Left unit | Sense | Right unit | Relation type | Relation name | Document | Tagger | Area | Notes |
Focussing on less widely used and taught languages (LWUTLs) including Irish, the VOCALL partners are compiling multilingual glossaries of technical terms in the areas of computers, office skills and electronics and this involves the creation of a large number of new Irish terms in the above areas. | --> | With the help of the Terminology Committee for the Irish Language (An Coiste T?arma?ochta) Fiontar and VOCALL are addressing the terminological needs of both Irishmedium third level education and Irish-medium vocational training.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM23_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Dublin Hiriko Unibertsitateko atal bat da Fiontar, zeinak Ekonomia, Informatika eta Enpresa-ikasketetako Lizentziatura ematen baitu, irlanderaren bidez. Irakasleek eta ikasleek, irlanderazko hiztun trebeak izan arren, ez dute aukerarik izan titulu horretarako behar den terminologia teknologiko zabala ezagutzeko. Gai guztiak irlanderaz ematen direnez gero, irakasgaian erabilitako terminologia osoak egon behar du eskuragarri irlanderaz. Horretarako, Ekonomia, Informatika eta Enpresa-ikasketetako Lizentziaturako ikasleek eta irakasleek termino-banku elebiduna (irlandera-ingelesa) sortu dute berenberegi. | <-- | VOCALL proiektua (Vocational Language Learning for Less Widely Used and Taught Languages - Lanbide Arloetako Hizkuntzaren Ikaskuntza Gutxi Erabiltzen eta Irakasten Diren Hizkuntzetan) Europako Batzordeak finantzatzen du Leonardo da Vinci Programaren barruan. Proiektuaren koordinadore da Dublin Hiriko Unibertsitatea (Dublin, Irlanda). Informatika, bulego-lana eta eraikuntzako ikasleentzako hizkuntza ikasteko tresnak egitea da helburua. Gutxi erabiltzen eta irakasten diren hizkuntzetan kontzentratzen da proiektua (LWUTL), irlandera barne. Informatika, bulego-lana eta eraikuntzako arloetako termino teknikoen glosario eleanizduna biltzen ari da VOCALL, eta horrek esan nahi du arlo horietako irlanderazko termino berri ugari sortzen ari dela.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM23_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
For the translation of legal texts it is absolutely necessary to study terminology. In the case of Basque the need is even greater, as our language is not in a good situation in the field of law. | --> | In recent years we have therefore worked to bring together in a single text the different translation techniques (use of adequate terminology, creation of new terms) and an in-depth knowledge of the legal systems which Basque must assimilate (Spanish, French and EU law). Once all this is correctly organised in a single text we can mould the "legal discourse" of Basque.
To attain this goal we have been translating doctrinal texts in law at the University of Deusto since 1994.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM25_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Bada, azken urteotako lanaren xedea izan da testu berean behar bezala uztartzea itzulpengintzaren arloan azaltzen diren eginkizun desberdinak, alegia, terminologia egokia erabili (hizperrien bitartez nahiz beste teknika batzuen bitartez), euskarak "etxeratu" behar duen sistema juridikoa bere luze-sakonean ezagutu (Espainiako Zuzenbidea, Frantziako Zuzenbidea, Europako Erkidegoen Zuzenbidea) eta osagai horiek guztiak artez antolatzea azken testu batean. | <-- | Hori bete-betean lortuz gero, euskarazko "diskurtso juridikoa" moldatuko genuke.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM25_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Ever since information technology first made it possible to store and then process linguistic data, terminology has had to adapt constantly to technological innovations. This has posed, and indeed continues to pose, a constant challenge for the joint work of terminologists and software specialists.
The design and management of terminological databases pose theoretical and methodological problems (how can a term be represented? Is there a minimum representation? How are terms to be classified?), as well as IT problems (How should terminological databases be structured? What relationships should be covered? What is a dictionary unit?). | --> | The need to find solutions which can be applied effectively in a real context has led us to take an approach which does not ignore theoretical postulates and the different methods of terminology and IT, but enables us to handle problems, carry out terminological work and disseminate the results.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM29_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Terminology management, that is collection, analysis, validation and distribution of terms, is crucial for converting information into comprehensible and applicable knowledge. Specialists of all persuasions are involved in coining terms, modifying existing terminology, rendering terms archaic or re-introducing discarded terms with new meanings. One task of specialists, it appears, is to coin neologisms, introduce retronyms, translate terms, validate terms and, in a rather indirect manner, compile or help to compete terminology collection of their specialisms. Modern science, contemporary leisure and entertainment, innovative enterprises, all distinguish themselves from their older incarnations not merely through goods, services or artefacts, but also through the terminology they use to describe the sciences, arts and culture, and business and enterprises. Terminology management is by and large a manual task that relies on the existence of well-motivated documentalists, translators and terminologists; the later performing the function of the former two. Currently available terminology management systems have alleviated some of the storage and retrieval tasks associated with the archival and presentation of specialist terms. However, the tasks of collection, analysis and validation are undertaken with skilled human beings. In languages used by numerical majorities, the expensive task of terminology management is underwritten by the expectation that there is a potentially large numbers of people who require and are willing to invest in creating terminology databases. For languages used by numerically smaller number of people this indeed is not the case; terminology management here is often linked with the politically-motivated, and often emotionally charged, work of language planning. The dependence on human beings for terminology management is greater in the lesser-used language communities than say may be the case of other languages.
The automation of terminology involvement management is not merely a task of writing computer programs, although such and undertaking is onerous in itself. Such an automation requires an understanding of how specialist text is written, how human beings deal with semantics of specialist domains, how discourse pattern change according to the needs of the authors and the readers of the texts. Writings in and about lesser-used languages are not easy come by and it appears that it is difficult to persuade people to undertake research and data collection in these areas. Somehow, specialist writing is associated with term 'technical writing', a discourse pattern which in turn is associated with machines and thereby not given the same status as the more abstract task of parsing sentences according to a mathematical model of language or searching for cultural icons in texts for instance.
But knowledge processing, a term that can be used for elaborating related activities like education, training, teaching and learning, problem solving and so on, is crucially dependent on the availability of specialist terminology collections. This especially true during the formative years of a child, the early carrier of a novice or a person being retrained; facts, principles, theories, and rules of thumb related to any human enterprise, collectively known as knowledge, are to be assimilated and then applied for teaching, learning, problem-solving etc. The 'raw material' available in text books, journals, unarticulated past experience, has to be communicated through the agency of terms whose meanings are well defined and used frequently by a specialist enterprise. Knowledge processing therefore is inextricably linked terminology management which, in turn, is linked with language planning and politics. | --> | Over the last ten years we have been building terminology collections in languages used by numerically larger groups of people, like English, German and Spanish, while at the same time attempting to adapt such methods for lesser used languages like Welsh, Norwegian, Flemish and Catalan.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM30_A1.rs3 | A1 | TERM | |
Horren ondorioz, edozein diziplina bizik arazo ugari izaten ditu terminologia normalizatzean. | <-- | Asmatzen diren terminoak sistematikotasunez sortu behar dira, esanahiari eta erabilerari dagokionean ezin dira anbiguoak izan, arlo bereko pareko beste termino batzuekin koherenteak izan behar dute. Hori guztia garrantzitsua da eta horrela egiten dela ziurtatu behar da. Hala ere, hizkuntza handi batek ez badauka berdintasunik (adibidez, kontinenteko Txinan, Taiwanen eta Hong Kongen erabiltzen den txinerak), diziplina batean erabiltzen diren terminoak termino-banku baten bidez bateratu behar dira.
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM32_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Non dago muga? | <-- | Predikatu-/ez-predikatu izaeran, argumentu-/eremu- /jabego-harremanean edo beste nonbait al datza gakoa? Izenondoaren jatorrian dagoen izenaren mugatu/mugagabe, bizidun/bizigabe, zenbakarri/zenbakaitza bezalako tasunek ba al dute nolabaiteko eraginik? Modifikatua den izena ekintza-, ondorio- edo objektu-izena izateak ba al du eraginik ezintasun horretan?
| solutionhood | N-S | TERM34_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |
Euskal atzizki izenondo-sortzaileen bidez, zein motatako izenondoak sor daitezke? | <-- | Zenbait izenondo erreferentzial izen elkartuen bidez euskara badaitezke ere, garbi dago bide honek ez dituela izenondo erreferentzial guztien ordainak eskaintzen. Non dago muga? Predikatu-/ez-predikatu izaeran, argumentu-/eremu- /jabego-harremanean edo beste nonbait al datza gakoa? Izenondoaren jatorrian dagoen izenaren mugatu/mugagabe, bizidun/bizigabe, zenbakarri/zenbakaitza bezalako tasunek ba al dute nolabaiteko eraginik? Modifikatua den izena ekintza-, ondorio- edo objektu-izena izateak ba al du eraginik ezintasun horretan? Zein dira erdal izenondo erreferentzial bat ezinbestean mailegatu behar izatera eraman gaitzaketen baldintzak? Noiz erabili ohi ditugu euskal izenlagunak erdal izenondoak ordezkatzeko?
| solutionhood | N-N | TERM34_A3.rs3 | A3 | TERM | |