Clarin-k centre Ixa taldea

General text analysis:

  • Word count and character count
  • Word and lemma extraction
  • Words per grammatical category (statistics)
  • Proper nouns and other named entities

Summarization tool:

Compress eu

  • A discourse-based summarization tool to manage
    extracts and abstracts summaries in the classroom
  • - Extracts summaries
     - Abstracts summaries



Our main aim in the Clarin K-center is to offer several language technology tools, resources, methods, articles, videos and other information for people working in Social Sciences and Humanities on this website or in a close collaboration. If you are a researcher and you have a corpus and a defined task, we can collaborate creating new language technology tools or the adaptation of an existing one.
The Ixa-CLARIN-K CENTRE is a working group of the Spanish CLARIN K-Centre (knowledge centre approved by CLARIN-ERIC).
For further information, please see the following paper:
"Núria Bel, Elena Gonzalez-Blanco, Mikel Iruskieta (2016).CLARIN Centro-K-Español . Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 57: 151-154" More information about the CLARIN Knowledge Centre: here.


Ixa Group
(UPV/EHU, Donostia)

Ixa group is a multidisciplinary research team that brings together members of five departments from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), namely, Computer Languages and Systems, Computer Architecture and Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Language and Communication, and Language and Literature Didactics. The group specialises in applied research for Basque while also doing research and developing tools for other languages. The group has participated in over 60 projects and has developed over 20 products over the years. You can try the products here:



Laboratorio de innovación en Humanidades Digitales (LINDH) is a research center on Digital Humanities at UNED that works as a hub for innovation, research, consultancy and training intended for researchers and projects in Spanish. The LINDH is concerned with the benefits of Text enrichment, Semantic Web, databases and digital edition. It is concerned to ensure proper standards of digital humanities, such as TEI-XML for tagging texts, and it offers an approach to the Spanish-speaking world of projects, resources and activities of other countries, mostly English-speaking.


Instituto da Lingua Galega (ILG/USC) (Santiago de Compostela)

The Instituto da Lingua Galega (the Galician Language Institute) is a research centre affiliated to the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Since it was founded in May 1971, the Instituto has been working actively in the areas of Galician linguistic and philological research while simultaneously developing computer tools and applications which serve to make the results of such research available to the academic community and society as a whole.


Ixa group
M. Lardizabal Pasealekua 1
20080 Donostia
(Basque Country)

