Segments | Relation type | Relation name | Document | Tagger | Area | Notes |
Esperientzia horretan izandako zailtasunak eta, | halakorik izanez gero, lorpenak ere azaldu nahi ditugu.
| same-unit | N-N | TERM25_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
This has posed, and indeed continues to pose, | a constant challenge for the joint work of terminologists and software specialists.
| same-unit | N-N | TERM29_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
The design and management of terminological databases pose theoretical and methodological problems (how can a term be represented? Is there a minimum representation? How are terms to be classified?), | as well as IT problems (How should terminological databases be structured? What relationships should be covered? What is a dictionary unit?).
| same-unit | N-N | TERM29_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
lo que ha supuesto y supone aún hoy | un desafío permanente para el trabajo conjunto de terminólogos e informáticos.
| same-unit | N-N | TERM29_A2.rs3 | A2 | TERM | |
Efectivamente, el diseño y la gestión de las bases de datos terminológicos plantean problemas diversos tanto de índole teórica y metodológica (¿cómo se representa un término?, ¿existe una representación mínima?, ¿cómo se clasifican los términos?) | como de índole informática (¿cuál debería ser la estructura de una base de datos terminológicos?, ¿qué relaciones debe contemplar?, ¿cuál es la unidad de un diccionario?).
| same-unit | N-N | TERM29_A2.rs3 | A2 | TERM | |
Hala da, terminologiako datu-baseak diseinatzeak eta kudeatzeak hainbat arazo dakar bai teoria eta metodologiaren aldetik (nola adierazi terminoa? Ba al da gutxieneko adierazpenik? Nola sailkatu terminoak?), | eta baita informatikaren aldetik ere (zein egitura eduki behar luke terminologiako datu-base batek? Zein erlazio jaso behar lituzke? Zein da hiztegi bateko unitatea?).
| same-unit | N-N | TERM29_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Horrek amaieragabeko erronka ekarri izan dio -eta oraindik ere hala dakarkio- | terminologo eta informatikoen elkarlanari.
| same-unit | N-N | TERM29_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
The VOCALL project, | funded by the European Commission under the Leonardo Programme, seeks to build language learning tools for vocationally-oriented learners in the areas of computers, office skills and electronics,
| same-unit | N-N | TERM39_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
This tool, currently at the prototype stage, which will be identical for all languages of the project, | will be marketed as a self-learning tool for foreign-language (FL) learners, as well as disadvantaged learners of their first language (L1), in vocational and professional training in the areas mentioned.
| same-unit | N-S | TERM39_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |