euskararen kasuan beharrizan hori areagotu egin da, | <-- | esparru horretan gure hizkuntzaren egoera ez baita primerakoa, ezta hurrik eman ere.
| cause | N-S | TERM25_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Since legislation itself is the basis of written law and is therefore highly important in legal terminology, | --> | we took as our framework for research the whole body of law produced by the Basque Parliament.
| cause | N-S | TERM28_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Since the Basque language versions are translations of Spanish originals, | --> | we based our study on those originals and then found their Basque equivalents, in the sure knowledge that legal terminology in Spanish is sufficiently well consolidated and set down in dictionaries.
| cause | N-S | TERM28_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
we based our study on those originals and then found their Basque equivalents, | <-- | in the sure knowledge that legal terminology in Spanish is sufficiently well consolidated and set down in dictionaries.
| causa | N-S | TERM28_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Habida cuenta de que las versiones en euskera son traducciones de las originales en castellano, | --> | nos hemos basado en estas últimas para luego poder encontrar los equivalentes vascos, en la seguridad de que la terminologÃa jurÃdica en castellano está suficientemente consolidada y recopilada en sus correspondientes diccionarios.
| cause | N-S | TERM28_A2.rs3 | A2 | TERM | |
Legeen euskal bertsioak gaztelaniazko jatorrizko testuen itzulpenak direnez, | --> | erdal testuez baliatu gara,
| cause | N-S | TERM28_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Ever since information technology first made it possible to store and then process linguistic data, terminology has had to adapt constantly to technological innovations. | --> | This has posed, and indeed continues to pose, a constant challenge for the joint work of terminologists and software specialists.
| cause | N-S | TERM29_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Informatikak hizkuntzako datuak gorde eta, aurrerago, tratatzeko aukera eman zigunetik, terminologiak teknologi berrikuntzetara egokitu behar izan du etengabe. | --> | Horrek amaieragabeko erronka ekarri izan dio -eta oraindik ere hala dakarkio- terminologo eta informatikoen elkarlanari.
| cause | N-S | TERM29_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Zelanbait, idazketa espezializatua "idazketa teknikoa" terminoarekin lotuta dago, makinekin zerikusia daukan diskurtso-eredu bat. | --> | Horren ondorioz, ez du lortzen hizkuntzaren eredu matematiko baten arabera esaldiak aztertzeari edo testuetan ikono kulturalak bilatzeari, lan abstraktuagoak baitira, ematen zaien estatus bera.
| cause | N-S | TERM30_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Morpho-syntactic models are usually used, | --> | so it is advisable to have the text already analysed or at least labelled.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
In complex inflected languages poor results will ensue if only the formal aspect of words is dealt with: | --> | lemmatisation will be necessary.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
a discrimination between terms must be made, | <-- | because some of them may form part of longer units.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
The methods applied vary widely from project to project, | --> | so the simplest idea is to require a minimum absolute frequency (Justeson & Katz, 95),
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
We do not yet have any results, but we believe that the model will be wider than the noun phrase. | <-- | In the choice of technical terms, the case of internal declension may prove decisive.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
we shall come up against more major drawbacks, | <-- | because the unifying process of the language has not been completed, research carried out is limited and Basque is an agglutinative language.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
The results obtained are not yet those required for absolutely automatic extraction. | --> | A balance must be found between recall and precision. In this balance preference is given to recall, provided there is a person who can carry out the terminology reduction. To obtain a recall of 95% precision is usually reduced to 50%, and for a precision of 85% cover is not reduced even to 35%.
| causa | N-S | TERM31_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
El conocimiento lingüÃstico también es primordial en la normalización terminológica; | <-- | ya que como algunos términos pueden formar parte de otras unidades más largas, se ha de efectuar una discriminación entre ellos.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A2.rs3 | A2 | TERM | |
Terminoaren definizio formal eta osoa lortzea lan neketsua da | --> | Â eta horretan datza lanen atal garrantzitsu bat: terminoen ezaugarriak mugatzea.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Horretarako, eredu morfosintaktikoak erabili ohi direnez gero, | --> | komenigarria da testua analizaturik edukitzea edo gutxienez etiketatua.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Flexio konplexuko hizkuntzetan hitz-forma bakarrik tratatzeak emaitza kaxkarrak ekarriko ditu | --> | eta lematizazioa ezinbestekoa izango da.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
termino batzuk beste luzeago batzuen baitan egon daitezkeenez, | --> | haien artean diskriminatu egin behar baita.
| cause | N-S | TERM31_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
An increase in terminology has been an indicator of rapid development in breadth and depth in any hot field (especially in science and technology disciplines). | --> | As a result, any lively discipline is bombarded with problems in standardization of terminology.
| causa | N-S | TERM32_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
La nueva terminologÃa ha sido indicadora del rápido desarrollo, tanto en extensión como en profundidad, de cualquier campo que se encuentre en ebullición (sobre todo en las disciplinas cientÃficas). | --> | Por consiguiente, toda disciplina que se encuentre de actualidad es bombardeada con problemas de estandarización terminológica.
| cause | N-S | TERM32_A2.rs3 | A2 | TERM | |
Terminologia berria izan da edozein arlotako garapen azkarraren adierazlea, batez ere zientzien kasuan. | --> | Horren ondorioz, edozein diziplina bizik arazo ugari izaten ditu terminologia normalizatzean. Asmatzen diren terminoak sistematikotasunez sortu behar dira, esanahiari eta erabilerari dagokionean ezin dira anbiguoak izan, arlo bereko pareko beste termino batzuekin koherenteak izan behar dute. Hori guztia garrantzitsua da eta horrela egiten dela ziurtatu behar da. Hala ere, hizkuntza handi batek ez badauka berdintasunik (adibidez, kontinenteko Txinan, Taiwanen eta Hong Kongen erabiltzen den txinerak), diziplina batean erabiltzen diren terminoak termino-banku baten bidez bateratu behar dira.
| cause | N-S | TERM32_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
but often origins and referential nature are mixed | --> | and adjectives which are completely predicative are thrown into the same bag as adjectives which are without doubt completely referential.
| cause | N-S | TERM34_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Frantsesez ere atzizki desberdinak erabili ohi dira izenondo erreferentzialak eta predikatiboak sortzeko | <-- | eta ondorioz, familial-familier eta infantilinfantin bezalako bikoteak dituzte.
| cause | N-S | TERM34_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
decisión presidencial ostera, nekez egingo dugu presidente-erabaki | --> | eta presidentearen erabaki aukeratuko dugu ia zalantzarik gabe.
| cause | N-S | TERM34_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Internet terminology extends beyond the bounds of its specialist field (which by definition is part of the lexicon of science and technology) | --> | and breaks into general language. It is used both by a wide variety of net users (from any or no specialist fields) and by people who read the press or follow the media.
| cause | N-S | TERM38_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Ondorioz, funts funtsezko arazo baten aurrean aurkitzen gara: espezialitateko eremuaren mugak gainditzen dituela Interneteko terminologiak (espezialitatera mugatzen da, definizioz, lexiko zientifiko eta teknikoa), eta erabilera orokorreko hizkeran sartzen dela indartsu; | --> | horrela, bai sarearen erabiltzaile heterogeneoek (edozein espezialitatekoek zein espezialitaterik gabekoek), bai prentsa irakurri edo komunikabideei arreta jartzen dietenek, guztiok erabiltzen dute.
| cause | N-S | TERM38_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Beyond formations of the des1 hoja2 r ??hosto2 gabe1 tu type we must bear in mind the option hostoak2 galdu/kendu1 but especially the forms pozoin-du (en-venenar), bigun-du (re-blancederse), lerro-ka-tu (a-linear), irin-ez-ta-tu (enharinar), lur-rera-tu (a-terrizar), which should be standardised as the common correspondents of the prefixes a-, des-, en-, es-, in- and re- | <-- | so that more and better resources are made available.
| cause | N-N | TERM50_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |