1 |
A multilingual approach towards improving
the linguistic module of a TTS system: Case
Navarro-Lapurdian dialect |
Marı́a Andrea Cruz Blandón |
Inma Hernaez Rioja, Eva Navas Cordón and Denis Jouvet |
2019 |
2 |
Robust Document Representations for
Hyperpartisan and Fake News Detection |
Talita Anthonio, MA |
Rodrigo Agerri and Malvina Nissim |
2019 |
3 |
Annotation Inconsistencies in Universal Dependencies: Identification, and Correction |
Akshay Aggarwal Advisors: Daniel Zeman, Charles Univer |
Daniel Zeman, Koldo Gojenola |
2019 |
4 |
Universal Dependencies for Cape Verdean Creole |
Brandyn Emile Evora |
Aitziber Atutxa Salazar and Koldo Gojenola |
2019 |
5 |
Automatic Stance Detection on Political Discourse in Twitter |
Elena Zotova |
Rodrigo Agerri and German Rigau |
2019 |
6 |
A Common Semantic Space for Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Meta-Embeddings |
Iker García Ferrero |
German Rigau i Claramunt |
2019 |
7 |
An implementation of PLTL-model-checking using context-based tableaux and SAT-solvers |
Luis Pérez Guerrero |
Montserrat Hermo & Paqui Lucio |
2019 |
8 |
Data-Driven Lexicon Generation for ASR |
Maria Obedkova |
Eva Navas and Ibon Saratxaga |
2019 |
9 |
Emotion Recognition from Speech using Machine Learning algorithms |
Natallia Chaiko |
Eva Navas and Roberto Zamparelli |
2019 |
10 |
Exploring metrics for post-editing effort:
and their ability to detect errors in machine
translated output |
Cristina Cumbreño Díez |
Nora Aranberri |
2019 |
11 |
Spanish-Swedish Neural Machine Translation
for the Civil Engineering Domain |
Linda Emilia Hedberg |
Gorka Labaka and Koldo Gojenola |
2019 |
12 |
Building a dialogue system for question-answer forum websites |
Jon Ander Campos |
Eneko Agirre and Arantxa Otegi |
2019 |
13 |
Gazteak eta euskara sare sozialetan.
Zer, nori, nork: euskarazko txio formal eta
informalak sailkatuz eta konparatuz. |
Joseba Fernandez de Landa Agirre |
Iñaki Alegria eta Rodrigo Agerri |
2019 |
14 |
Elaboration of a RST Chinese Treebank |
Shuyuan Cao |
Mikel Iruskieta and Iria da Cunha |
2018 |
15 |
Ikasleen laburpen-corpusa eta laburpen-gaitasunaren ebaluazioa: oinarri metodologikoak |
Unai Atutxa Barrenetxea |
Mikel Iruskieta |
2018 |
16 |
Multilingual Word Embeddings and
Their Utility In Cross-lingual Learning
...or lack thereof |
Eneko Agirre and Gertjan Van Noord |
2018 |
17 |
Neural Natural Language Generation with
Unstructured Contextual Information |
Harritxu Gete |
Thierry Etchegoyhen and Oier Lopez De Lacalle |
2018 |
18 |
Automating the Anonymisation
of Textual Corpora |
Laura Garcı́a Sardiña |
Arantza del Pozo and Izaskun Aldezabal |
2018 |
19 |
Analysis, overview and creation of an Arabic LVCSR |
Aratz Puerto Gonzalez |
Eva Navas & Aitor Alvarez |
2018 |
20 |
Efficient Extraction of Parallel Corpora
from Wikipedia |
Jon Rubio Astigarraga |
Thierry Etchegoyhen and Gorka Labaka |
2018 |
21 |
Itzulpen automatikoaren kalitate
estimaziorako bi tresnen konparaketa:
Quest++ eta sare neuronal bidezko
hurbilketa |
Oneka Jauregi Mikelarena |
Gorka Labaka eta Iñaki Alegria |
2018 |
22 |
Gazteak eta euskara sare sozialetan.
Zer, nori, nork: euskarazko txio formal eta
informalak sailkatuz eta konparatuz. |
Joseba Fernandez de Landa Agirre |
Iñaki Alegria eta Rodrigo Agerri |
2018 |
23 |
Noisy Speech Recognition using Kaldi and
Neural Architectures |
Ander González Docasal |
Vassilis Tsiaras, George P. Kafentzis, Yannis Stylianou |
2018 |
24 |
Unsupervised Methods to Predict Example
Difficulty in Word Sense Annotation |
Cristina Aceta Moreno |
Oier López de Lacalle, Eneko Agirre and Izaskun Aldezabal |
2018 |
25 |
To post-edit or to translate... That is the question:
A case study of a recommender system for Quality Estimation
of Machine Translation based on linguistic features |
Ona de Gibert Bonet |
Nora Aranberri |
2018 |
26 |
Basque-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-Basque
Machine Translation for the health domain |
Xabier Soto Garcı́a |
Maite Oronoz hap/la |
2018 |
27 |
Mapping of Electronic Health Records in
Spanish to the Unified Medical Language
System Metathesaurus |
Naiara Perez |
Montse Cuadros and German Rigau |
2017 |
28 |
A Study Towards Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation |
Noelia Migueles-Abraira |
Rodrigo Agerri and Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza |
2017 |
29 |
Testu arteko koherentziazko erlazio-egitura: lehen urratsak euskaraz |
Alazne Rodriguez |
Mikel Iruskieta |
2016 |
30 |
Multilingual Central Repository version 3.0: improving a very large lexical knowledge base |
Daniel Parera Perez |
German Rigau Claramunt |
2016 |