Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
a- | a- | Stedman's: not, without, less Wikipedia: no, not, without |
Analgesic, apathy | |
ab- | ab- | Stedman's: from, away from, off Wikipedia: away McCarthy: Away from, outside of |
Abduction, abaxial | |
abdomin- | abdomin- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to the abdomen McCarthy: Denotes the abdomen |
Abdomen, abdominogenital, abdominopelvic | |
abdomino- | abdomino- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to the abdomen McCarthy: Denotes the abdomen |
Abdomen, abdominogenital, abdominopelvic | |
abro- | abro- | McCarthy: Delicate, graceful | Abrocoma = a genus of fine-haired, South American rodents | |
abs- | abs- | Stedman's: from, away from, off | ||
ac- | ak- | McCarthy: See: ad-. | ||
acanth- | akant- | Wikipedia: thorn or spine McCarthy: Thorn, spine, any sharp process |
acanthion, acanthocyte, acanthoma, acanthulus, acanthoid | |
acantho- | akanto- | Stedman's: thorn Wikipedia: thorn or spine McCarthy: Thorn, spine, any sharp process |
acanthion, acanthocyte, acanthoma, acanthulus, acanthoid | |
acar- | akar- | McCarthy: Denotes ticks or mites | acarine, acarology | |
acari- | akari- | McCarthy: Denotes ticks or mites | acarine, acarology | |
acario- | akario- | McCarthy: Denotes ticks or mites | acarine, acarology | |
acaro- | akaro- | McCarthy: Denotes ticks or mites | acarine, acarology | |
accipitr- | akzipitr- | McCarthy: Denotes a bird of prey, usually goshawks or sparrowhawks | accipitral | |
acet- | azet- | McCarthy: Vinegar, acid, acetic, acetyl | acetamide | |
aceto- | azeto- | McCarthy: Vinegar, acid, acetic, acetyl | acetamide | |
acetyl- | azetil- | McCarthy: Vinegar, acid, acetic, acetyl | acetamide | |
aci- | azi- | McCarthy: Indicates the acid of a tautomeric compound. | ||
acicul- | azikul- | McCarthy: Needle, needlelike | aciculate | |
acipenser- | azipenser- | McCarthy: Denotes sturgeon | Acipenseriformes | |
acou- | aku- | Stedman's: hearing McCarthy: Denotes hearing |
acoumeter | |
acous- | akus- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to hearing McCarthy: Denotes hearing |
acoumeter, acoustician, acoumeter | |
acousio- | akusio- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to hearing | acoumeter, acoustician | |
acouso- | akuso- | McCarthy: Denotes hearing | acoumeter | |
acoust- | akust- | McCarthy: Denotes hearing | acoumeter | |
acr- | akr- | Wikipedia: extremity, topmost McCarthy: At the top or apex |
Acrocrany, acromegaly, acroosteolysis, acroposthia, acrogenous, acromion | |
acrid- | akrid- | McCarthy: Denotes grasshopper(s) | Acrididae | |
acrido- | akrido- | McCarthy: Denotes grasshopper(s) | Acrididae | |
acro- | akro- | Stedman's: extremity Wikipedia: extremity, topmost McCarthy: At the top or apex |
Acrocrany, acromegaly, acroosteolysis, acroposthia, acrogenous, acromion | |
acromio- | akromio- | McCarthy: Denotes the acromion | acromiohumeral | |
actin- | aktin- | McCarthy: Having rays, radiating spines, or tentacles | Actinophrys | |
actino- | aktino- | McCarthy: Having rays, radiating spines, or tentacles | Actinophrys | |
acu- | aku- | Stedman's: hearing McCarthy: With a needle |
acupuncture, acusection | |
acule- | akule- | McCarthy: Stinging, prickly; prickle, thorn, spine | aculeolate | |
aculeo- | akuleo- | McCarthy: Stinging, prickly; prickle, thorn, spine | aculeolate | |
acumin- | akumin- | McCarthy: Pointed, sharp, tapering, stinging | acuminate | |
acus- | akus- | |||
acuti- | akuti- | McCarthy: Pointed, sharp, severe, acute | acutifoliate | |
acuto- | akuto- | McCarthy: Pointed, sharp, severe, acute | acutifoliate | |
ad- | ad- | Stedman's: increase, adherence, motion toward, very Wikipedia: at, increase, on, toward McCarthy: Toward, at, on Note: ad- becomes ac- before c, k, or q ; af- before f ; ag- before g ; al- before l ; ap- before p ; as- before s ; at- before t |
Adduction, adducent, adrenal, acclimation, afferent, agglutinate, allusion, approximal, assimilate, rare | |
aden- | aden- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to a gland McCarthy: Denotes gland |
Adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus, adenocarcinoma | |
adeni- | adeni- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to a gland | Adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus | |
adeno- | adeno- | Stedman's: gland Wikipedia: Of or relating to a gland McCarthy: Denotes gland |
Adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus, adenocarcinoma | |
adip- | adip- | Stedman's: fat Wikipedia: Of or relating to fat or fatty tissue McCarthy: Denotes fat |
Adipocyte, adipose, adiposis | |
adipo- | adipo- | Stedman's: fat Wikipedia: Of or relating to fat or fatty tissue McCarthy: Denotes fat |
Adipocyte, adipose, adiposis | |
adren- | adren- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to adrenal glands McCarthy: Denotes the adrenal gland See: adren-. |
adrenal artery, adrenosterone | |
adrenal- | adrenal- | McCarthy: Denotes the adrenal gland See: adren-. | adrenosterone | |
adreno- | adreno- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to adrenal glands McCarthy: Denotes the adrenal gland See: adren-. |
adrenal artery, adrenosterone | |
aequi- | eki- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: variant of equi. | ||
aer- | aer- | Wikipedia: air, gas McCarthy: Air |
Aerosinusitis, aerobic | |
aeri- | aeri- | McCarthy: Air | aerobic | |
aero- | aero- | Wikipedia: air, gas McCarthy: Air |
Aerosinusitis, aerobic | |
aesthesi- | estesi- | McCarthy: See: esthesi-. McCarthy: Denotes sensation |
esthesiology, esthesiometry, esthesiophysiology | |
aesthesio- | estesio- | Wikipedia: sensation McCarthy: See: esthesi-. McCarthy: Denotes sensation |
Anesthesia, esthesiology, esthesiometry, esthesiophysiology | |
aetio- | etio- | McCarthy: See: etio-. McCarthy: (1) cause ; (2) created by the breaking down of the chemical compound specified by the stem |
etiology, etioporphyrin | |
af- | af- | McCarthy: See: ad-. | ||
ag- | ag- | McCarthy: See: ad-. | ||
agr- | agr- | McCarthy: Denotes farming, fields, rusticity, or wildness | agriculture | |
agri- | agri- | McCarthy: Denotes farming, fields, rusticity, or wildness | agriculture | |
agrio- | agrio- | McCarthy: Denotes farming, fields, rusticity, or wildness | agriculture | |
aidoio- | ???- | Stedman's: genitals | ||
alb- | alb- | Stedman's: white Wikipedia: Denoting a white or pale color McCarthy: White, pale, bright |
Albino, albino | |
albi- | albi- | McCarthy: White, pale, bright | albino | |
albid- | albid- | McCarthy: White, pale, bright | albino | |
albo- | albo- | Stedman's: white | ||
albu- | albu- | McCarthy: White, pale, bright | albino | |
alg- | alg- | McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain | algesia | |
alge- | alge- | Stedman's: pain Wikipedia: pain McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain |
Analgesic, algesia | |
alges- | alges- | McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain | algesia | |
algesi- | algesi- | Stedman's: pain Wikipedia: pain McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain |
Analgesic, algesia | |
algesio- | algesio- | McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain | algesia | |
algi- | algi- | McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain | algesia | |
algio- | algio- | Stedman's: pain Wikipedia: pain McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain |
Myalgia, algesia | |
algo- | algo- | Stedman's: pain Wikipedia: pain McCarthy: Denotes pain or sensitivity to pain |
Myalgia, algesia | |
alkal- | alkal- | McCarthy: Alkali | alkaline | |
alkali- | alkali- | McCarthy: Alkali | alkaline | |
all- | al- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as different, or as an addition McCarthy: Other, different, dissimilar, extraneous |
Alloantigen, allopathy, allopolyploid | |
alli- | ali- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the onion genus Allium. | ||
allo- | alo- | Stedman's: other, different Wikipedia: Denoting something as different, or as an addition McCarthy: Other, different, dissimilar, extraneous |
Alloantigen, allopathy, allopolyploid | |
amb- | anb- | McCarthy: Both | ambilateral | |
ambi- | anbi- | Stedman's: around, on (both) sides, on all sides, both Wikipedia: Denoting something as positioned on both sides; describing both of two McCarthy: Both |
Ambidextrous, ambilateral | |
ambly- | anbli- | Stedman's: dull McCarthy: Blunt, dull, impaired perception |
amblyopia, Amblypygi | |
amblyo- | anblio- | Stedman's: dull McCarthy: Blunt, dull, impaired perception |
amblyopia, Amblypygi | |
ambul- | anbul- | McCarthy: Denotes walking or moving about | ambulatory, Ambulocetus | |
ambulo- | anbulo- | McCarthy: Denotes walking or moving about | ambulatory, Ambulocetus | |
amethyst- | amatist- | McCarthy: Lavender, purple | Lampornis amethystinus | |
amid- | amid- | McCarthy: Containing the amino group ; generally in combination with a acid radical | —NH2, amidine | |
amido- | amido- | McCarthy: Containing the amino group ; generally in combination with a acid radical | —NH2, amidine | |
amin- | amin- | McCarthy: Containing the amino group in combination with a non-acid radical | aminoacetic acid | |
amino- | amino- | McCarthy: Containing the amino group in combination with a non-acid radical | aminoacetic acid | |
amni- | amni- | Wikipedia: Pertaining to the membranous fetal sac (amnion) | Amniocentesis | |
amnio- | amnio- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the amnion | amniorrhexis | |
ampel- | anpel- | McCarthy: Denotes vines, especially grapevines | ampelinum | |
amph- | anf- | Wikipedia: on both sides McCarthy: Around, on both sides |
Amphicrania, amphismela, amphomycin, amphibian, amphimixis | |
amphi- | anfi- | Wikipedia: on both sides McCarthy: Around, on both sides |
Amphicrania, amphismela, amphomycin, amphibian, amphimixis | |
amphor- | anfor- | McCarthy: Shaped like an amphora, a type of ancient Grecian urn | amphorata | |
ampl- | anpli- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: large, ample | Syzygium_amplifolium | |
amplexi- | anplexi- | McCarthy: Clasping, grasping | amplexifoliate | |
ampulla- | anpoila- | McCarthy: Denotes a bladder or flask | ampullaceous | |
amygdal- | amigdal- | McCarthy: (1) almond(s); almond-shaped ; (2) tonsil | amygdaloid | |
amyl- | amil- | Stedman's: starch, polysaccharide McCarthy: Starch |
amylase | |
amylo- | amilo- | Stedman's: starch, polysaccharide | ||
an- | an- | Stedman's: not, without, -less Wikipedia: no, not, without Wikipedia: not, without McCarthy: Negative, not Note: a- is used before consonants other than h ; before vowels, and usually before h, an- is used. McCarthy: See: a- McCarthy: (1) up, upward ; (2) back McCarthy: Pertaining to the anus |
Analgesia, abiotic, acaulescent, acephalia, aphasia, asexual, atrophy, anorexia, and sometimes even before h, anabolic, anagenesis, anaphase, anorectal | |
ana- | ana- | Stedman's: up, toward, apart Wikipedia: back, again, up McCarthy: (1) up, upward ; (2) back |
Anaplasia, anabolic, anagenesis, anaphase | |
anchyl- | ankil- | McCarthy: See: ankyl-. McCarthy: (1) bent, curved ; (2) fusion, stiffness, growing together |
Ancylostomatidae, ankylodactylia | |
anchylo- | ankilo- | McCarthy: See: ankyl-. McCarthy: (1) bent, curved ; (2) fusion, stiffness, growing together |
Ancylostomatidae, ankylodactylia | |
ancyl- | ankil- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as crooked or bent McCarthy: See: ankyl-. McCarthy: (1) bent, curved ; (2) fusion, stiffness, growing together |
Ankylosis, Ancylostomatidae, ankylodactylia | |
ancylo- | ankilo- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as crooked or bent McCarthy: See: ankyl-. McCarthy: (1) bent, curved ; (2) fusion, stiffness, growing together |
Ankylosis, Ancylostomatidae, ankylodactylia | |
andr- | andr- | Wikipedia: pertaining to a man McCarthy: (1) of, pertaining to, or like a man or men; male ; (2) in plants, pertaining to the stamen. |
Android, andrology, Andrias, androgen | |
andro- | andro- | Stedman's: male Wikipedia: pertaining to a man McCarthy: (1) of, pertaining to, or like a man or men; male ; (2) in plants, pertaining to the stamen. |
Android, andrology, Andrias, androgen | |
anem- | anem- | McCarthy: Denotes wind | anemochore | |
anemo- | anemo- | McCarthy: Denotes wind | anemochore | |
angi- | angi- | Stedman's: vessel Wikipedia: blood vessel |
Angiogram | |
angio- | angio- | Stedman's: vessel Wikipedia: blood vessel McCarthy: Relating to blood or lymph vessels |
Angiogram, angiorrhexis | |
anglo- | anglo- | McCarthy: English | anglophobe | |
aniso- | aniso- | Wikipedia: Describing something as unequal McCarthy: Unequal, not uniform |
Anisocytosis, anisotropic, anisogamy | |
ankyl- | ankil- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as crooked or bent McCarthy: (1) bent, curved ; (2) fusion, stiffness, growing together |
Ankylosis, Ancylostomatidae, ankylodactylia | |
ankylo- | ankilo- | Stedman's: crooked Wikipedia: Denoting something as crooked or bent McCarthy: (1) bent, curved ; (2) fusion, stiffness, growing together |
Ankylosis, Ancylostomatidae, ankylodactylia | |
ano- | ano- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the anus McCarthy: See: an-. |
anorectal | |
ant- | ant- | McCarthy: (1) against; (2) opposing ; (2) neutralizing | antienzyme, antidote | |
ante- | ante- | Stedman's: before Wikipedia: Describing something as positioned in front of another thing McCarthy: (1) against; (2) opposing ; (2) neutralizing McCarthy: Before, in front, forward |
antepartum, antienzyme, antidote, antepenultimate | |
anter- | anter- | McCarthy: In front, anterior | anteriad, anterolateral, anteroposterior | |
antero- | antero- | McCarthy: In front, anterior | anteriad, anterolateral, anteroposterior | |
anth- | ant- | McCarthy: (1) against; (2) opposing ; (2) neutralizing McCarthy: (1) flower; (2) flowerlike |
antienzyme, antidote, anthocyanin | |
antho- | anto- | McCarthy: (1) flower; (2) flowerlike | anthocyanin | |
anthrac- | antrak- | McCarthy: (1) coal ; (2) anthrax-related. | anthracosis | |
anthraco- | antrako- | Stedman's: coal, carbon McCarthy: (1) coal ; (2) anthrax-related. |
anthracosis | |
anthrop- | antrop- | McCarthy: Of or relating to human beings | anthropomorphism | |
anthropo- | antropo- | McCarthy: Of or relating to human beings | anthropomorphism | |
anti- | anti- | Stedman's: 1 against, opposing, 2 curative, 3 antibody Wikipedia: Describing something as 'against' or 'opposed to' another McCarthy: (1) against; (2) opposing ; (2) neutralizing |
Antibody, antipsychotic, antienzyme, antidote | |
ap- | ap- | McCarthy: Away from, off, detached; separate | apocarpous | |
aph- | af- | McCarthy: Away from, off, detached; separate | apocarpous | |
api- | api- | McCarthy: Bee | apiology, apiphobia | |
apic- | apik- | McCarthy: Tip, end, summit | apical | |
apici- | apizi- | McCarthy: Tip, end, summit | apical | |
apico- | apiko- | McCarthy: Tip, end, summit | apical | |
apl- | apl- | McCarthy: See: haplo-. McCarthy: (1) single, simple ; (2) denoting the haploid condition |
haploid, haplotype | |
aplano- | aplano- | McCarthy: Non-mobile | aplanospore | |
aplo- | aplo- | McCarthy: See: haplo-. McCarthy: (1) single, simple ; (2) denoting the haploid condition |
haploid, haplotype | |
apo- | apo- | Stedman's: separated from, derived from Wikipedia: away, separated from, derived from McCarthy: Away from, off, detached; separate |
Apoptosis, apocarpous | |
append- | apend- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the vermiform appendix | appendectomy, appendicitis | |
appendic- | apendiz- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the vermiform appendix | appendectomy, appendicitis | |
appendico- | apendiko- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the vermiform appendix | appendectomy, appendicitis | |
appendo- | apendo- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the vermiform appendix | appendectomy, appendicitis | |
aque- | akue- | Stedman's: water | ||
aqueo- | akueo- | Stedman's: water | ||
arab- | arab- | McCarthy: Arabinose | arabogalactan | |
arabo- | arab- | McCarthy: Arabinose | arabogalactan | |
arachn- | arakn- | McCarthy: (1) pertaining to or like an arachnid ; (2) relating to the arachnoid membrane | arachnodactyly, arachnitis | |
arachno- | arakno- | McCarthy: (1) pertaining to or like an arachnid ; (2) relating to the arachnoid membrane | arachnodactyly, arachnitis | |
arch- | ark- | Wikipedia: first, primitive McCarthy: Denotes the anus or rectum |
archinephron, archocele | |
archa- | arka- | McCarthy: Original, initial, at the beginning | archetype | |
arche- | arke- | McCarthy: Original, initial, at the beginning | archetype | |
archeo- | arkeo- | McCarthy: Original, initial, at the beginning | archetype | |
archo- | arko- | McCarthy: Denotes the anus or rectum | archocele | |
arct- | arkt- | McCarthy: (1) bear ; (2) north, northern | Arctodus, arctic | |
arct- | art- | McCarthy: (1) bear ; (2) north, northern | Arctodus, arctic | |
arcto- | arkto- | McCarthy: (1) bear ; (2) north, northern | Arctodus, arctic | |
arcto- | arto- | McCarthy: (1) bear ; (2) north, northern | Arctodus, arctic | |
argilla- | argila- | McCarthy: Clay | argillaceous | |
argilli- | argili- | McCarthy: Clay | argillaceous | |
argillo- | argilo- | McCarthy: Clay | argillaceous | |
arsen- | arsen- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a male; masculine | arsenoblast | |
arseno- | arseno- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a male; masculine | arsenoblast | |
arter- | arter- | |||
arteri- | arteri- | Stedman's: artery Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to an artery McCarthy: Artery |
Arteriole, artery, arteriography, arteriogram | |
arterio- | arterio- | Stedman's: artery Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to an artery McCarthy: Artery |
Arteriole, artery, arteriography, arteriogram | |
arteriol- | arteriol- | McCarthy: Arteriole | arteriolopathy | |
arteriolo- | arteriolo- | McCarthy: Arteriole | arteriolopathy | |
arthr- | artr- | Stedman's: joint, articulation Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the joints, limbs McCarthy: Joint |
Arthritis, arthritis | |
arthro- | artro- | Stedman's: joint, articulation Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the joints, limbs McCarthy: Joint |
Arthritis, arthritis | |
articul- | artikul- | Wikipedia: joint | Articulation | |
articulo- | artikulo- | Wikipedia: joint | Articulation | |
as- | as- | McCarthy: See: ad-. | ||
asc- | asz- | McCarthy: bladder, sac, ascus | ascospore | |
asci- | aszi- | McCarthy: bladder, sac, ascus | ascospore | |
asco- | asko- | McCarthy: bladder, sac, ascus | ascospore | |
aster- | aster- | McCarthy: star, star-shaped | asteroidea, astrobiology | |
astero- | astero- | McCarthy: star, star-shaped | asteroidea, astrobiology | |
asthen- | asten- | McCarthy: Denotes weakness or loss of strength | asthenia | |
astheno- | asteno- | McCarthy: Denotes weakness or loss of strength | asthenia | |
astro- | astro- | McCarthy: star, star-shaped | asteroidea, astrobiology | |
at- | at- | McCarthy: See: ad-. | ||
atel- | atel- | Wikipedia: imperfect or incomplete development McCarthy: Imperfect, incomplete, developmental or structural defect |
atelocardia, atelopodia, atelorachidia | |
atelo- | atelo- | Wikipedia: imperfect or incomplete development McCarthy: Imperfect, incomplete, developmental or structural defect |
atelocardia, atelopodia, atelorachidia | |
ater- | ater- | McCarthy: Black, dark | atriceps | |
ather- | ater- | Wikipedia: fatty deposit, soft gruel-like deposit | Atherosclerosis | |
athero- | atero- | Stedman's: pasty, fatty Wikipedia: fatty deposit, soft gruel-like deposit McCarthy: Soft |
Atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis | |
atlant- | atlant- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the atlas | altantad | |
atlanto- | atlanto- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the atlas | altantad | |
atm- | atm- | McCarthy: Air, vapor | atmosphere | |
atmo- | atmo- | McCarthy: Air, vapor | atmosphere | |
atri- | atri- | Wikipedia: an atrium (esp. heart atrium) McCarthy: Black, dark McCarthy: Relating to an atrium, usually of a heart |
atrioventricular, atriceps, atrioventricular | |
atrio- | atrio- | Wikipedia: an atrium (esp. heart atrium) McCarthy: Relating to an atrium, usually of a heart |
atrioventricular, atrioventricular | |
atro- | atro- | McCarthy: Black, dark | atriceps | |
attic- | atic- | |||
attico- | atico- | McCarthy: Denotes the tympanic attic | atticitis | |
atto- | atto- | Stedman's: one quintillionth (10Ϫ18) McCarthy: 10-18 |
attomole | |
audi- | audi- | Stedman's: hearing | ||
audio- | audio- | Stedman's: hearing McCarthy: (1) hearing ; (2) sound |
audiology, audiospectrometer | |
aur- | aur- | Stedman's: ear Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ear McCarthy: Gold, gold-colored |
Aural, auric | |
auri- | auri- | Stedman's: ear Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ear McCarthy: Gold, gold-colored McCarthy: (1) relating to the ear, earlike ; (2) relating to the auricula of the ear. |
Aural, auric, Primula auricula | |
auricul- | aurikul- | McCarthy: (1) relating to the ear, earlike ; (2) relating to the auricula of the ear. | Primula auricula | |
auriculo- | aurikulo- | McCarthy: (1) relating to the ear, earlike ; (2) relating to the auricula of the ear. | Primula auricula | |
auro- | auro- | Stedman's: ear McCarthy: Gold, gold-colored |
auric | |
austral- | austral- | McCarthy: Southern | australopithecine | |
australo- | australo- | McCarthy: Southern | australopithecine | |
aut- | aut- | Stedman's: self, same Wikipedia: self McCarthy: Self |
Autoimmune, autolysis, automaton | |
auto- | auto- | Stedman's: self, same Wikipedia: self McCarthy: Self |
Autoimmune, autolysis, automaton | |
aux- | aux- | Wikipedia: increase; growth McCarthy: Growth, increase |
Auxocardia : enlargement of the heart, Auxology, auxin, auxocyte | |
auxo- | auxo- | Wikipedia: increase; growth McCarthy: Growth, increase |
Auxocardia : enlargement of the heart, Auxology, auxin, auxocyte | |
avi- | abi- | McCarthy: Bird | aviculture | |
ax- | ax- | McCarthy: Axis | axon | |
axill- | axil- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the armpit (uncommon as a prefix) McCarthy: Armpit |
Axilla, axillobifemoral | |
axillo- | axilo- | McCarthy: Armpit | axillobifemoral | |
axo- | axo- | McCarthy: Axis | axon | |
az- | az- | McCarthy: (1) containing nitrogen (2) containing the group N=N bonded to carbon on both ends | azobenzene | |
azo- | azo- | McCarthy: (1) containing nitrogen (2) containing the group N=N bonded to carbon on both ends | azobenzene | |
azo- | azo- | McCarthy: (1) containing nitrogen (2) containing the group N=N bonded to carbon on both ends | azobenzene |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
bacter- | bakter- | McCarthy: Denotes bacteria | bacteremia, bactericide, bacteriophage | |
bacteri- | bakteri- | Stedman's: bacteria | ||
bacterio- | bakterio- | Stedman's: bacteria McCarthy: Denotes bacteria |
bacteremia, bactericide, bacteriophage | |
balan- | balan- | McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the glans penis or glans clitoridis ; (2) acorn, acornlike | balanopreputial, Balanidae | |
balano- | balano- | Stedman's: penis Wikipedia: Of the glans penis or glans clitoridis McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the glans penis or glans clitoridis ; (2) acorn, acornlike |
Balanitis, balanopreputial, Balanidae | |
bar- | bar- | McCarthy: Weight, heaviness, pressure | barospirator, barotaxis | |
baro- | baro- | McCarthy: Weight, heaviness, pressure | barospirator, barotaxis | |
bary- | bari- | McCarthy: Weight, heaviness, pressure | barospirator, barotaxis | |
bath- | bat- | McCarthy: Depth, deep | bathypelagic | |
batho- | bato- | McCarthy: Depth, deep | bathypelagic | |
bathy- | bati- | McCarthy: Depth, deep | bathypelagic | |
batrach- | batrak- | McCarthy: Frog, toad | batrachoid, batrachophagous, batrachotoxin | |
bi- | bi- | Stedman's: twice, double Wikipedia: twice, double McCarthy: Life, living organisms McCarthy: Twice, double |
Binary, bioluminescence, bisetose, bipedal | |
bili- | bili- | McCarthy: Pertaining to bile | bilirubin | |
bio- | bio- | Stedman's: life Wikipedia: life McCarthy: Life, living organisms |
Biology, bioluminescence | |
bis- | bis- | McCarthy: Twice, double | bisetose, bipedal | |
blast- | blast- | Wikipedia: germ or bud McCarthy: Bud, germ |
Blastomere, blastema, blastocyst | |
blasto- | blasto- | Stedman's: budding by cells or tissue Wikipedia: germ or bud McCarthy: Bud, germ |
Blastomere, blastema, blastocyst | |
blatt- | blat- | |||
blatta- | blata- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: nocturnal insect especially: roach | Blattaria | |
blenn- | blen- | McCarthy: Mucus, or pertaining to mucus | blennostatic | |
blenno- | bleno- | McCarthy: Mucus, or pertaining to mucus | blennostatic | |
blephar- | blefar- | Stedman's: eyelid Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eyelid McCarthy: Eyelash, cilium |
Blepharoplast, blepharoplast | |
blepharo- | blefaro- | Stedman's: eyelid Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eyelid McCarthy: Eyelash, cilium |
Blepharoplast, blepharoplast | |
bothr- | botr- | McCarthy: Pit, hole, trough | Bothriocephalus | |
bothro- | botro- | McCarthy: Pit, hole, trough | Bothriocephalus | |
botry- | botri- | McCarthy: Like a bunch of grapes | botryoid | |
botryo- | botrio- | McCarthy: Like a bunch of grapes | botryoid | |
brachi- | braki- | Stedman's: arm Wikipedia: Of or relating to the arm McCarthy: Armlike, of or relating to an arm |
Brachium of inferior colliculus, brachiate, brachiopod | |
brachio- | brakio- | Stedman's: arm Wikipedia: Of or relating to the arm McCarthy: Armlike, of or relating to an arm |
Brachium of inferior colliculus, brachiate, brachiopod | |
brachy- | braki- | Stedman's: short Wikipedia: Indicating 'short' or less commonly 'little' McCarthy: Short |
brachycephalic, brachydactylous, brachydont | |
brady- | bradi- | Wikipedia: 'slow' McCarthy: Slow, dull |
Bradycardia, bradytelic | |
branchi- | branki- | McCarthy: Gill(s), branchiae | branchial, branchiate | |
branchio- | brankio- | McCarthy: Gill(s), branchiae | branchial, branchiate | |
brevi- | brebi- | McCarthy: Short, small, brief | brevicaudate, brevifoliate | |
bronch- | bronk- | Stedman's: bronchus Wikipedia: bronchus McCarthy: Of or relating to the bronchi |
Bronchiolitis obliterans, bronchitis | |
bronchi- | bronki- | Stedman's: bronchus Wikipedia: bronchus McCarthy: Of or relating to the bronchi |
Bronchiolitis obliterans, bronchitis | |
bronchio- | bronkio- | McCarthy: Of or relating to the bronchi | bronchitis | |
broncho- | bronko- | Stedman's: bronchus McCarthy: Of or relating to the bronchi |
bronchitis | |
bry- | bri- | McCarthy: Moss | bryophytes, bryology | |
bryo- | brio- | McCarthy: Moss | bryophytes, bryology | |
bucc- | bukz- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cheek McCarthy: Pertaining to the cheek or mouth |
Buccolabial, buccal | |
bucco- | bukzo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cheek McCarthy: Pertaining to the cheek or mouth |
Buccolabial, buccal | |
burs- | burts- | Wikipedia: bursa (fluid sac between the bones) McCarthy: Denotes bursa |
Bursitis, bursate | |
bursa- | burtsa- | McCarthy: Denotes bursa | bursate | |
burso- | burtso- | Wikipedia: bursa (fluid sac between the bones) McCarthy: Denotes bursa |
Bursitis, bursate |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
cac- | kak- | McCarthy: Bad, evil | caconym | |
caco- | kako- | McCarthy: Bad, evil | caconym | |
caen- | kaen- | McCarthy: (1) see: cen-; (2) see: coen-. McCarthy: Recent, new See also: coen-. McCarthy: Common, shared See also: cen-. |
Cenozoic Era, coenocyte | |
caeno- | kaeno- | McCarthy: (1) see: cen-; (2) see: coen-. McCarthy: Recent, new See also: coen-. McCarthy: Common, shared See also: cen-. |
Cenozoic Era, coenocyte | |
calc- | kaltz- | McCarthy: Calcium | hypercalcemia | |
cali- | kali- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: beautiful, beauty, white | Calliandra | |
calli- | kali- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: beautiful, beauty, white | Calliandra | |
callo- | kalo- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: beautiful, beauty, white | Calliandra | |
calo- | kalo- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: beautiful, beauty, white | Calliandra | |
campto- | kanpto- | McCarthy: Bent or curved | Camptosaurus | |
campylo- | kanpilo- | McCarthy: Bent or curved | Camptosaurus | |
cani- | kani- | McCarthy: Denotes dog | canine | |
capill- | kapil- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to hair McCarthy: Primarily in taxonomic names: hair, hairlike |
Capillus, capillaceum | |
capilla- | kapila- | McCarthy: Primarily in taxonomic names: hair, hairlike | capillaceum | |
capillar- | kapilar- | McCarthy: Capillary | capillaritis | |
capillaro- | kapilaro- | McCarthy: Capillary | capillaritis | |
capit- | kapit- | Wikipedia: Pertaining to the head (as a whole) | Capitation | |
carcin- | kartzin- | Stedman's: cancer Wikipedia: cancer McCarthy: Cancer |
Carcinoma, carcinogen, carcinoma | |
carcino- | kartzino- | Stedman's: cancer Wikipedia: cancer McCarthy: Cancer |
Carcinoma, carcinogen, carcinoma | |
carcinomat- | kartzinomat- | McCarthy: Carcinoma | carcinomatophobia | |
carcinomato- | kartzinomato- | McCarthy: Carcinoma | carcinomatophobia | |
cardi- | kardi- | Stedman's: 1 heart, 2 esophageal opening of stomach Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the heart McCarthy: Heart; heart action |
Cardiology, cardiotomy | |
cardia- | kardia- | McCarthy: Heart; heart action | cardiotomy | |
cardio- | kardio- | Stedman's: 1 heart, 2 esophageal opening of stomach Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the heart McCarthy: Heart; heart action |
Cardiology, cardiotomy | |
carn- | karn- | McCarthy: Flesh, meat, the body | carnivore | |
carni- | karni- | McCarthy: Flesh, meat, the body | carnivore | |
carp- | karp- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the wrist McCarthy: (1) fruit ; (2) pertaining to the carpus |
Carpopedal, Carpobalsamum, carpoptosis | |
carpo- | karpo- | Stedman's: wrist Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the wrist McCarthy: (1) fruit ; (2) pertaining to the carpus |
Carpopedal, Carpobalsamum, carpoptosis | |
cat- | kat- | McCarthy: Down, downward | catabolism, catarrhine, catheter | |
cata- | kata- | Stedman's: down Wikipedia: down, under McCarthy: Down, downward |
Cataract, catabolism, catarrhine, catheter | |
caten- | katen- | McCarthy: Chain | catenoid | |
cath- | kat- | McCarthy: Down, downward | catabolism, catarrhine, catheter | |
caud- | kaud- | Stedman's: tail, lower part of body McCarthy: Tail |
caudad | |
cauda- | kauda- | McCarthy: Tail | caudad | |
caudi- | kaudi- | McCarthy: Tail | caudad | |
caudo- | kaudo- | Stedman's: tail, lower part of body | ||
caul- | kaul- | McCarthy: Stem, stalk | acaulescent | |
cauli- | kaulo- | McCarthy: Stem, stalk | acaulescent | |
caulo- | kaulo- | McCarthy: Stem, stalk | acaulescent | |
cec- | zez- | McCarthy: Cecum | cecectomy | |
ceco- | zeko- | McCarthy: Cecum | cecectomy | |
celi- | zeli- | McCarthy: Belly, abdomen | celiocolpotomy | |
celio- | zelio- | Stedman's: abdomen McCarthy: Belly, abdomen |
celiocolpotomy | |
cellul- | zelul- | McCarthy: Cellulose | cellulolytic | |
cellulo- | zelulo- | McCarthy: Cellulose | cellulolytic | |
cen- | zen- | McCarthy: Recent, new See also: coen-. McCarthy: Common, shared See also: cen-. |
Cenozoic Era, coenocyte | |
ceno- | zeno- | McCarthy: Recent, new See also: coen-. McCarthy: Common, shared See also: cen-. |
Cenozoic Era, coenocyte | |
cent- | zent- | McCarthy: One hundredth | centimorgan | |
centi- | zenti- | Stedman's: one hundredth (10Ϫ2) McCarthy: One hundredth |
centimorgan | |
cephal- | zefal- | Stedman's: the head Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) McCarthy: Relating to the head |
Cephalalgy, cephalodynia | |
cephalo- | zefalo- | Stedman's: the head Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) McCarthy: Relating to the head |
Cephalalgy, cephalodynia | |
cer- | zer- | McCarthy: Wax, earwax | ceraceous | |
cerat- | zerat- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cornu; a horn McCarthy: Rare form of kerat(o)-. |
Ceratoid | |
cerato- | zerato- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cornu; a horn McCarthy: Rare form of kerat(o)-. |
Ceratoid | |
cerc- | zerk- | McCarthy: Tailed | Cercopithecidae | |
cerco- | zerko- | McCarthy: Tailed | Cercopithecidae | |
cerebell- | zerebel- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cerebellum McCarthy: Cerebellum |
Cerebellum, cerebellospinal | |
cerebello- | zerebelo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cerebellum McCarthy: Cerebellum |
Cerebellum, cerebellospinal | |
cerebr- | zerebr- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the brain McCarthy: Brain |
Cerebrology, cerebrotonia | |
cerebri- | zerebri- | McCarthy: Brain | cerebrotonia | |
cerebro- | zerebro- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the brain McCarthy: Brain |
Cerebrology, cerebrotonia | |
cero- | zero- | McCarthy: Wax, earwax | ceraceous | |
cervic- | zerbik- | Stedman's: 1 neck, 2 uterine cervix Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the neck, the cervix McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the neck ; (2) pertaining to the cervix uteri |
Cervicodorsal, cervicobrachial, cervicovesical | |
cervico- | zerbiko- | Stedman's: 1 neck, 2 uterine cervix McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the neck ; (2) pertaining to the cervix uteri |
cervicobrachial, cervicovesical | |
cet- | zet- | McCarthy: Whale, dolphin | cetacea, cetotolite | |
ceto- | zeto- | McCarthy: Whale, dolphin | cetacea, cetotolite | |
chaet- | ket- | McCarthy: Hair(y), bristle, bristly | chaetognath, chaetotactic | |
chaeto- | keto- | McCarthy: Hair(y), bristle, bristly | chaetognath, chaetotactic | |
chalc- | kaltz- | McCarthy: Copper | Chalcolithic | |
chalco- | kalko- | McCarthy: Copper | Chalcolithic | |
chalk- | kalk- | McCarthy: Copper | Chalcolithic | |
chalko- | kalko- | McCarthy: Copper | Chalcolithic | |
cheil- | keil- | Stedman's: lip McCarthy: Form of chil-. |
cheilo- | keilo- | Stedman's: lip | ||
cheir- | kir- | Stedman's: hand Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the hand McCarthy: Pertaining to the hand |
Chiropractor, chiragra, chiroplasty, chirospasm | |
cheiro- | kiro- | Stedman's: hand Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the hand McCarthy: Pertaining to the hand |
Chiropractor, chiragra, chiroplasty, chirospasm | |
chem- | kimi- | Stedman's: 1 chemistry, 2 drug Wikipedia: chemistry, drug McCarthy: (1) chemistry, or a molecule or chemical ; (2) drugs |
Chemotherapy, chemoreceptor, chemotherapy | |
chemo- | kimio- | Stedman's: 1 chemistry, 2 drug Wikipedia: chemistry, drug McCarthy: (1) chemistry, or a molecule or chemical ; (2) drugs |
Chemotherapy, chemoreceptor, chemotherapy | |
chil- | kil- | McCarthy: Lip(s) | cheilectropion | |
chilo- | kilo- | |||
chir- | kir- | Stedman's: hand Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the hand McCarthy: Pertaining to the hand |
Chiropractor, chiragra, chiroplasty, chirospasm | |
chiro- | kiro- | Stedman's: hand Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the hand McCarthy: Pertaining to the hand |
Chiropractor, chiragra, chiroplasty, chirospasm | |
chlor- | klor- | Stedman's: 1 green, 2 chlorine Wikipedia: Denoting a green color McCarthy: Green or yellow green |
Chlorophyll, chlorophyll, chloroplast | |
chloro- | kloro- | Stedman's: 1 green, 2 chlorine Wikipedia: Denoting a green color |
Chlorophyll | |
choan- | koan- | McCarthy: Denotes a funnel or something shaped like a funnel | Choanoflagellate | |
choano- | koano- | McCarthy: Denotes a funnel or something shaped like a funnel | Choanoflagellate | |
chol- | kol- | Stedman's: bile Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to bile McCarthy: Bile, gall |
Cholaemia (UK)/ Cholemia (US), Cholecystitis, cholemesis, cholera, cholesterol | |
chole- | kole- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to bile McCarthy: Bile, gall |
Cholaemia (UK)/ Cholemia (US), Cholecystitis, cholemesis, cholera, cholesterol | |
cholecyst- | kolezist- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the gallbladder McCarthy: Referring to the gallbladder |
Cholecystectomy, cholecystopexy | |
cholecysto- | kolezisto- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the gallbladder McCarthy: Referring to the gallbladder |
Cholecystectomy, cholecystopexy | |
choli- | koli- | McCarthy: Bile, gall | cholemesis, cholera, cholesterol | |
chondr- | kondr- | McCarthy: Cartiliage or gristle | chondrosarcoma, chondrin | |
chondri- | kondri- | McCarthy: Cartiliage or gristle McCarthy: Of, relating to, or like a grain |
chondrosarcoma, chondrin, chondriosome | |
chondrio- | kondrio- | Stedman's: 1 cartilage, 2 granular, 3 gritty Wikipedia: cartilage, gristle, granule, granular McCarthy: Of, relating to, or like a grain |
Chondrocalcinosis, chondriosome | |
chondro- | kondro- | Stedman's: 1 cartilage, 2 granular, 3 gritty Wikipedia: cartilage, gristle, granule, granular McCarthy: Cartiliage or gristle |
Chondrocalcinosis, chondrosarcoma, chondrin | |
chord- | kord- | McCarthy: Denotes an anatomical cord | Chordata | |
chordo- | kordo- | McCarthy: Denotes an anatomical cord | Chordata | |
chori- | kori- | McCarthy: (1) chorion ; (2) choroid | chorioadenoma, choriocele | |
chorio- | korio- | McCarthy: (1) chorion ; (2) choroid | chorioadenoma, choriocele | |
choroid- | koroid- | McCarthy: Denotes the choroid coat of the eye | choroidocyclitis | |
choroido- | koroido- | McCarthy: Denotes the choroid coat of the eye | choroidocyclitis | |
chrom- | krom- | Stedman's: color Wikipedia: color McCarthy: (1) Color, colored |
Hemochromatosis, chromophil, chromatophore | |
chromat- | kromat- | Stedman's: color McCarthy: (1) Color, colored |
chromophil, chromatophore | |
chromato- | kromato- | Wikipedia: color McCarthy: (1) Color, colored |
Hemochromatosis, chromophil, chromatophore | |
chromo- | kromo- | Stedman's: color McCarthy: (1) Color, colored |
chromophil, chromatophore | |
chron- | kron- | Stedman's: time McCarthy: Pertaining to time |
chronobiology, chronospecies | |
chrono- | krono- | Stedman's: time McCarthy: Pertaining to time |
chronobiology, chronospecies | |
chrys- | kris- | McCarthy: Golden, yellow | chrysalis | |
chryso- | kriso- | McCarthy: Golden, yellow | chrysalis | |
chyl- | kil- | McCarthy: Denotes chyle | chylidrosis, chylifacient, chylology | |
chylo- | kilo- | McCarthy: Denotes chyle | chylidrosis, chylifacient, chylology | |
cili- | zili- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the cilia, the eyelashes; eyelids McCarthy: (1) in animals: eyelash ; (2) in plants: having minute hairlike processes ; (3) in the names of microorganisms or cells: having cilia |
Ciliary, ciliary, ciliatum, Ciliophora | |
cilii- | zili- | McCarthy: (1) in animals: eyelash ; (2) in plants: having minute hairlike processes ; (3) in the names of microorganisms or cells: having cilia | ciliary, ciliatum, Ciliophora | |
cilio- | zilio- | McCarthy: (1) in animals: eyelash ; (2) in plants: having minute hairlike processes ; (3) in the names of microorganisms or cells: having cilia | ciliary, ciliatum, Ciliophora | |
cin- | zin- | McCarthy: Variant of kin-. | ||
cino- | zino- | McCarthy: Variant of kin-. | ||
circum- | zirkun- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'around' another McCarthy: Around, about, surrounding |
Circumcision, circumvallate | |
cis- | zis- | Stedman's: on this side, on the near side Wikipedia: on this side McCarthy: On this side, on the nearer side, nearby. Within the context of genetics, most often used in the term cis-acting, which means that the activity of a locus affects only the molecule of DNA where that locus resides. |
cleid- | kleid- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the clavicle McCarthy: Closed, sealed |
cleidocostal, cleidoic, cleistogamy | |
cleido- | kleido- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the clavicle McCarthy: Closed, sealed |
cleidocostal, cleidoic, cleistogamy | |
cleist- | kleist- | McCarthy: Closed, sealed | cleidoic, cleistogamy | |
cleisto- | kleisto- | McCarthy: Closed, sealed | cleidoic, cleistogamy | |
clid- | klid- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the clavicle | cleidocostal | |
clido- | klido- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the clavicle | cleidocostal | |
clin- | klin- | McCarthy: Bed | clinic, clinician, clinostatic | |
clinico- | kliniko- | McCarthy: Bed | clinic, clinician, clinostatic | |
clino- | klino- | McCarthy: Bed | clinic, clinician, clinostatic | |
clist- | klist- | McCarthy: Closed, sealed | cleidoic, cleistogamy | |
clisto- | klisto- | McCarthy: Closed, sealed | cleidoic, cleistogamy | |
clitorid- | klitorid- | McCarthy: Denotes the clitoris | clitoridectomy | |
clitorido- | klitorido- | McCarthy: Denotes the clitoris | clitoridectomy | |
cnid- | knid- | McCarthy: Denotes Cnidaria or a cnidarian | cnidocyst | |
cnido- | knido- | McCarthy: Denotes Cnidaria or a cnidarian | cnidocyst | |
co- | ko- | Stedman's: with, together, in association, very, complete Wikipedia: with, together, in association McCarthy: With, together, mutually |
coenzymes, coenzyme, cofactor | |
coccyg- | kokzig- | McCarthy: Coccyx | coccygodynia | |
coccygo- | kokzigo- | McCarthy: Coccyx | coccygodynia | |
cocto- | kokto- | McCarthy: (1) altered by heat or boiling ; (2) at the boiling point of water | coctoprotein, coctostable | |
coel- | zel- | McCarthy: Chamber, cavity, ventricle | coeloblastula | |
coelo- | zelo- | McCarthy: Chamber, cavity, ventricle | coeloblastula | |
coen- | zen- | McCarthy: Common, shared See also: cen-. | coenocyte | |
coeno- | zeno- | McCarthy: Common, shared See also: cen-. | coenocyte | |
col- | kol- | Stedman's: with, together, in association, very, complete Wikipedia: colon McCarthy: Form of co- used before stems or suffixes beginning with the letter l McCarthy: Of or pertaining to the colon |
Colonoscopy, colliquation, colonoscopic, coliform | |
cole- | kole- | McCarthy: Sheath | Coleoptera | |
coleo- | koleo- | McCarthy: Sheath | Coleoptera | |
coli- | koli- | McCarthy: Of or pertaining to the colon | colonoscopic, coliform | |
colo- | kolo- | Wikipedia: colon McCarthy: Of or pertaining to the colon |
Colonoscopy, colonoscopic, coliform | |
colon- | kolon- | McCarthy: Of or pertaining to the colon | colonoscopic, coliform | |
colono- | kolono- | Wikipedia: colon McCarthy: Of or pertaining to the colon |
Colonoscopy, colonoscopic, coliform | |
colp- | kolp- | Stedman's: vagina Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the vagina McCarthy: Denotes the vagina |
Colposcopy, colpocele | |
colpo- | kolpo- | Stedman's: vagina Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the vagina McCarthy: Denotes the vagina |
Colposcopy, colpocele | |
com- | kon- | Stedman's: with, together, in association, very, complete Wikipedia: with, together McCarthy: Form of co- used before stems or suffixes beginning with b, p, or m. |
commissure | |
con- | kon- | Stedman's: with, together, in association, very, complete McCarthy: Form of co- used before stems or suffixes beginning with letters other than b or l or m or n or p or r, when the accent is not on the first syllable of the word McCarthy: Cone; conelike |
congenital, coniform, conodont | |
conico- | koniko- | McCarthy: Cone; conelike | coniform, conodont | |
conio- | konio- | Stedman's: dust McCarthy: Denotes dust |
coniology | |
cono- | kono- | McCarthy: Cone; conelike | coniform, conodont | |
contra- | kontra- | McCarthy: Against, preventing | contraceptive | |
copr- | kopr- | McCarthy: Denotes feces, excrement | coprolite | |
copro- | kopro- | McCarthy: Denotes feces, excrement | coprolite | |
cor- | kor- | Stedman's: with, together, in association, very, complete Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to eye's pupil Wikipedia: with, together McCarthy: Form of co- used before stems or suffixes beginning with r McCarthy: Pupil or iris |
correlation, corectomy | |
cord- | kord- | McCarthy: Denotes an anatomical cord McCarthy: Heart |
cordiform | |
cordi- | kordi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the heart [Uncommon as a prefix] McCarthy: Heart |
Commotio cordis, cordiform | |
cordo- | kordo- | McCarthy: Denotes an anatomical cord McCarthy: Heart |
cordiform | |
core- | kore- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to eye's pupil McCarthy: Pupil or iris |
Corectomy, corectomy | |
coreo- | koreo- | Stedman's: pupil McCarthy: Pupil or iris |
corectomy | |
corm- | korm- | McCarthy: Corm, trunk, stem | ||
cormo- | kormo- | McCarthy: Corm, trunk, stem | ||
corn- | korn- | McCarthy: Denotes a horn or horniness | corneous | |
corne- | korne- | McCarthy: Denotes a horn or horniness | corneous | |
corni- | korni- | McCarthy: Denotes a horn or horniness | corneous | |
cornu- | kornu- | Wikipedia: Applied to processes and parts of the body describing them likened or similar to horns | Greater cornu | |
coro- | koro- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to eye's pupil | Corectomy | |
coron- | koron- | Wikipedia: crown | coronary | |
corono- | korono- | Wikipedia: crown | coronary | |
cortic- | kortik- | McCarthy: (1) the cerebral cortex ; (2) any anatomical cortex | corticopeduncular, corticosteroid | |
cortico- | kortiko- | McCarthy: (1) the cerebral cortex ; (2) any anatomical cortex | corticopeduncular, corticosteroid | |
cost- | kost- | Stedman's: rib Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ribs McCarthy: Of or relating to the ribs, near the ribs |
Costochondral, costalgia | |
costi- | kosti- | McCarthy: Of or relating to the ribs, near the ribs | costalgia | |
costo- | kosto- | Stedman's: rib Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ribs McCarthy: Of or relating to the ribs, near the ribs |
Costochondral, costalgia | |
counter- | kontra- | McCarthy: Contrary, against, opposite, adverse | counterselection | |
cox- | kox- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to the hip, haunch, or hip-joint McCarthy: Denotes the hip or hip joint |
Coxopodite, coxitis | |
coxo- | koxo- | McCarthy: Denotes the hip or hip joint | coxitis | |
crani- | krani- | Stedman's: cranium Wikipedia: Belonging or relating to the cranium McCarthy: Of or relating to the skull |
Craniology, craniofacial | |
cranio- | kranio- | Stedman's: cranium Wikipedia: Belonging or relating to the cranium McCarthy: Of or relating to the skull |
Craniology, craniofacial | |
cry- | kri- | Stedman's: cold Wikipedia: cold McCarthy: Cold, frozen |
Cryoablation, cryobiology, cryophile | |
crym- | krim- | McCarthy: Cold, frost | crymotherapy | |
crymo- | krimo- | McCarthy: Cold, frost | crymotherapy | |
cryo- | krio- | Stedman's: cold Wikipedia: cold McCarthy: Cold, frozen |
Cryoablation, cryobiology, cryophile | |
crypt- | kript- | Stedman's: hidden McCarthy: Hidden, covered, invisible |
cryptorchidism, cryptozoon | |
crypto- | kripto- | Stedman's: hidden McCarthy: Hidden, covered, invisible |
cryptorchidism, cryptozoon | |
culdo- | kuldo- | Stedman's: cul-de-sac | ||
cune- | kune- | McCarthy: Wedge-shaped | cuneiform, cuneate | |
cuneo- | kuneo- | McCarthy: Wedge-shaped | cuneiform, cuneate | |
cut- | kut- | McCarthy: Skin, integument | cutaneous, cutaneophalangeal | |
cutane- | kutane- | Wikipedia: skin McCarthy: Skin, integument |
Subcutaneous, cutaneous, cutaneophalangeal | |
cutaneo- | kutaneo- | McCarthy: Skin, integument | cutaneous, cutaneophalangeal | |
cuti- | kuti- | McCarthy: Skin, integument | cutaneous, cutaneophalangeal | |
cyan- | zian- | Stedman's: 1 blue, 2 cyanide Wikipedia: Denotes a blue color McCarthy: Dark blue |
Cyanopsia, cyanobacteria, cyanosis | |
cyano- | ziano- | Stedman's: 1 blue, 2 cyanide Wikipedia: Denotes a blue color McCarthy: Dark blue |
Cyanopsia, cyanobacteria, cyanosis | |
cycl- | zikl- | Stedman's: 1 circle, cycle, 2 ciliary body Wikipedia: circle, cycle McCarthy: (1) circular or cyclical ; (2) of or pertaining to the eye's ciliary body |
cyclostomate, cyclitis | |
cyclo- | ziklo- | McCarthy: (1) circular or cyclical ; (2) of or pertaining to the eye's ciliary body | cyclostomate, cyclitis | |
cyes- | zies- | McCarthy: Denotes pregnancy | cyesedema | |
cyesi- | ziesi- | McCarthy: Denotes pregnancy | cyesedema | |
cyesio- | ziesio- | McCarthy: Denotes pregnancy | cyesedema | |
cyn- | zin- | McCarthy: Denotes dog | cynocephalous | |
cyno- | zino- | McCarthy: Denotes dog | cynocephalous | |
cyph- | zif- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as bent (uncommon as a prefix) McCarthy: Rare form of kyph(o)-. |
Cyphosis | |
cypho- | zifo- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as bent (uncommon as a prefix) McCarthy: Rare form of kyph(o)-. |
Cyphosis | |
cyst- | zist- | Stedman's: 1 bladder, 2 cyst, 3 cystic duct Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the urinary bladder McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the gallbladder ; (2) pertaining to the urinary bladder ; (3) denoting the presence of cyst(s) ; (4) denoting the presence of a sac, pouch, or bladder of any kind |
Cystotomy, cystocolostomy, cystoureteritis, cystoepithelioma, Cystophora | |
cysti- | zisti- | Stedman's: 1 bladder, 2 cyst, 3 cystic duct Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the urinary bladder McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the gallbladder ; (2) pertaining to the urinary bladder ; (3) denoting the presence of cyst(s) ; (4) denoting the presence of a sac, pouch, or bladder of any kind |
Cystotomy, cystocolostomy, cystoureteritis, cystoepithelioma, Cystophora | |
cysto- | zisto- | Stedman's: 1 bladder, 2 cyst, 3 cystic duct Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the urinary bladder McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the gallbladder ; (2) pertaining to the urinary bladder ; (3) denoting the presence of cyst(s) ; (4) denoting the presence of a sac, pouch, or bladder of any kind |
Cystotomy, cystocolostomy, cystoureteritis, cystoepithelioma, Cystophora | |
cyt- | zit- | Stedman's: cell Wikipedia: cell McCarthy: (1) cell ; (2) cytoplasm |
Cytokine, cyturia, cytolysis | |
cyto- | zito- | Stedman's: cell Wikipedia: cell McCarthy: (1) cell ; (2) cytoplasm |
Cytokine, cyturia, cytolysis |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
dacry- | dakrio- | Stedman's: tears McCarthy: (1) tears ; (2) lacrimal sac |
dacryagogue, dacryelcosis | |
dacryo- | dakrio- | Stedman's: tears Wikipedia: tear McCarthy: (1) tears ; (2) lacrimal sac |
Dacryocystitis, dacryagogue, dacryelcosis | |
dacryocyst- | dakriozist- | McCarthy: Denotes the lacrimal sac | dacryocystitis | |
dacryocysto- | dakriozisto- | McCarthy: Denotes the lacrimal sac | dacryocystitis | |
dactyl- | daktil- | Stedman's: finger, toe Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a finger, toe McCarthy: Finger |
Dactylology, dactyloid | |
dactylo- | daktilo- | Stedman's: finger, toe Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a finger, toe McCarthy: Finger |
Dactylology, dactyloid | |
de- | des- | Stedman's: away from, cessation Wikipedia: away from, cessation McCarthy: (1) from ; (2) do the opposite ; (3) remove, reduce |
decubital, decomposer, dehydrate, deoxy- | |
deca- | deka- | Stedman's: ten McCarthy: Ten |
decaliter | |
decem- | ???- | McCarthy: Ten | December | |
deci- | dezi- | Stedman's: one tenth (10Ϫ1) McCarthy: One tenth |
decimorgan | |
deka- | deka- | Stedman's: ten | ||
dem- | dem- | McCarthy: people, population | demoid | |
demi- | demi- | McCarthy: Half | demilune | |
demo- | demo- | McCarthy: people, population | demoid | |
dendr- | dendr- | McCarthy: Denotes a tree or treelike thing | Dendrobatidae, dendrochronology, dendrology | |
dendro- | dendro- | McCarthy: Denotes a tree or treelike thing | Dendrobatidae, dendrochronology, dendrology | |
dent- | dent- | Stedman's: tooth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to teeth McCarthy: Tooth |
Dentist, dentary, dentulous | |
denti- | denti- | Stedman's: tooth McCarthy: Tooth |
dentary, dentulous | |
dento- | dento- | McCarthy: Tooth | dentary, dentulous | |
deoxy- | desoxi- | McCarthy: Containing less oxygen | deoxyribonucleic acid | |
der- | der- | McCarthy: Having a neck or throat of the type indicated by the stem or suffix | Derotremata | |
derm- | derm- | Stedman's: skin Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the skin McCarthy: Denotes skin |
Dermatology, dermal | |
derma- | derma- | Stedman's: skin McCarthy: Denotes skin |
dermal | |
dermat- | dermat- | Stedman's: skin Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the skin McCarthy: Denotes skin |
Dermatology, dermal | |
dermato- | dermato- | Stedman's: skin Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the skin McCarthy: Denotes skin |
Dermatology, dermal | |
dermo- | dermo- | Stedman's: skin Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the skin McCarthy: Denotes skin |
Dermatology, dermal | |
dero- | dero- | McCarthy: Having a neck or throat of the type indicated by the stem or suffix | Derotremata | |
desm- | desm- | McCarthy: A bond, tie, ligature | desmosome | |
desmo- | desmo- | McCarthy: A bond, tie, ligature | desmosome | |
dextr- | destr- | Stedman's: right, toward or on the right side Wikipedia: right, on the right side |
Dextrocardia | |
dextro- | destro- | Stedman's: right, toward or on the right side Wikipedia: right, on the right side McCarthy: To the right |
Dextrocardia, dextrocardia, dextrorotatory, dextroversion | |
di- | di- | Stedman's: separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- Wikipedia: two McCarthy: double, twice, two McCarthy: (1) through, between ; (2) asunder, apart ; (3) completely McCarthy: Apart, separation, taking apart |
Diplopia, diploid, diotic, diarrhea, diatom, diastasis, diastole, diagnosis, dissect | |
dia- | dia- | Wikipedia: through, during, across McCarthy: double, twice, two McCarthy: (1) through, between ; (2) asunder, apart ; (3) completely |
dialysis, diploid, diotic, diarrhea, diatom, diastasis, diastole, diagnosis | |
didym- | didim- | McCarthy: (1) testis ; (2) twin | didymitis, didymus | |
didymo- | didimo- | McCarthy: (1) testis ; (2) twin | didymitis, didymus | |
dif- | dif- | Stedman's: separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- Wikipedia: apart, separation McCarthy: Apart, separation, taking apart |
different, dissect | |
digit- | digit- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the finger [rare as a root] | Digit | |
dipl- | dipl- | McCarthy: Double | diploblastic, diploid, diplophase, diplotene | |
dipla- | dipla- | McCarthy: Double | diploblastic, diploid, diplophase, diplotene | |
diplo- | diplo- | McCarthy: Double | diploblastic, diploid, diplophase, diplotene | |
dipso- | dipso- | Stedman's: thirst | ||
dir- | dir- | Stedman's: separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- | ||
dis- | dis- | Stedman's: separation, taking apart, reversal, not, un- Wikipedia: separation, taking apart McCarthy: double, twice, two McCarthy: Apart, separation, taking apart McCarthy: (1) negative, not, opposite ; (2) free of, undo |
Dissection, diploid, diotic, dissect, disequilibrium, disinfect | |
dodec- | dodek- | McCarthy: Twelve | dodecandrous | |
dodeca- | dodeka- | McCarthy: Twelve | dodecandrous | |
dors- | dorts- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the back McCarthy: Pertaining to the back, at the back, in back |
dorsal, Dorsocephalad, dorsolateral | |
dorsi- | dortso- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the back McCarthy: Pertaining to the back, at the back, in back |
dorsal, Dorsocephalad, dorsolateral | |
dorso- | dortso- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the back McCarthy: Pertaining to the back, at the back, in back |
dorsal, Dorsocephalad, dorsolateral | |
dromo- | dromo- | Wikipedia: running, conduction, course | Dromotropic | |
dry- | dri- | McCarthy: Tree, oak | dryopithecine | |
dryo- | drio- | McCarthy: Tree, oak | dryopithecine | |
duo- | duo- | Stedman's: two | ||
duoden- | duoden- | |||
duodeno- | duodeno- | Stedman's: duodenum Wikipedia: duodenum, twelve: upper part of the small intestine (twelve inches long on average), connects to the stomach |
Duodenal atresia | |
dy- | ???- | McCarthy: Two, a pair, in pairs | dyad | |
dynam- | dinam- | Wikipedia: force, energy, power McCarthy: Denotes power |
Hand strength dynamometer, dynamometer | |
dynamo- | dinamo- | Stedman's: force, energy Wikipedia: force, energy, power McCarthy: Denotes power |
Hand strength dynamometer, dynamometer | |
dyo- | ???- | McCarthy: Two, a pair, in pairs | dyad | |
dys- | dis- | Stedman's: bad, difficult Wikipedia: bad, difficult McCarthy: (1) abnormal ; (2) impaired ; (3) difficult ; (4) bad |
Dysphagia, dysphasia, dysplasia, dysneuria, dyspnea, dyspepsia, dysentery |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
ec- | ek- | Wikipedia: out, away McCarthy: Out, out of McCarthy: (1) habitation; (2) relating to the environment |
Ectopia, ectopic pregnancy, eczema, ecology | |
echin- | ekin- | McCarthy: Spiny, pointed | echinate | |
echino- | ekino- | McCarthy: Spiny, pointed | echinate | |
echo- | eko- | McCarthy: Denotes repetition or echo | echolalia, echopraxia, echolocation | |
eco- | eko- | McCarthy: (1) habitation; (2) relating to the environment | ecology | |
ect- | ekt- | Stedman's: outer, on the outside Wikipedia: outer, outside McCarthy: Outside, outer |
Ectoblast, ectoderm, ectotherm, ectopia, ectopic, ectopotomy, ectotoxemia | |
ecto- | ekto- | Stedman's: outer, on the outside Wikipedia: outer, outside McCarthy: Outside, outer |
Ectoblast, ectoderm, ectotherm, ectopia, ectopic, ectopotomy, ectotoxemia | |
ef- | ef- | McCarthy: Out, away Before roots and suffixes beginning with f the prefix ex- becomes ef-. | efferent | |
elaeo- | elaeo- | McCarthy: Denotes oil or oiliness | Elaeocarpus = a genus of evergreen plants with oily fruit | |
elaio- | elaio- | McCarthy: Denotes oil or oiliness | Elaeocarpus = a genus of evergreen plants with oily fruit | |
elast- | elast- | McCarthy: Elastic | elastin | |
elasto- | elasto- | McCarthy: Elastic | elastin | |
eleo- | eleo- | McCarthy: Denotes oil or oiliness | Elaeocarpus = a genus of evergreen plants with oily fruit | |
eleuther- | eleuter- | McCarthy: Free | Eleutherodactylus | |
eleuthero- | eleutero- | McCarthy: Free | Eleutherodactylus | |
elytr- | elitr- | McCarthy: Vagina | elytritis, elytroptosis, elytrostenosis | |
elytro- | elitro- | McCarthy: Vagina | elytritis, elytroptosis, elytrostenosis | |
em- | em- | McCarthy: (1) in, into, within, inside ; (2) to become | empyema, encyst | |
eme- | eme- | McCarthy: Vomiting | emetology | |
emet- | emet- | McCarthy: Vomiting | emetology | |
emeto- | emeto- | McCarthy: Vomiting | emetology | |
emme- | eme- | McCarthy: Menses | emmenagogue | |
emmen- | emen- | McCarthy: Menses | emmenagogue | |
emmenio- | emenio- | McCarthy: Menses | emmenagogue | |
emmeno- | emeno- | McCarthy: Menses | emmenagogue | |
en- | en- | McCarthy: (1) in, into, within, inside ; (2) to become McCarthy: See: oen-). McCarthy: Denotes wine or something wine-colored |
empyema, encyst | |
encephal- | entzefal- | Stedman's: brain Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the brain. Also see Cerebro. McCarthy: Brain, having to do with the brain |
Encephalogram, encephalitis | |
encephalo- | entzefalo- | Stedman's: brain Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the brain. Also see Cerebro. McCarthy: Brain, having to do with the brain |
Encephalogram, encephalitis | |
end- | end- | Stedman's: within, inner McCarthy: Within, inside |
endotherm | |
endo- | endo- | Stedman's: within, inner Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'inside' or 'within' McCarthy: Within, inside |
Endocrinology, endospore, endotherm | |
eno- | eno- | McCarthy: See: oen-). McCarthy: Denotes wine or something wine-colored |
ent- | ent- | Stedman's: inner, within | ||
enter- | enter- | Stedman's: intestine Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the intestine McCarthy: Relating to the intestines |
Gastroenterology, enteritis, enterology, enteropathy, enterorrhaphy, enterorrhexis | |
entero- | entero- | Stedman's: intestine Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the intestine McCarthy: Relating to the intestines |
Gastroenterology, enteritis, enterology, enteropathy, enterorrhaphy, enterorrhexis | |
ento- | ento- | Stedman's: inner, within McCarthy: Within, inside |
endotherm | |
entom- | entom- | McCarthy: Insect(s) | entomology, entomophagous | |
entomo- | entomo- | McCarthy: Insect(s) | entomology, entomophagous | |
eo- | eo- | McCarthy: Denotes dawn; can mean (1) early like the dawn ; or (2) rose-colored like the dawn | Eocene, eosin | |
eosin- | eosin- | Wikipedia: Red | Eosinophil granulocyte | |
eosino- | eosino- | Wikipedia: Red | Eosinophil granulocyte | |
ep- | ep- | McCarthy: Upon | epidermis epiglottis epiphysis | |
ependym- | ependim- | McCarthy: Denotes the ependyma | ependymitis | |
ependymo- | epedim- | McCarthy: Denotes the ependyma | ependymitis | |
eph- | ef- | McCarthy: Upon | epidermis epiglottis epiphysis | |
epi- | epi- | Stedman's: upon, following, subsequent to Wikipedia: on, upon McCarthy: Upon |
Epicardium, epidermis, epidural, episclera, epistaxis, epidermis epiglottis epiphysis | |
epididym- | epedidim- | McCarthy: Denotes the epididymis | epidydymoorchitis | |
epididymo- | epedidimo- | McCarthy: Denotes the epididymis | epidydymoorchitis | |
epilepto- | epilepto- | McCarthy: Epilepsy | epileptology | |
episi- | episi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the pubic region, the loins | Episiotomy | |
episio- | episio- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the pubic region, the loins McCarthy: Vulva |
Episiotomy, episioplasty | |
equi- | eki- | McCarthy: Equal, alike | equicaloric | |
erg- | erg- | McCarthy: Work | ergometer | |
ergo- | ergo- | Stedman's: work McCarthy: Work |
ergometer | |
erythr- | eritr- | Stedman's: red, redness Wikipedia: Denotes a red color McCarthy: Red |
Erythrocyte, erythema, erythrocyte | |
erythro- | eritro- | Stedman's: red, redness Wikipedia: Denotes a red color McCarthy: Red |
Erythrocyte, erythema, erythrocyte | |
eso- | eso- | Stedman's: inward | ||
esophag- | esofag- | McCarthy: Esophagus | esophagostenosis | |
esophago- | esofago- | McCarthy: Esophagus | esophagostenosis | |
esthesi- | estesi- | McCarthy: Denotes sensation | esthesiology, esthesiometry, esthesiophysiology | |
esthesio- | estesio- | Stedman's: sensation, perception Wikipedia: sensation (AmE) McCarthy: Denotes sensation |
Esthesia, esthesiology, esthesiometry, esthesiophysiology | |
eth- | et- | McCarthy: | ||
ethmo- | etmo- | McCarthy: (1) sieve ; (2) ethmoid bone | ethmoid, ethmomaxillary | |
ethn- | etn- | McCarthy: Denotes race or nation | ethnology | |
ethno- | etno- | McCarthy: Denotes race or nation | ethnology | |
etho- | eto- | McCarthy: | ||
etio- | etio- | McCarthy: (1) cause ; (2) created by the breaking down of the chemical compound specified by the stem | etiology, etioporphyrin | |
eu- | eu- | Stedman's: good, well Wikipedia: true, good, well, new McCarthy: True, pure, well |
Eukaryote, eugenics | |
eury- | euri- | McCarthy: Wide | eurybathic, euryhaline, eurypterid, eurythermal, eurytopic | |
ex- | ex- | Stedman's: out of, from, away from Wikipedia: out of, away from McCarthy: Out of, outside of, from, because, external |
Excision, exophthalmos, excision, exosepsis | |
exa- | exa- | McCarthy: 1018 | exaFLOPS | |
excit- | eszit- | McCarthy: Stimulating | excitomuscular | |
excito- | eszito- | McCarthy: Stimulating | excitomuscular | |
exo- | eso- | Stedman's: exterior, external, outward Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'outside' another McCarthy: Out of, outside of, from, because, external |
Exoskeleton, excision, exosepsis | |
exter- | ester- | McCarthy: External | exteroceptor | |
extero- | estero- | McCarthy: External | exteroceptor | |
extra- | estra- | Stedman's: outside of, without Wikipedia: outside McCarthy: On the outside, beyond |
Extradural hematoma, extradural |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
faci- | fazi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the face McCarthy: Denotes the face |
Facioplegic, faciocervical, faciolingual, facioplasty | |
facio- | fazio- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the face McCarthy: Denotes the face |
Facioplegic, faciocervical, faciolingual, facioplasty | |
fauc- | fauk- | McCarthy: Denotes the fauces | faucitis | |
febri- | febri- | McCarthy: Fever | febricity, febrifuge, febrile | |
feli- | feli- | McCarthy: Cat | Felidae | |
femto- | fento- | McCarthy: 10-15 | femtoliter | |
ferr- | ferr- | McCarthy: Containing iron | ferredoxin | |
ferre- | ferre- | McCarthy: Containing iron | ferredoxin | |
ferri- | ferri- | Stedman's: ferric ion (Fe3+) | ||
ferro- | ferro- | Stedman's: 1 metallic iron, 2 ferrous ion (Fe2+) McCarthy: Containing iron |
ferredoxin | |
feti- | feti- | McCarthy: Denotes the fetus | fetotoxic | |
feto- | feto- | McCarthy: Denotes the fetus | fetotoxic | |
fibr- | fibr- | Stedman's: fiber | ||
fibro- | fibro- | Stedman's: fiber | ||
fibulo- | fibulo- | McCarthy: Of or pertaining to the fibula | fibulocalcaneal | |
fil- | fil- | McCarthy: Denotes filament(s), thread(s) or something threadlike | filiferous, filiform | |
fili- | fili- | McCarthy: Denotes filament(s), thread(s) or something threadlike | filiferous, filiform | |
filic- | filik- | McCarthy: Pertaining to ferns; used in taxonomy | filicifolium | |
filli- | fili- | Wikipedia: fine, hair like | ||
flav- | flab- | McCarthy: Yellow, golden | flavobacteria | |
flavo- | flabo- | McCarthy: Yellow, golden | flavobacteria | |
fluor- | fluor- | McCarthy: (1) fluorine (2) fluorescent. | ||
fluori- | fluori- | McCarthy: (1) fluorine (2) fluorescent. | ||
fluoro- | fluoro- | McCarthy: (1) fluorine (2) fluorescent. | ||
foeti- | feti- | McCarthy: Denotes the fetus | fetotoxic | |
foeto- | feto- | McCarthy: Denotes the fetus | fetotoxic | |
fore- | fore- | Wikipedia: before or ahead McCarthy: Before, front, in front of; often used in English names of body parts |
foreword, foreleg, forearm, forehead, foreskin | |
front- | front- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the forehead McCarthy: (1) anterior ; (2) of or pertaining to the forehead or frontal bone |
Frontonasal, frontal lobe, frontoparietal | |
fronto- | fronto- | McCarthy: (1) anterior ; (2) of or pertaining to the forehead or frontal bone | frontal lobe, frontoparietal |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
galact- | galakt- | Stedman's: milk Wikipedia: milk McCarthy: Milk |
Galactorrhea, galactose | |
galacto- | galakto- | Stedman's: milk Wikipedia: milk McCarthy: Milk |
Galactorrhea, galactose | |
gam- | gam- | McCarthy: (1) united, joined ; (2) sexual, sexually | gamopetalous, gamophyllous, gamete, gamone | |
gamet- | gamet- | McCarthy: Gamete | gametangium | |
gameto- | gameto- | McCarthy: Gamete | gametangium | |
gamo- | gamo- | McCarthy: (1) united, joined ; (2) sexual, sexually | gamopetalous, gamophyllous, gamete, gamone | |
gaster- | gaster- | McCarthy: Stomach, belly | gastroenteritis, Gastropoda, gastroenteritis, gastric, gastrolith | |
gastr- | gastr- | Stedman's: 1 stomach, 2 belly Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the stomach McCarthy: Stomach, belly |
Gastric bypass, gastroenteritis, Gastropoda, gastroenteritis, gastric, gastrolith | |
gastro- | gastro- | Stedman's: 1 stomach, 2 belly Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the stomach McCarthy: Stomach, belly |
Gastric bypass, gastroenteritis, Gastropoda, gastroenteritis, gastric, gastrolith | |
ge- | ge- | McCarthy: Earth | geobiology | |
gen- | gen- | Stedman's: 1 producing, coming to be, 2 precursor McCarthy: Gene |
genotype | |
geno- | geno- | McCarthy: Gene | genotype | |
genu- | genu- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the knee McCarthy: Denotes the knee |
Genu valgum, genucubital | |
geo- | geo- | McCarthy: Earth | geobiology | |
giga- | giga- | Stedman's: one billion (109) McCarthy: billion |
gigabase | |
gingiv- | gingib- | Stedman's: gums Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the gums McCarthy: Denotes the gums |
Gingivitis, gingivoglossitis | |
gingivo- | gingibo- | Stedman's: gums McCarthy: Denotes the gums |
gingivoglossitis | |
glauc- | glauk- | Wikipedia: Denoting a grey or bluish-grey colour McCarthy: (1) pale yellow-green (2) light bluish gray |
Glaucoma, Glaucium, glaucoma | |
glauco- | glauko- | Wikipedia: Denoting a grey or bluish-grey colour McCarthy: (1) pale yellow-green (2) light bluish gray |
Glaucoma, Glaucium, glaucoma | |
gloss- | glos- | Stedman's: tongue Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the tongue McCarthy: Relating to the tongue |
Glossology, glossalgia, glossodynia | |
glosso- | gloso- | Stedman's: tongue Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the tongue McCarthy: Relating to the tongue |
Glossology, glossalgia, glossodynia | |
glott- | glot- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the tongue McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the glottis; (2) pertaining to the tongue |
Glossology, glottitis | |
glotto- | gloto- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the tongue McCarthy: (1) pertaining to the glottis; (2) pertaining to the tongue |
Glossology, glottitis | |
gluco- | gluko- | Stedman's: glucose Wikipedia: sweet |
Glucocorticoid | |
glyc- | glik- | McCarthy: In the names of compounds, indicates the the presence of glycerine or a like substance | glyceride | |
glyco- | gliko- | Stedman's: sugars Wikipedia: sugar McCarthy: In the names of compounds, indicates the the presence of glycerine or a like substance |
Glycolysis, glyceride | |
gnath- | gnat- | Stedman's: jaw Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the jaw McCarthy: Denotes jaw |
Gnathodynamometer, gnathochilarium | |
gnatho- | gnato- | Stedman's: jaw Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the jaw McCarthy: Denotes jaw |
Gnathodynamometer, gnathochilarium | |
gon- | gon- | Stedman's: seed, semen Wikipedia: seed, semen; also, reproductive McCarthy: (1) sexual ; (2) generative; (3) semen |
Gonorrhea, gonads, gonorrhea, gonopoietic, gonium | |
gonio- | gonio- | Stedman's: angle | ||
gono- | gono- | Stedman's: seed, semen Wikipedia: seed, semen; also, reproductive McCarthy: (1) sexual ; (2) generative; (3) semen |
Gonorrhea, gonads, gonorrhea, gonopoietic, gonium | |
granul- | granul- | Stedman's: granular, granule | ||
granulo- | granulo- | Stedman's: granular, granule | ||
gymn- | gimn- | McCarthy: Naked, uncovered | gymnosperm, gymnophobia | |
gymno- | gimno- | McCarthy: Naked, uncovered | gymnosperm, gymnophobia | |
gyn- | gin- | Stedman's: woman McCarthy: Woman, relating to women ; (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil |
gynecology | |
gynaec- | ginek- | McCarthy: Woman, relating to women ; (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil | gynecology | |
gynaeco- | gineko- | McCarthy: Woman, relating to women ; (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil | gynecology | |
gyne- | gine- | Stedman's: woman | ||
gynec- | ginek- | McCarthy: Woman, relating to women ; (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil | gynecology | |
gyneco- | gineko- | Stedman's: woman McCarthy: Woman, relating to women ; (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil |
gynecology | |
gyno- | gino- | Stedman's: woman McCarthy: Woman, relating to women ; (2) female reproductive organ: ovary, pistil |
gynecology |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
haem- | hem- | McCarthy: See: hem-. McCarthy: Denotes blood |
hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
haema- | hema- | McCarthy: See: hem-. | ||
haemat- | hemat- | McCarthy: See: hem-. McCarthy: Denotes blood |
hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
haemato- | hemato- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to blood McCarthy: See: hem-. McCarthy: Denotes blood |
Hematology, older form Haematology, hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
haemo- | hemo- | McCarthy: See: hem-. McCarthy: Denotes blood |
hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
halluc- | haluz- | Wikipedia: to wander in mind | Hallucinosis | |
hallucin- | haluzin- | McCarthy: Denotes false perception | hallucinogen | |
hallucino- | haluzino- | McCarthy: Denotes false perception | hallucinogen | |
hapl- | hapl- | McCarthy: (1) single, simple ; (2) denoting the haploid condition | haploid, haplotype | |
haplo- | haplo- | McCarthy: (1) single, simple ; (2) denoting the haploid condition | haploid, haplotype | |
hect- | hekt- | McCarthy: A hundred — used in metric measure | hectare, hectoliter | |
hecto- | hekto- | Stedman's: one hundred (1010) McCarthy: A hundred — used in metric measure |
hectare, hectoliter | |
hedy- | hedi- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: Sweet | Hedysarum | |
hedys- | hedis- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: Sweet | Hedysarum | |
heli- | heli- | McCarthy: Denotes the sun, or sunlight | heliotropism | |
helic- | helik- | McCarthy: Helix | helicase | |
helico- | heliko- | McCarthy: Helix | helicase | |
helio- | helio- | McCarthy: Denotes the sun, or sunlight | heliotropism | |
helminth- | helmint- | McCarthy: Denotes parasitic worms, especially tapeworms and flatworms | helminthiasis, Platyhelminthes | |
helmintho- | helminto- | McCarthy: Denotes parasitic worms, especially tapeworms and flatworms | helminthiasis, Platyhelminthes | |
hem- | hem- | Stedman's: blood Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to blood McCarthy: Denotes blood |
Hematology, older form Haematology, hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
hema- | hema- | Stedman's: blood | ||
hemangi- | hemangi- | |||
hemangio- | hemangio- | Wikipedia: blood vessels | Hemangioma | |
hemat- | hemat- | Stedman's: blood Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to blood McCarthy: Denotes blood |
Hematology, older form Haematology, hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
hemato- | hemato- | Stedman's: blood McCarthy: Denotes blood |
hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
heme- | hemo- | McCarthy: Denotes blood | hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
hemi- | hemi- | Stedman's: one half Wikipedia: one-half McCarthy: Denotes blood McCarthy: Half |
Cerebral hemisphere, hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin, hemizygote | |
hemo- | hemo- | Stedman's: blood Wikipedia: blood (AmE) McCarthy: Denotes blood |
Hematological malignancy, hematophagous, hemoclasia, hemoglobin, hemoptysis, hemotoxin | |
hendec- | endek- | McCarthy: See: undec-. McCarthy: Eleven |
undecane | |
hepa- | hepa- | McCarthy: Liver | hepatitis, hepatomegaly, hepatorrhexis | |
hepat- | hepat- | Stedman's: liver Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the liver McCarthy: Liver |
Hepatology, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, hepatorrhexis | |
hepatico- | hepatiko- | Stedman's: liver | ||
hepato- | hepato- | Stedman's: liver McCarthy: Liver |
hepatitis, hepatomegaly, hepatorrhexis | |
hept- | hept- | Stedman's: seven | ||
hepta- | hepta- | Stedman's: seven | ||
herpet- | herpet- | McCarthy: (1) denotes reptile(s) ; (2) denotes herpes | herpetology, herpetic | |
herpeto- | herpeto- | McCarthy: (1) denotes reptile(s) ; (2) denotes herpes | herpetology, herpetic | |
heter- | heter- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'the other' (of two), as an addition, or different | Heterogeneous | |
hetero- | hetero- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'the other' (of two), as an addition, or different McCarthy: Other; indicating dissimilarity |
Heterogeneous, heterosporous, heterotroph, heterozygote | |
hidr- | hidr- | Stedman's: sweat Wikipedia: sweat McCarthy: Denotes sweat |
Hyperhidrosis, hidradenoma, hidroschesis | |
hidro- | hidro- | Stedman's: sweat Wikipedia: sweat McCarthy: Denotes sweat |
Hyperhidrosis, hidradenoma, hidroschesis | |
hist- | hist- | Stedman's: tissue Wikipedia: tissue McCarthy: Denotes tissue |
Histology, histamine, histology, histotome, histotomy | |
histi- | histi- | McCarthy: Denotes tissue | histamine, histology, histotome, histotomy | |
histio- | histio- | Stedman's: tissue Wikipedia: tissue Wikipedia: tissue McCarthy: Denotes tissue |
Histology, histamine, histology, histotome, histotomy | |
histo- | histo- | Stedman's: tissue Wikipedia: tissue McCarthy: Denotes tissue |
Histology, histamine, histology, histotome, histotomy | |
hol- | hol- | McCarthy: Complete, whole, unsegmented | holarctic, holometabolous | |
holo- | holo- | McCarthy: Complete, whole, unsegmented | holarctic, holometabolous | |
hom- | hom- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'the same' as another or common McCarthy: Same, similar |
Homosexuality, homogametic, homolog, homotaxis, homozygote | |
home- | home- | Wikipedia: similar | Homeopathy | |
homeo- | homeo- | Stedman's: same, constant Wikipedia: similar McCarthy: Same, similar |
Homeopathy, homogametic, homolog, homotaxis, homozygote | |
homo- | homo- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'the same' as another or common McCarthy: Same, similar |
Homosexuality, homogametic, homolog, homotaxis, homozygote | |
humer- | humer- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the shoulder (or [rarely] the upper arm) McCarthy: Denotes the humerus |
Humerus, humeroulnar | |
humero- | humero- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the shoulder (or [rarely] the upper arm) McCarthy: Denotes the humerus |
Humerus, humeroulnar | |
hyal- | hial- | McCarthy: (1) transparent ; (2) pertaining to the vitreous humor | hyaline, hyaloiditis | |
hyalo- | hialo- | McCarthy: (1) transparent ; (2) pertaining to the vitreous humor | hyaline, hyaloiditis | |
hydr- | hidr- | Stedman's: water, hydrogen Wikipedia: water McCarthy: (1) relating to water ; (2) containing hydrogen |
Hydrophobe, hydrocephalic, hydrocarbon | |
hydra- | hidra- | McCarthy: (1) relating to water ; (2) containing hydrogen | hydrocephalic, hydrocarbon | |
hydro- | hidro- | Stedman's: water, hydrogen Wikipedia: water McCarthy: (1) relating to water ; (2) containing hydrogen |
Hydrophobe, hydrocephalic, hydrocarbon | |
hyo- | hio- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the hyoid bone | hyoepiglottic | |
hyp- | hip- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'below normal' McCarthy: Under, beneath, low |
Hypovolemia,, hypochondriac, hypochromia, hypogeal, hypoxanthine | |
hyper- | hiper- | Stedman's: excessive, above normal Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'extreme' or 'beyond normal' McCarthy: Over, above, beyond |
Hypertension, hypercalcemia, hyperglycemia, hyperosmotic, hyperostosis, hyperphoria, hypertension | |
hyph- | hif- | McCarthy: Under, beneath, low | hypochondriac, hypochromia, hypogeal, hypoxanthine | |
hypo- | hipo- | Stedman's: beneath, diminution, deficiency, the lowest Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'below normal' McCarthy: Under, beneath, low |
Hypovolemia,, hypochondriac, hypochromia, hypogeal, hypoxanthine | |
hyps- | hips- | McCarthy: Height, elevation | hypsodont | |
hypso- | hipso- | McCarthy: Height, elevation | hypsodont | |
hyster- | hister- | Stedman's: 1 uterus, hysteria, 2 late, following Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the womb, the uterus McCarthy: Denotes the uterus |
Hysterectomy, hysterectomy, hysterorrhexis, hysterotrismus | |
hystero- | histero- | Stedman's: 1 uterus, hysteria, 2 late, following Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the womb, the uterus McCarthy: Denotes the uterus |
Hysterectomy, hysterectomy, hysterorrhexis, hysterotrismus |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
iatr- | iatr- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to medicine, or a physician [uncommon as a prefix; common as as suffix, see -iatry] McCarthy: Pertaining to medicine or physicians |
Iatrochemistry, iatric, iatrology | |
iatro- | iatro- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to medicine, or a physician [uncommon as a prefix; common as as suffix, see -iatry] McCarthy: Pertaining to medicine or physicians |
Iatrochemistry, iatric, iatrology | |
ichn- | ikn- | McCarthy: Denotes a footprint, trace, or track of an organism | ichnite, ichnology | |
ichno- | ikno- | McCarthy: Denotes a footprint, trace, or track of an organism | ichnite, ichnology | |
ichthy- | ikti- | McCarthy: Fish or fishlike | ichthyic, ichthyology | |
ichthyo- | iktio- | McCarthy: Fish or fishlike | ichthyic, ichthyology | |
icos- | ikos- | McCarthy: Twenty | icosahedron | |
icosa- | ikosa- | McCarthy: Twenty | icosahedron | |
icoso- | ikoso- | McCarthy: Twenty | icosahedron | |
icter- | ikter- | McCarthy: Jaundice, jaundicelike, yellow | icterohematuria, icteritious | |
ictero- | iktero- | McCarthy: Jaundice, jaundicelike, yellow | icterohematuria, icteritious | |
idio- | idio- | Wikipedia: self, one's own McCarthy: Specific to a particular individual, organ or tissue |
Idiopathic, idioretinal | |
ile- | ile- | McCarthy: Ileum | ileocecal valve | |
ileo- | ileo- | Stedman's: ileum Wikipedia: ileum McCarthy: Ileum |
Ileocecal valve, ileocecal valve | |
ilio- | ilio- | Stedman's: ilium | ||
im- | im- | McCarthy: (1) in, into, inward ; (2) not ; (3) to cause to become | incise, impotent, incontinence, impregnate | |
immun- | immun- | McCarthy: immune, safe; immunity, confering immunity | immunotherapy | |
immuno- | immuno- | McCarthy: immune, safe; immunity, confering immunity | immunotherapy | |
in- | in- | Stedman's: 1 in, 2 not McCarthy: (1) in, into, inward ; (2) not ; (3) to cause to become |
incise, impotent, incontinence, impregnate | |
infra- | infra- | Stedman's: below Wikipedia: below McCarthy: Below, lower than |
Infrahyoid muscles, infraorbital, infraclass | |
inguino- | ???- | Stedman's: groin | ||
inter- | inter- | Stedman's: between, among Wikipedia: between, among McCarthy: Between, among, during |
Interarticular ligament, interleukin | |
intra- | intra- | Stedman's: within Wikipedia: within McCarthy: Among, within, inside, during |
intramural, intramuscular, introgression | |
intro- | intro- | Stedman's: within McCarthy: Among, within, inside, during |
intramuscular, introgression | |
iod- | iod- | McCarthy: Denotes iodine | iodophilia | |
iodo- | iodo- | McCarthy: Denotes iodine | iodophilia | |
ipsi- | ipsi- | Wikipedia: same | Ipsilateral hemiparesis | |
irid- | irid- | Stedman's: iris Wikipedia: iris McCarthy: Pertaining to the iris |
Iridectomy, irideremia | |
irido- | irido- | Stedman's: iris Wikipedia: iris McCarthy: Pertaining to the iris |
Iridectomy, irideremia | |
isch- | isk- | Wikipedia: restriction | Ischemia | |
ischi- | iski- | Stedman's: ischium | ||
ischio- | iskio- | Stedman's: ischium Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ischium, the hip-joint McCarthy: Pertaining to the ischium |
Ischioanal fossa, ischiopubiotomy | |
ischo- | isko- | McCarthy: Denotes suppression or restraint | ischochymia | |
iso- | iso- | Stedman's: 1 equal, like, 2 isomer, 3 sameness Wikipedia: Denoting something as being 'equal' McCarthy: Equal |
Isotonic, isopathy |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
japon- | japon- | McCarthy: Refers to Japan | Andrias japonicus | |
jav- | jab- | McCarthy: Refers to Java | Javanthropus | |
java- | jaba- | McCarthy: Refers to Java | Javanthropus | |
jejun- | ???- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the jejunum | jejunectomy | |
jejuno- | ???- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the jejunum | jejunectomy | |
juba- | juba- | McCarthy: (1) crested (2) maned | Acinonyx jubatus, Chrysocyon jubatus | |
juxta- | justa- | McCarthy: Near, alongside | juxtapyloric |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
kal- | kal- | Stedman's: potassium Wikipedia: potassium |
Hyperkalemia | |
kali- | kali- | Stedman's: potassium | ||
karyo- | kario- | Stedman's: nucleus Wikipedia: nucleus McCarthy: Nucleus, kernel, nut |
Eukaryote, karyotype | |
kata- | kata- | McCarthy: Rare variant spellings of cat-. | ||
kath- | kat- | McCarthy: Rare variant spellings of cat-. | ||
kerat- | kerat- | Stedman's: cornea Wikipedia: cornea (eye or skin) McCarthy: (1) horn, horny ; (2) cornea |
Keratoscope, keratin, keratoconjunctivitis | |
kerato- | kerato- | Stedman's: cornea Wikipedia: cornea (eye or skin) McCarthy: (1) horn, horny ; (2) cornea |
Keratoscope, keratin, keratoconjunctivitis | |
kilo- | kilo- | Stedman's: one thousand (103) | ||
kin- | zin- | Stedman's: movement Wikipedia: movement McCarthy: Denotes movement or action. |
Kinesthesia, kinocilium | |
kine- | zine- | Stedman's: movement Wikipedia: movement McCarthy: Denotes movement or action. |
Kinesthesia, kinocilium | |
kinesi- | zinesi- | Stedman's: motion Wikipedia: movement McCarthy: Movement, motion |
Kinesthesia, kinesialgia, kinesiology | |
kinesio- | zinesio- | Stedman's: motion Wikipedia: movement McCarthy: Movement, motion |
Kinesthesia, kinesialgia, kinesiology | |
kineso- | kineso- | Stedman's: motion | ||
kinet- | zinet- | McCarthy: Movement, motion | kinetochore | |
kineto- | zineto- | McCarthy: Movement, motion | kinetochore | |
kino- | kino- | Stedman's: movement Wikipedia: movement McCarthy: Denotes movement or action. |
Kinesthesia, kinocilium | |
koil- | koil- | Wikipedia: hollow | Koilocyte | |
koilo- | koilo- | Wikipedia: hollow | Koilocyte | |
kolp- | kolp- | McCarthy: Variant spelling of colp-. | ||
koly- | koli- | McCarthy: Denotes inhibition or hindrance | kolypeptic | |
konio- | konio- | McCarthy: Denotes dust | koniology, koniometer | |
kry- | kri- | McCarthy: Cold, frozen McCarthy: Rare variant spelling of cry-. |
cryobiology, cryophile | |
kryo- | krio- | McCarthy: Cold, frozen McCarthy: Rare variant spelling of cry-. |
cryobiology, cryophile | |
krypt- | kript- | McCarthy: Hidden, covered, invisible | Kryptopterus = a genus of mostly transparent catfish | |
krypto- | kripto- | McCarthy: Hidden, covered, invisible | Kryptopterus = a genus of mostly transparent catfish | |
kyo- | kio- | McCarthy: Denotes pregnancy | kyogenic | |
kyph- | zif- | Wikipedia: humped McCarthy: Humped, hunchbacked |
Kyphoscoliosis, kyphosis | |
kypho- | zifo- | Wikipedia: humped McCarthy: Humped, hunchbacked |
Kyphoscoliosis, kyphosis | |
kyt- | kit- | McCarthy: Variant spelling of cyt-. |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
labi- | labi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the lip McCarthy: Denotes lip |
Labiodental, labiate | |
labio- | labio- | Stedman's: lip Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the lip McCarthy: Denotes lip |
Labiodental, labiate | |
lachrym- | lakrim- | McCarthy: Relating to tears or the tear duct | lachrymiform, lacrimotomy | |
lachrymo- | lakrimo- | McCarthy: Relating to tears or the tear duct | lachrymiform, lacrimotomy | |
lacrim- | lakrim- | Stedman's: tears Wikipedia: tear McCarthy: Relating to tears or the tear duct |
Lacrimal canaliculi, lachrymiform, lacrimotomy | |
lacrimo- | lakrimo- | Stedman's: tears Wikipedia: tear McCarthy: Relating to tears or the tear duct |
Lacrimal canaliculi, lachrymiform, lacrimotomy | |
lact- | lakt- | Stedman's: milk Wikipedia: milk Wikipedia: milk McCarthy: (1) milk ; (2) lactic acid |
Lactation, lactose, lactate | |
lacti- | lakti- | Stedman's: milk Wikipedia: milk Wikipedia: milk |
Lactation | |
lacto- | lakto- | Stedman's: milk | ||
lacun- | lakun- | McCarthy: Hole, pit, cavity | lacunaria | |
laev- | leb- | McCarthy: Alternative spelling of lev-. McCarthy: Left, toward the left |
levorotatory, levoversion | |
laevo- | lebo- | McCarthy: Alternative spelling of lev-. McCarthy: Left, toward the left |
levorotatory, levoversion | |
lag- | lag- | McCarthy: Hare | lagomorph | |
lagen- | lagen- | McCarthy: Denotes a bottle | lageniform | |
lago- | lago- | McCarthy: Hare | lagomorph | |
lan- | lan- | McCarthy: Denotes wool | lanolin, lanosus | |
lani- | lani- | McCarthy: Denotes wool | lanolin, lanosus | |
lano- | lano- | McCarthy: Denotes wool | lanolin, lanosus | |
lapar- | lapar- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the abdomen-wall, flank | Laparotomy | |
laparo- | laparo- | Stedman's: abdomen, abdominal wall Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the abdomen-wall, flank McCarthy: Abdomen Particularly denotes operations involving an incision into the abdomen. |
Laparotomy, laparoscopy | |
laryng- | laring- | Stedman's: larynx Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the larynx, the lower throat cavity where the voice box is McCarthy: Denotes the larynx |
Larynx, laryngopharyngitis, laryngoscope | |
laryngo- | laringo- | Stedman's: larynx Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the larynx, the lower throat cavity where the voice box is McCarthy: Denotes the larynx |
Larynx, laryngopharyngitis, laryngoscope | |
lasi- | lasi- | McCarthy: Shaggy | Lasiurus = a genus of hairy-tailed bats | |
later- | later- | McCarthy: Side, flank | laterodorsal | |
lateri- | lateri- | Stedman's: lateral, to one side, side McCarthy: Side, flank |
laterodorsal | |
latero- | latero- | Stedman's: lateral, to one side, side Wikipedia: lateral McCarthy: Side, flank |
Lateral pectoral nerve, laterodorsal | |
lati- | lati- | McCarthy: Wide, broad | latifoliate | |
laur- | laur- | McCarthy: (1) denotes laurel ; (2) derived from, or allied to lauric acid | lauric | |
lauro- | lauro- | McCarthy: (1) denotes laurel ; (2) derived from, or allied to lauric acid | lauric | |
lei- | lei- | Wikipedia: smooth | Leiomyoma | |
leio- | leio- | Wikipedia: smooth McCarthy: Smooth |
Leiomyoma, leiomyoma | |
lenti- | lenti- | McCarthy: Denotes a lens | lentiform | |
leon- | leon- | McCarthy: Lion | Leonotis = a genus of plants with the common name Lion's ear | |
lepid- | lepid- | McCarthy: Denotes flakes or scales | lepidophyte | |
lepido- | lepido- | McCarthy: Denotes flakes or scales | lepidophyte | |
lepr- | lepr- | McCarthy: Leprosy | leprology | |
lept- | lept- | Wikipedia: light, slender McCarthy: Denotes fine, small, thin, weak |
Leptomeningeal, leptotene | |
lepto- | lepto- | Stedman's: light, slender, thin, frail Wikipedia: light, slender McCarthy: Denotes fine, small, thin, weak |
Leptomeningeal, leptotene | |
leuc- | leuk- | Wikipedia: Denoting a white color McCarthy: White, colorless |
Leukocyte, leukocyte | |
leuco- | leuko- | Wikipedia: Denoting a white color McCarthy: White, colorless |
Leukocyte, leukocyte | |
leuk- | leuk- | Stedman's: white Wikipedia: Denoting a white color McCarthy: White, colorless |
Leukocyte, leukocyte | |
leuko- | leuko- | Stedman's: white Wikipedia: Denoting a white color McCarthy: White, colorless |
Leukocyte, leukocyte | |
lev- | leb- | McCarthy: Left, toward the left | levorotatory, levoversion | |
levo- | lebo- | McCarthy: Left, toward the left | levorotatory, levoversion | |
lien- | lien- | McCarthy: Denotes the spleen | lienitis, lienocele, lienopancreatic, lienopathy | |
lieno- | lieno- | McCarthy: Denotes the spleen | lienitis, lienocele, lienopancreatic, lienopathy | |
lign- | lign- | McCarthy: Wood or lignin, which is a component of wood | lignification | |
ligni- | ligni- | McCarthy: Wood or lignin, which is a component of wood | lignification | |
ligno- | ligno- | McCarthy: Wood or lignin, which is a component of wood | lignification | |
ligul- | ligul- | McCarthy: Tongue- or strap-shaped | ligulate | |
limn- | limn- | McCarthy: Freshwater lakes/ponds | limnology, limnoplankton | |
limni- | limni- | McCarthy: Freshwater lakes/ponds | limnology, limnoplankton | |
limno- | limno- | McCarthy: Freshwater lakes/ponds | limnology, limnoplankton | |
lingu- | lingu- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the tongue McCarthy: Relating to the tongue, tonguelike |
Linguistics, linguiform, lingual | |
lingua- | lingua- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the tongue McCarthy: Relating to the tongue, tonguelike |
Linguistics, linguiform, lingual | |
lingui- | lingui- | McCarthy: Relating to the tongue, tonguelike | linguiform, lingual | |
linguo- | linguo- | Stedman's: tongue McCarthy: Relating to the tongue, tonguelike |
linguiform, lingual | |
lio- | ???- | McCarthy: Smooth | leiomyoma | |
lip- | lip- | Stedman's: fat, lipid Wikipedia: fat McCarthy: Fat, fatty, fatty tissue |
Liposuction, lipoblast, lipocyte, liposarcoma, liposome | |
lipo- | lipo- | Stedman's: fat, lipid Wikipedia: fat McCarthy: Fat, fatty, fatty tissue |
Liposuction, lipoblast, lipocyte, liposarcoma, liposome | |
lith- | lit- | Stedman's: stone, calculus, calcification Wikipedia: stone, calculus McCarthy: Stone |
Lithotripsy, lithotripsy | |
litho- | lito- | Stedman's: stone, calculus, calcification Wikipedia: stone, calculus McCarthy: Stone |
Lithotripsy, lithotripsy | |
loch- | lok- | McCarthy: Pertaining to lochia | lochiometritis | |
lochio- | lokio- | McCarthy: Pertaining to lochia | lochiometritis | |
locho- | loko- | McCarthy: Pertaining to lochia | lochiometritis | |
log- | log- | Stedman's: speech, words Wikipedia: speech McCarthy: Denotes word, thought, or speech |
logomania | |
logo- | logo- | Stedman's: speech, words Wikipedia: speech McCarthy: Denotes word, thought, or speech |
logomania | |
loma- | loma- | McCarthy: Hem, fringe | Lomatium | |
lonch- | lonk- | McCarthy: Denotes lance | Arnica lonchophylla | |
loncho- | lonko- | McCarthy: Denotes lance | Arnica lonchophylla | |
longi- | longi- | McCarthy: Long | longifolia | |
loph- | lof- | McCarthy: Denotes a crest | Lophodytes | |
lopho- | lofo- | |||
lox- | lox- | McCarthy: Slanting | Loxodonta | |
loxo- | loxo- | McCarthy: Slanting | Loxodonta | |
lucid- | luzid- | McCarthy: Light, shining, clear | luciferin | |
ludovici- | ludobizi- | McCarthy: | ||
lumbo- | lumbo- | McCarthy: Denotes the loins | lumbocostal | |
lun- | lun- | McCarthy: Refers to the moon | lunate | |
luna- | luna- | McCarthy: Refers to the moon | lunate | |
lusitan- | lusitan- | McCarthy: | ||
luteo- | luteo- | McCarthy: Yellow, especially light yellow, greenish yellow | Luteovirus | |
lyc- | lik- | McCarthy: Wolf | Lycopodiophyta | |
lyco- | liko- | McCarthy: Wolf | Lycopodiophyta | |
lymph- | linf- | Stedman's: lymph Wikipedia: lymph McCarthy: Denotes lymph, lymphatic tissue, or the lymphatic system |
Lymphedema, lymphectasia, lymphocyte, lymphoidectomy | |
lympha- | linfa- | |||
lymphangi- | linfangi- | McCarthy: Denotes lymph, lymphatic tissue, or the lymphatic system | lymphectasia, lymphocyte, lymphoidectomy | |
lympho- | linfo- | Stedman's: lymph Wikipedia: lymph McCarthy: Denotes lymph, lymphatic tissue, or the lymphatic system |
Lymphedema, lymphectasia, lymphocyte, lymphoidectomy | |
lymphoid- | linfoid- | McCarthy: Denotes lymph, lymphatic tissue, or the lymphatic system | lymphectasia, lymphocyte, lymphoidectomy | |
lyr- | lir- | McCarthy: Lyre | lyriform | |
lys- | lis- | Stedman's: lysis, dissolution Wikipedia: dissolution McCarthy: Denotes lysis |
Lysosome, lysogeny, lysosome | |
lyso- | liso- | Stedman's: lysis, dissolution Wikipedia: dissolution McCarthy: Denotes lysis |
Lysosome, lysogeny, lysosome |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
macr- | makr- | Stedman's: large, long Wikipedia: large, long |
Macrophage | |
macro- | makro- | Stedman's: large, long Wikipedia: large, long McCarthy: Large, long, big |
Macrophage, macroevolution, macrophage | |
mal- | mal- | Stedman's: bad, deficient McCarthy: Bad, evil, poor, abnormal |
malpresentation | |
male- | male- | McCarthy: Bad, evil, poor, abnormal | malpresentation | |
mamm- | mam- | Stedman's: breast Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the breast |
Mammogram | |
mamma- | mama- | Stedman's: breast | ||
mammill- | mamil- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nipple | mammillaplasty, mammillitis | |
mammillo- | mamilo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nipple | mammillaplasty, mammillitis | |
mammo- | mamo- | Stedman's: breast Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the breast |
Mammogram | |
mann- | man- | McCarthy: Pertaining to, involving, or structured like mannose | mannosamine | |
manno- | mano- | McCarthy: Pertaining to, involving, or structured like mannose | mannosamine | |
manu- | manu- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the hand | Manufacture | |
mast- | mast- | Stedman's: breast Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the breast McCarthy: Breast, udder |
Mastectomy, mastology | |
masto- | masto- | Stedman's: breast Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the breast McCarthy: Breast, udder |
Mastectomy, mastology | |
medi- | medi- | McCarthy: In the middle | mediocarpal | |
medio- | medio- | McCarthy: In the middle | mediocarpal | |
medull- | medul- | McCarthy: Denotes marrow | medullitis | |
medullo- | medulo- | McCarthy: Denotes marrow | medullitis | |
meg- | meg- | Stedman's: large, oversize Wikipedia: enlargement, million McCarthy: (1) great, large ; (2) one million |
Splenomegaly, megameter, megadont, megalocephaly, megamole | |
mega- | mega- | Stedman's: 1 large, oversize, 2 one million (106) Wikipedia: enlargement, million McCarthy: (1) great, large ; (2) one million |
Splenomegaly, megameter, megadont, megalocephaly, megamole | |
megal- | megal- | Stedman's: large Wikipedia: enlargement, million McCarthy: (1) great, large ; (2) one million |
Splenomegaly, megameter, megadont, megalocephaly, megamole | |
megalo- | megalo- | Stedman's: large Wikipedia: enlargement, million McCarthy: (1) great, large ; (2) one million |
Splenomegaly, megameter, megadont, megalocephaly, megamole | |
meio- | meio- | McCarthy: Less, smaller, reduction | Miocene, meiosis | |
melan- | melan- | Stedman's: black Wikipedia: black color McCarthy: Black, dark |
Melanin, melanosome | |
melano- | melano- | Stedman's: black Wikipedia: black color McCarthy: Black, dark |
Melanin, melanosome | |
men- | men- | Stedman's: menstruation | ||
mening- | mening- | Stedman's: meninges Wikipedia: membrane McCarthy: Relating to the meninges |
Meningitis, meningitis | |
meningio- | meningio- | McCarthy: Relating to the meninges | meningitis | |
meningo- | meningo- | Stedman's: meninges Wikipedia: membrane |
Meningitis | |
meno- | meno- | Stedman's: menstruation | ||
ment- | ment- | Stedman's: chin | ||
mento- | mento- | Stedman's: chin | ||
mer- | mer- | McCarthy: Part, partial, segmented | merozoite | |
mero- | mero- | Wikipedia: part McCarthy: Part, partial, segmented McCarthy: Denotes the thigh |
merocrine, meroblastic, merozoite, merocoxalgia | |
mes- | mes- | Stedman's: 1 middle, mean, intermediate, 2 attaching membrane Wikipedia: middle McCarthy: (1) middle ; (2) mesentery |
Mesoderm, mesoderm, Mesozoic, mesoileum | |
meso- | meso- | Stedman's: 1 middle, mean, intermediate, 2 attaching membrane Wikipedia: middle McCarthy: (1) middle ; (2) mesentery |
Mesoderm, mesoderm, Mesozoic, mesoileum | |
met- | met- | McCarthy: (1) occurring after, succeeding ; (2) beyond ; (3) behind, posterior ; (4) later, more advanced ; (5) across ; (5) chemistry: in meta-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 3 | metagenesis, metacarpus, metencephalon, Metazoa, metoxenous, see explanatory diagram → | |
meta- | meta- | Stedman's: 1 after, behind, 2 joint action, sharing Wikipedia: after, behind McCarthy: (1) occurring after, succeeding ; (2) beyond ; (3) behind, posterior ; (4) later, more advanced ; (5) across ; (5) chemistry: in meta-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 3 |
Metacarpus, metagenesis, metacarpus, metencephalon, Metazoa, metoxenous, see explanatory diagram → | |
metall- | metal- | McCarthy: Denotes metal(s) | metallophobia | |
metallo- | metalo- | McCarthy: Denotes metal(s) | metallophobia | |
meto- | meto- | McCarthy: (1) occurring after, succeeding ; (2) beyond ; (3) behind, posterior ; (4) later, more advanced ; (5) across ; (5) chemistry: in meta-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 3 | metagenesis, metacarpus, metencephalon, Metazoa, metoxenous, see explanatory diagram → | |
metop- | metop- | McCarthy: Forehead | metopodynia | |
metopo- | metopo- | McCarthy: Forehead | metopodynia | |
metr- | metr- | Stedman's: uterus Wikipedia: Pertaining to conditions or instruments of the uterus McCarthy: Relating to the uterus, uterine |
Metrorrhagia, metritis, metrocarcinoma | |
metra- | metra- | McCarthy: Relating to the uterus, uterine | metritis, metrocarcinoma | |
metro- | metro- | Stedman's: uterus Wikipedia: Pertaining to conditions or instruments of the uterus McCarthy: Relating to the uterus, uterine |
Metrorrhagia, metritis, metrocarcinoma | |
mi- | mi- | McCarthy: Less, smaller, reduction | Miocene, meiosis | |
micr- | mikr- | Stedman's: small, microscopic | ||
micro- | mikro- | Stedman's: 1 small, microscopic, 2 one-millionth (10Ϫ6) Wikipedia: denoting something as small, or relating to smallness, millionth McCarthy: (1) small; (2) one millionth |
Microscope, microliter | |
mid- | mid- | McCarthy: Middle, in the middle | midlands, mid-incisor | |
milli- | mili- | Stedman's: one-thousandth (10Ϫ3) Wikipedia: thousandth McCarthy: One thousandth |
milliliter, milliliter | |
mio- | mio- | McCarthy: Less, smaller, reduction | Miocene, meiosis | |
mis- | mis- | McCarthy: Incorrect, improper McCarthy: Hatred |
misclassification, misogynist | |
miso- | miso- | McCarthy: Hatred | misogynist | |
mit- | mit- | McCarthy: (1) thread (2) mitosis | mitoinhibitory | |
mito- | mito- | McCarthy: (1) thread (2) mitosis | mitoinhibitory | |
mon- | mon- | Stedman's: single Wikipedia: single McCarthy: Single |
Infectious mononucleosis, monocotyledon, monocyte, monoecious, monosaccharides, monosomy, monotreme | |
mono- | mono- | Stedman's: single Wikipedia: single McCarthy: Single |
Infectious mononucleosis, monocotyledon, monocyte, monoecious, monosaccharides, monosomy, monotreme | |
morph- | morf- | Stedman's: form, shape, structure Wikipedia: form, shape McCarthy: Form, shape, type, structure |
Morphology, morphology | |
morpho- | morfo- | Stedman's: form, shape, structure Wikipedia: form, shape McCarthy: Form, shape, type, structure |
Morphology, morphology | |
muc- | muk- | McCarthy: Pertaining to mucus or mucous membrane | mucigen | |
muco- | muko- | McCarthy: Pertaining to mucus or mucous membrane | mucigen | |
multi- | multi- | McCarthy: Many | multiplexing | |
muscul- | muskul- | Wikipedia: muscle McCarthy: Pertaining to muscle |
Musculoskeletal system, musculocutaneous | |
musculo- | muskulo- | Wikipedia: muscle McCarthy: Pertaining to muscle |
Musculoskeletal system, musculocutaneous | |
my- | mi- | Stedman's: muscle Wikipedia: Of or relating to muscle McCarthy: Of or relating to muscle |
Myoblast, myoatrophy, myalgia | |
myc- | miz- | Wikipedia: fungus McCarthy: Fungus, mushroom |
Onychomycosis, Mycobacterium, mycology, mycosis | |
myco- | miko- | Wikipedia: fungus McCarthy: Fungus, mushroom |
Onychomycosis, Mycobacterium, mycology, mycosis | |
myel- | miel- | Stedman's: 1 bone marrow, 2 spinal cord Wikipedia: Of or relating to bone marrow or spinal cord McCarthy: (1) of or relating to marrow ; (2) relating to the spinal cord |
Myeloblast, myelocyte | |
myelo- | mielo- | Stedman's: 1 bone marrow, 2 spinal cord Wikipedia: Of or relating to bone marrow or spinal cord McCarthy: (1) of or relating to marrow ; (2) relating to the spinal cord |
Myeloblast, myelocyte | |
myo- | mio- | Stedman's: muscle Wikipedia: Of or relating to muscle McCarthy: Of or relating to muscle |
Myoblast, myoatrophy, myalgia | |
myri- | miri- | Wikipedia: ten thousand McCarthy: Countless, extremely numerous |
myriad, myriapod | |
myria- | miria- | McCarthy: Countless, extremely numerous McCarthy: Ten thousand |
myriapod, myriameter | |
myring- | miring- | Stedman's: tympanic membrane Wikipedia: eardrum |
Myringotomy | |
myringo- | miringo- | Stedman's: tympanic membrane Wikipedia: eardrum |
Myringotomy | |
myrio- | mirio- | McCarthy: Countless, extremely numerous | myriapod | |
myx- | mix- | Stedman's: mucus Wikipedia: mucus McCarthy: Of or relating to mucus or slime |
Myxoma, myxobacterium | |
myxo- | mixo- | Stedman's: mucus Wikipedia: mucus McCarthy: Of or relating to mucus or slime |
Myxoma, myxobacterium |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
nan- | nan- | McCarthy: Dwarf | Nannippus | |
nann- | nan- | McCarthy: Dwarf | Nannippus | |
nanno- | nano- | McCarthy: Dwarf | Nannippus | |
nano- | nano- | Stedman's: 1 dwarf, 2 one billionth (10Ϫ9) McCarthy: Dwarf McCarthy: Metric prefix: one billionth |
Nannippus, nanoliter, nanometer, nanosecond | |
narc- | nark- | Wikipedia: numb, sleep | narcolepsy | |
narco- | narko- | Wikipedia: numb, sleep | narcolepsy | |
nas- | nas- | Stedman's: nose Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nose McCarthy: Nose |
nasal, nasitis, nasopalatine, nasopharynx | |
naso- | naso- | Stedman's: nose Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nose McCarthy: Nose |
nasal, nasitis, nasopalatine, nasopharynx | |
natr- | natr- | Stedman's: sodium | ||
natri- | natri- | Stedman's: sodium | ||
necr- | nekr- | Stedman's: death, necrosis Wikipedia: death McCarthy: Of or relating to death or dead things |
Necrosis, necrotizing fasciitis, necrosis | |
necro- | nekro- | Stedman's: death, necrosis Wikipedia: death McCarthy: Of or relating to death or dead things |
Necrosis, necrotizing fasciitis, necrosis | |
nem- | nem- | McCarthy: Thread | nematode, nematoid | |
nema- | nema- | McCarthy: Thread | nematode, nematoid | |
nemat- | nemat- | McCarthy: Thread | nematode, nematoid | |
nemato- | nemato- | McCarthy: Thread | nematode, nematoid | |
nemo- | nemo- | McCarthy: Thread | nematode, nematoid | |
neo- | neo- | Stedman's: new Wikipedia: new McCarthy: New |
Neoplasm, neoplasm | |
nephr- | nefr- | Stedman's: kidney Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the kidney McCarthy: Kidney, kidney-shaped |
Nephrology, nephric, nephritis | |
nephra- | nefra- | McCarthy: Kidney, kidney-shaped | nephric, nephritis | |
nephro- | nefro- | Stedman's: kidney Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the kidney McCarthy: Kidney, kidney-shaped |
Nephrology, nephric, nephritis | |
nerv- | nerbi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system [Uncommon as a root: neuro- mostly always used] McCarthy: Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system |
Nerve, nervous system, nervomuscular | |
nervi- | nerbi- | McCarthy: Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system | nervomuscular | |
nervo- | nerbo- | McCarthy: Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system | nervomuscular | |
neur- | neur- | Stedman's: nerve, nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system McCarthy: Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system |
Neurofibromatosis, neuralgia | |
neuri- | neuri- | Stedman's: nerve, nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system McCarthy: Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system |
Neurofibromatosis, neuralgia | |
neuro- | neuro- | Stedman's: nerve, nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system McCarthy: Denotes nerve(s), nervous tissue, or the nervous system |
Neurofibromatosis, neuralgia | |
nid- | nid- | McCarthy: Denotes nest | nidology, nidifugous | |
nidi- | nidi- | McCarthy: Denotes nest | nidology, nidifugous | |
nido- | nido- | McCarthy: Denotes nest | nidology, nidifugous | |
nigr- | nigr- | McCarthy: Black, dark | ||
nipho- | nifo- | McCarthy: Denotes snow | ||
nitr- | nitr- | McCarthy: Nitrogen, nitrate | Nitrobacter | |
nitro- | nitro- | McCarthy: Nitrogen, nitrate | Nitrobacter | |
niv- | nib- | McCarthy: Snow | ||
noc- | nok- | McCarthy: To harm, harmful, injury | nociceptor | |
noci- | nozi- | McCarthy: To harm, harmful, injury | nociceptor | |
noct- | nokt- | McCarthy: Night | nocturnal | |
nocti- | nokti- | McCarthy: Night | nocturnal | |
nocto- | nokto- | McCarthy: Night | nocturnal | |
nod- | nod- | McCarthy: Having, being, or resembling a node or nodes | nodule | |
nodi- | nodi- | McCarthy: Having, being, or resembling a node or nodes | nodule | |
nodo- | nodo- | McCarthy: Having, being, or resembling a node or nodes | nodule | |
non- | non- | McCarthy: Not | nonchitinous | |
nona- | nona- | McCarthy: Nine | nonahydrate | |
norm- | norm- | Stedman's: normal McCarthy: Normal, usual |
normocytosis | |
normo- | normo- | Stedman's: normal Wikipedia: normal McCarthy: Normal, usual |
Normocapnia, normocytosis | |
noso- | noso- | McCarthy: Denotes disease | nosocomial, nosography | |
not- | not- | McCarthy: Back, at the back | notochord | |
noth- | not- | McCarthy: False, bastard, hybrid | nothosaur | |
notho- | noto- | McCarthy: False, bastard, hybrid | nothosaur | |
noto- | noto- | McCarthy: Back, at the back | notochord | |
nov- | nob- | McCarthy: New | novobiocin | |
novem- | nobem- | McCarthy: nine | November | |
novo- | nobo- | McCarthy: New | novobiocin | |
nuc- | nuk- | McCarthy: Nut | nucellus, nuciform | |
nucle- | nukle- | McCarthy: Nucleus | nucleolus, nucleoplasm, nucleosome, nucleotide | |
nucleo- | nukleo- | McCarthy: Nucleus | nucleolus, nucleoplasm, nucleosome, nucleotide | |
nudi- | nudi- | McCarthy: Naked, uncovered | nudibranch | |
numm- | num- | McCarthy: Coin | nummiform, nummular | |
nut- | nut- | McCarthy: Refers to nodding | nutation | |
nyct- | nikt- | McCarthy: Night, nighttime | nyctalgia, nycturia | |
nycti- | nikti- | McCarthy: Night, nighttime | nyctalgia, nycturia | |
nycto- | nikto- | McCarthy: Night, nighttime | nyctalgia, nycturia |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
oari- | obari- | McCarthy: See: ovari(o)-. McCarthy: Ovary |
ovariectomy, ovariotubal | |
oario- | obario- | McCarthy: See: ovari(o)-. | ||
ob- | ob- | McCarthy: Usually denotes opposition | obstruct | |
oct- | okt- | McCarthy: Eight | octoploid, octipara | |
octa- | okta- | McCarthy: Eight | octoploid, octipara | |
octav- | oktab- | McCarthy: Eight | octoploid, octipara | |
octavo- | oktabo- | McCarthy: Eight | octoploid, octipara | |
octo- | okto- | Stedman's: eight McCarthy: Eight |
octoploid, octipara | |
ocul- | okul- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eye McCarthy: Denotes the eye |
Oculist, oculomycosis, oculomotorius, oculonasal, oculozygomatic | |
oculo- | okulo- | Stedman's: eye, ocular Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eye McCarthy: Denotes the eye |
Oculist, oculomycosis, oculomotorius, oculonasal, oculozygomatic | |
odont- | odont- | Stedman's: tooth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to teeth McCarthy: Denotes a tooth or teeth |
orthodontist, odontogenesis, odontology, odontopathy | |
odonto- | odonto- | Stedman's: tooth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to teeth McCarthy: Denotes a tooth or teeth |
orthodontist, odontogenesis, odontology, odontopathy | |
odyn- | odin- | Stedman's: pain Wikipedia: pain McCarthy: Denotes pain |
stomatodynia, odynacusis, odynometer | |
odyno- | odino- | Stedman's: pain Wikipedia: pain McCarthy: Denotes pain |
stomatodynia, odynacusis, odynometer | |
oec- | ek- | McCarthy: (1) habitation; (2) relating to the environment McCarthy: See: ec(o)- |
ecology | |
oeco- | eko- | McCarthy: (1) habitation; (2) relating to the environment McCarthy: See: ec(o)- |
ecology | |
oen- | en- | McCarthy: Denotes wine or something wine-colored | ||
oeno- | eno- | McCarthy: Denotes wine or something wine-colored | ||
oeso- | eso- | |||
oesophag- | esofag- | McCarthy: See: esophag(o)- | ||
oesophago- | esofago- | Wikipedia: gullet McCarthy: Esophagus McCarthy: See: esophag(o)- |
esophagostenosis | |
oiko- | eko- | McCarthy: (1) habitation; (2) relating to the environment McCarthy: See: ec(o)- |
ecology | |
olea- | olea- | McCarthy: oil | oleaginous | |
olfact- | olfakt- | McCarthy: Denotes smell | olfactive, olfactology, olfactory | |
olig- | olig- | Stedman's: few, little Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'having little, having few' McCarthy: A few, a little, small |
Oligotrophy, Oligocene, oligosaccharide | |
oligo- | oligo- | Stedman's: few, little Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'having little, having few' McCarthy: A few, a little, small |
Oligotrophy, Oligocene, oligosaccharide | |
om- | om- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the shoulder McCarthy: Denotes the shoulder |
Omoplate, omitis, omodynia | |
ombro- | onbro- | McCarthy: Rain | ombrology, ombrophile, ombrophilous | |
oment- | oment- | McCarthy: Omentum | omentotomy | |
omento- | omento- | McCarthy: Omentum | omentotomy | |
omni- | omni- | McCarthy: All | omnivorous | |
omo- | omo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the shoulder McCarthy: Denotes the shoulder |
Omoplate, omitis, omodynia | |
omphal- | onfal- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the navel, the umbilicus McCarthy: (1) navel ; (2) the umbilicus, or umbilical cord |
Omphalotomy, omphalitis, omphalos | |
omphalo- | onfalo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the navel, the umbilicus McCarthy: (1) navel ; (2) the umbilicus, or umbilical cord |
Omphalotomy, omphalitis, omphalos | |
onc- | onk- | McCarthy: Hook, hooklike, barbed Compare: unci-. | onchium, oncosphere | |
onch- | onk- | McCarthy: Hook, hooklike, barbed Compare: unci-. | onchium, oncosphere | |
oncho- | onko- | Stedman's: oncoonco- tumor, bulk, volume McCarthy: Hook, hooklike, barbed Compare: unci-. |
onchium, oncosphere | |
onci- | onzi- | McCarthy: Hook, hooklike, barbed Compare: unci-. | onchium, oncosphere | |
onco- | onko- | Wikipedia: tumor, bulk, volume McCarthy: Tumor, cancer, tumor causing McCarthy: Hook, hooklike, barbed Compare: unci-. |
Oncology, oncogene, oncology, onchium, oncosphere | |
ont- | ont- | McCarthy: Being, living thing | ontogeny | |
onto- | onto- | McCarthy: Being, living thing | ontogeny | |
onych- | onik- | Stedman's: fingernail, toenail Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nail (of a finger or toe) McCarthy: Condition of the fingernails or toenails of the type indicated by the stem or suffix |
Onychophagy, onycholysis, onychoma, onychosis, onyxis | |
onycho- | oniko- | Stedman's: fingernail, toenail Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nail (of a finger or toe) McCarthy: Condition of the fingernails or toenails of the type indicated by the stem or suffix |
Onychophagy, onycholysis, onychoma, onychosis, onyxis | |
onyx- | oniz- | McCarthy: Condition of the fingernails or toenails of the type indicated by the stem or suffix | onycholysis, onychoma, onychosis, onyxis | |
oo- | oo- | Stedman's: egg, ovary Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the an egg, a woman's egg, the ovum McCarthy: Denotes an egg or the primodial cell that develops into an ovule |
Oogenesis, oocyte, oogamous, oogenesis | |
oophor- | oofor- | Stedman's: ovary Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the woman's ovary McCarthy: Denotes an ovary |
Oophorectomy, oophorocystosis, oophorectomy | |
oophoro- | ooforo- | Stedman's: ovary Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the woman's ovary McCarthy: Denotes an ovary |
Oophorectomy, oophorocystosis, oophorectomy | |
ophthalm- | oftalm- | Stedman's: eye Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eye McCarthy: Eye, eyeball, of or affecting the eyes |
Ophthalmology, opthalmoscope | |
ophthalmo- | oftalmo- | Stedman's: eye Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eye McCarthy: Eye, eyeball, of or affecting the eyes |
Ophthalmology, opthalmoscope | |
optic- | optik- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to chemical properties of the eye McCarthy: Denotes vision or eye |
Opticochemical, biopsy, optostriate | |
optico- | optiko- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to chemical properties of the eye McCarthy: Denotes vision or eye |
Opticochemical, biopsy, optostriate | |
opto- | opto- | McCarthy: Denotes vision or eye | optostriate | |
or- | or- | Stedman's: mouth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mouth McCarthy: Mouth |
Oral, orad, oral, oropharynx | |
orch- | ork- | Wikipedia: testis | Orchiectomy, orchidectomy | |
orcheo- | orkeo- | McCarthy: Testicle | orchidectomy, orchiodynia | |
orchi- | orki- | Stedman's: testis Wikipedia: testis |
Orchiectomy, orchidectomy | |
orchid- | orkid- | Wikipedia: testis McCarthy: Testicle |
Orchiectomy, orchidectomy, orchidectomy, orchiodynia | |
orchido- | orkido- | Stedman's: testis Wikipedia: testis McCarthy: Testicle |
Orchiectomy, orchidectomy, orchidectomy, orchiodynia | |
orchio- | orkio- | Stedman's: testis Wikipedia: testis McCarthy: Testicle |
Orchiectomy, orchidectomy, orchidectomy, orchiodynia | |
orcho- | orko- | Wikipedia: testis | Orchiectomy, orchidectomy | |
ore- | ore- | McCarthy: Mountain | orogeny | |
oreo- | oreo- | McCarthy: Mountain | orogeny | |
orexi- | orexi- | McCarthy: Appetite | orexigenic | |
ori- | ori- | Stedman's: mouth | ||
ornith- | ornit- | McCarthy: Bird | ornithophily, ornithology | |
ornitho- | ornito- | McCarthy: Bird | ornithophily, ornithology | |
oro- | oro- | Stedman's: mouth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mouth McCarthy: Mouth McCarthy: Mountain |
Oral, orad, oral, oropharynx, orogeny | |
orth- | ort- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as straight or correct | Orthodontist | |
ortho- | orto- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as straight or correct McCarthy: (1) straight ; (2) normal, average ; (3) at a right angle ; (4) chemistry: in ortho-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 2 |
Orthodontist, Orthoptera, orthopedic, orthopnea, see explanatory diagram>> | |
os- | os- | McCarthy: Mouth | oscedo | |
osch- | osk- | McCarthy: Scrotum | oschitis, oscheohydrocele | |
oscheo- | oskeo- | McCarthy: Scrotum | oschitis, oscheohydrocele | |
osmo- | osmo- | McCarthy: Pertaining to osmosis | osmotic | |
osphresio- | osfresio- | McCarthy: Denotes odor or smell | osphresiology | |
osse- | ose- | |||
osseo- | oseo- | Stedman's: bony Wikipedia: bony |
Osseous | |
ossi- | osi- | Stedman's: bone Wikipedia: bone McCarthy: Bone |
Peripheral ossifying fibroma, ossicle | |
ost- | ost- | Stedman's: bone Wikipedia: bone McCarthy: Bone |
Osteoporosis, ostemia, osteectopia, osteofibroma | |
oste- | oste- | Stedman's: bone Wikipedia: bone McCarthy: Bone |
Osteoporosis, ostemia, osteectopia, osteofibroma | |
osteo- | osteo- | Stedman's: bone Wikipedia: bone McCarthy: Bone |
Osteoporosis, ostemia, osteectopia, osteofibroma | |
ostra- | ostra- | McCarthy: Oyster | Ostreidae, ostreophagous | |
ostrac- | ostrak- | McCarthy: Shell | Ostraciidae | |
ostraco- | ostrako- | McCarthy: Shell | Ostraciidae | |
ostre- | ostre- | McCarthy: Oyster | Ostreidae, ostreophagous | |
ostrei- | ostrei- | McCarthy: Oyster | Ostreidae, ostreophagous | |
ostreo- | ostreo- | McCarthy: Oyster | Ostreidae, ostreophagous | |
ot- | ot- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ear McCarthy: Denotes the ear or hearing |
Otology, otalgia, otic, otitis, otology | |
oto- | oto- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ear McCarthy: Denotes the ear or hearing |
Otology, otalgia, otic, otitis, otology | |
ov- | ob- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum McCarthy: Denotes egg or ovum |
Ovogenesis, ovary, oviduct, oviparous, ovum, ovipositor | |
ovari- | obari- | Stedman's: ovary Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ovaries McCarthy: Ovary |
Ovariectomy, ovariectomy, ovariotubal | |
ovario- | obario- | Stedman's: ovary Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ovaries McCarthy: Ovary |
Ovariectomy, ovariectomy, ovariotubal | |
ovi- | obi- | Stedman's: egg Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum McCarthy: Denotes egg or ovum |
Ovogenesis, ovary, oviduct, oviparous, ovum, ovipositor | |
ovo- | obo- | Stedman's: egg Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum McCarthy: Denotes egg or ovum |
Ovogenesis, ovary, oviduct, oviparous, ovum, ovipositor | |
ovul- | obul- | McCarthy: Denotes ovule or ovum | ovulation | |
ovulo- | obulo- | McCarthy: Denotes ovule or ovum | ovulation | |
ox- | ox- | McCarthy: (1) sharp in shape, pointed ; (2) sharp in sensation ; (3) containing oxygen | oxycephalic, oxypathia, oxyhemoglobin | |
oxa- | oxa- | Stedman's: oxygen | ||
oxo- | oxo- | Stedman's: oxygen Wikipedia: addition of oxygen McCarthy: (1) sharp in shape, pointed ; (2) sharp in sensation ; (3) containing oxygen |
oxycephalic, oxypathia, oxyhemoglobin | |
oxy- | oxi- | Stedman's: 1 sharp, acid, 2 acute, shrill, quick, 3 oxygen Wikipedia: sharp, acid, acute, oxygen McCarthy: (1) sharp in shape, pointed ; (2) sharp in sensation ; (3) containing oxygen |
oxycephalic, oxypathia, oxyhemoglobin |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
pachy- | paki- | Stedman's: thick Wikipedia: thick McCarthy: Thick |
pachyderma, pachytene | |
paed- | ped- | McCarthy: See: ped(o)-. McCarthy: Denotes children |
pediatrics | |
paedo- | pedo- | McCarthy: See: ped(o)-. McCarthy: Denotes children |
pediatrics | |
paid- | ped- | McCarthy: See: ped(o)-. McCarthy: Denotes children |
pediatrics | |
paido- | pedo- | McCarthy: See: ped(o)-. McCarthy: Denotes children |
pediatrics | |
palaeo- | paleo- | McCarthy: Old, ancient | Paleocene | |
paleo- | paleo- | McCarthy: Old, ancient | Paleocene | |
palpebr- | palpebr- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the eyelid [uncommon as a root] | Palpebra | |
paludi- | paludi- | McCarthy: Swamp, marsh | paludicolous | |
pan- | pan- | Stedman's: all, entire Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'complete' or containing 'everything' Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'complete' or containing 'everything' McCarthy: All, entire |
panophobia, panopticon, panspermia, panmixia | |
pant- | pant- | Stedman's: all, entire Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'complete' or containing 'everything' McCarthy: All, entire |
panophobia, panopticon, panspermia, panmixia | |
panto- | panto- | Stedman's: all, entire Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'complete' or containing 'everything' McCarthy: All, entire |
panophobia, panopticon, panspermia, panmixia | |
papill- | papil- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nipple (of the chest/breast) McCarthy: Denotes a papilla |
Papillitis, papillectomy, papillate | |
papilli- | papili- | McCarthy: Denotes a papilla | papillectomy, papillate | |
papillo- | papilo- | McCarthy: Denotes a papilla | papillectomy, papillate | |
papul- | papul- | Wikipedia: Indicates papulosity, a small elevation or swelling in the skin, a pimple, swelling McCarthy: Papule or a papula |
Papulation, papular, papuliferous | |
papulo- | papulo- | Wikipedia: Indicates papulosity, a small elevation or swelling in the skin, a pimple, swelling McCarthy: Papule or a papula |
Papulation, papular, papuliferous | |
par- | par- | McCarthy: (1) ear, beyond, outside of, abnormal, alongside, by, from, together ; (2) chemistry: in para-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 4 | paracentric inversion, see explanatory diagram>> | |
para- | para- | Stedman's: 1 abnormal, 2 involvement of two like parts Wikipedia: alongside of, abnormal McCarthy: (1) ear, beyond, outside of, abnormal, alongside, by, from, together ; (2) chemistry: in para-substitution, the substituents occupy positions 1 and 4 |
paracentric inversion, see explanatory diagram>> | |
pari- | pari- | Stedman's: equal | ||
parthen- | parten- | McCarthy: Virgin | parthenogenesis | |
partheno- | parteno- | McCarthy: Virgin | parthenogenesis | |
parvo- | parbo- | Wikipedia: small | Parvovirus | |
path- | pat- | Stedman's: disease Wikipedia: disease McCarthy: Disease, suffering |
Pathology, pathology, pathogen | |
patho- | pato- | Stedman's: disease Wikipedia: disease McCarthy: Disease, suffering |
Pathology, pathology, pathogen | |
pauci- | pauzi- | Wikipedia: Few | Pauci-immune | |
ped- | ped- | Stedman's: 1 child, 2 foot Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the foot; -footed McCarthy: Denotes children McCarthy: Foot, feet, relating to feet |
Pedoscope, pediatrics, pedipalp, peduncle | |
pedi- | pedi- | Stedman's: 1 child, 2 foot McCarthy: Foot, feet, relating to feet |
pedipalp, peduncle | |
pedo- | pedo- | Stedman's: 1 child, 2 foot McCarthy: Denotes children McCarthy: Foot, feet, relating to feet |
pediatrics, pedipalp, peduncle | |
pel- | pel- | McCarthy: Of, involving, or pertaining to clay or mud | Pelomyxa | |
pelo- | pelo- | McCarthy: Of, involving, or pertaining to clay or mud | Pelomyxa | |
pelv- | pelb- | Wikipedia: hip bone Wikipedia: hip bone Wikipedia: hip bone |
Pelvis | |
pelvi- | pelbi- | Wikipedia: hip bone Wikipedia: hip bone McCarthy: Denotes the pelvis |
Pelvis, pelvic opening | |
pelvio- | pelbio- | McCarthy: Denotes the pelvis | pelvic opening | |
pelvo- | pelbo- | Wikipedia: hip bone Wikipedia: hip bone McCarthy: Denotes the pelvis |
Pelvis, pelvic opening | |
pen- | pen- | McCarthy: Denotes the penis | penitis, peotomy | |
penn- | pen- | McCarthy: Feather | pennate, penniform | |
penni- | peni- | McCarthy: Feather | pennate, penniform | |
penno- | peno- | McCarthy: Feather | pennate, penniform | |
penta- | penta- | Stedman's: five | ||
peo- | peo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the penis McCarthy: Denotes the penis |
Peotomy, penitis, peotomy | |
per- | per- | Stedman's: through, thoroughly, intensely Wikipedia: through McCarthy: Through, during |
perfusion | |
peri- | peri- | Stedman's: around, about Wikipedia: Denoting something with a position 'surrounding' or 'around' another McCarthy: All around, about, enclosing, surrounding |
Periodontal, pericentric inversion | |
pericardi- | perikardi- | McCarthy: Pericardium | pericardial, pericarditic, pericarditis | |
peta- | peta- | McCarthy: 1015 | petaFLOPS | |
petr- | petr- | McCarthy: (1) denotes stone ; (2) referring to the petrous portion of the mastoid | petrifaction, petrosphenoid | |
petri- | petri- | McCarthy: (1) denotes stone ; (2) referring to the petrous portion of the mastoid | petrifaction, petrosphenoid | |
petro- | petro- | McCarthy: (1) denotes stone ; (2) referring to the petrous portion of the mastoid | petrifaction, petrosphenoid | |
phac- | fak- | McCarthy: (1) denotes the lens of the eye ; (2) lentil, lentil-shaped | phacosclerosis, phacoeresis, phacolith | |
phaco- | fako- | Stedman's: lens Wikipedia: lens-shaped McCarthy: (1) denotes the lens of the eye ; (2) lentil, lentil-shaped |
phacolysis, phacometer, phacoscotoma, phacosclerosis, phacoeresis, phacolith | |
phag- | fag- | McCarthy: Eating, feeding, ingesting, engulfing | phagocytyosis | |
phago- | fago- | Stedman's: eating, devouring McCarthy: Eating, feeding, ingesting, engulfing |
phagocytyosis | |
phak- | fak- | McCarthy: Alternate spellings of phac(o)-. | ||
phako- | fako- | Stedman's: lens McCarthy: Alternate spellings of phac(o)-. |
phall- | fal- | McCarthy: Denotes the penis | phallodynia, phallorrhagia | |
phallo- | falo- | Wikipedia: phallus McCarthy: Denotes the penis |
Aphallia, phallodynia, phallorrhagia | |
phaner- | faner- | McCarthy: Visible, evident, manifest | Phanerozoic Eon | |
phanero- | fanero- | Stedman's: visible, evident McCarthy: Visible, evident, manifest |
Phanerozoic Eon | |
pharmac- | farmak- | McCarthy: Denotes drug(s) or medication(s) | pharmacography | |
pharmaco- | farmako- | Stedman's: drugs, medicine Wikipedia: drug, medication McCarthy: Denotes drug(s) or medication(s) |
pharmacology, pharmacography | |
pharyng- | faring- | Stedman's: pharynx Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity |
Pharyngitis, Pharyngoscopy | |
pharyngo- | faringo- | Stedman's: pharynx Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity |
Pharyngitis, Pharyngoscopy | |
phil- | fil- | Stedman's: 1 attraction, 2 chemical affinity McCarthy: Enjoying, loving, attracted to, requiring |
philoneism | |
philo- | filo- | Stedman's: 1 attraction, 2 chemical affinity McCarthy: Enjoying, loving, attracted to, requiring |
philoneism | |
phleb- | fleb- | Stedman's: vein Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein McCarthy: Vein |
Phlebography, Phlebotomy, phlebitis, phleboclysis, phlebotomy | |
phlebo- | flebo- | Stedman's: vein Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein McCarthy: Vein |
Phlebography, Phlebotomy, phlebitis, phleboclysis, phlebotomy | |
phon- | fon- | Stedman's: sound, speech Wikipedia: sound McCarthy: Sound, utterance |
phonograph, symphony, phonic, phonocardiography | |
phono- | fono- | Stedman's: sound, speech Wikipedia: sound McCarthy: Sound, utterance |
phonograph, symphony, phonic, phonocardiography | |
phor- | for- | Stedman's: carrying, bearing | ||
phoro- | foro- | Stedman's: carrying, bearing | ||
phos- | fos- | Stedman's: light Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to light or its chemical properties, now historic and used rarely. See the common root photo- below. |
Phosphene | |
phot- | fot- | Stedman's: light Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to light McCarthy: Denotes light |
Photopathy, photesthesis, phototaxis | |
photo- | foto- | Stedman's: light Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to light McCarthy: Denotes light |
Photopathy, photesthesis, phototaxis | |
phren- | fren- | Stedman's: 1 diaphragm, 2 mind, 3 phrenic Wikipedia: the mind Wikipedia: the mind Wikipedia: the mind McCarthy: (1) mind, brain ; (2) diaphragm |
Phrenic nerve, schizophrenia, diaphragm, phrenosin, phrenocolopexy, phrenicoexalresis | |
phreni- | freni- | Stedman's: 1 diaphragm, 2 mind, 3 phrenic Wikipedia: the mind Wikipedia: the mind |
Phrenic nerve, schizophrenia, diaphragm | |
phrenic- | frenik- | McCarthy: (1) mind, brain ; (2) diaphragm | phrenosin, phrenocolopexy, phrenicoexalresis | |
phrenico- | freniko- | Stedman's: 1 diaphragm, 2 mind, 3 phrenic McCarthy: (1) mind, brain ; (2) diaphragm |
phrenosin, phrenocolopexy, phrenicoexalresis | |
phreno- | freno- | Stedman's: 1 diaphragm, 2 mind, 3 phrenic Wikipedia: the mind Wikipedia: the mind McCarthy: (1) mind, brain ; (2) diaphragm |
Phrenic nerve, schizophrenia, diaphragm, phrenosin, phrenocolopexy, phrenicoexalresis | |
phyl- | fil- | McCarthy: Related group | phylogeny | |
phylact- | filakt- | McCarthy: Protective | phylactocarp | |
phylacto- | filakto- | McCarthy: Protective | phylactocarp | |
phyll- | fil- | Stedman's: leaf McCarthy: Denotes leaf |
Phyllopoda | |
phyllo- | filo- | Stedman's: leaf McCarthy: Denotes leaf |
Phyllopoda | |
phylo- | filo- | McCarthy: Related group | phylogeny | |
phys- | fis- | McCarthy: Denotes distention with gas | physometra | |
physi- | fisi- | Stedman's: 1 physical, 2 natural | ||
physio- | fisio- | Stedman's: 1 physical, 2 natural | ||
physo- | fiso- | Stedman's: 1 swelling, inflation, 2 air, gas McCarthy: Denotes distention with gas |
physometra | |
phyt- | fit- | Stedman's: plants Wikipedia: to grow McCarthy: Plant |
hydrophyte, phytohormone, phytolith, phytophagous, phytoplankton, phytosterol | |
phyto- | fito- | Stedman's: plants McCarthy: Plant |
phytohormone, phytolith, phytophagous, phytoplankton, phytosterol | |
pico- | piko- | Stedman's: one trillionth (10Ϫ12) McCarthy: One trillionth |
picogram | |
picr- | pikr- | McCarthy: Bitter | picrotoxin | |
picro- | pikro- | McCarthy: Bitter | picrotoxin | |
pil- | pil- | McCarthy: Denotes hair | piliform, pilocystic, pilose | |
pili- | pili- | McCarthy: Denotes hair | piliform, pilocystic, pilose | |
pilo- | pilo- | McCarthy: Denotes hair | piliform, pilocystic, pilose | |
piri- | piri- | Wikipedia: Pear | Piriformis muscle | |
pisci- | piszi- | McCarthy: Fish | piscifauna, piscine, piscivorous | |
pithec- | pitek- | McCarthy: Ape | Pithecanthropus | |
pitheco- | piteko- | McCarthy: Ape | Pithecanthropus | |
plan- | plan- | Stedman's: flat McCarthy: Flat |
planoccipital | |
plani- | plani- | Stedman's: flat | ||
plano- | plano- | Stedman's: flat McCarthy: Flat |
planoccipital | |
plasm- | plasm- | McCarthy: Plasma, cytoplasm, protoplasm | plasmolysis | |
plasma- | plasma- | Stedman's: plasma | ||
plasmat- | plasmat- | Stedman's: plasma | ||
plasmato- | plasmato- | Stedman's: plasma | ||
plasmo- | plasmo- | Stedman's: plasma McCarthy: Plasma, cytoplasm, protoplasm |
plasmolysis | |
plast- | plast- | McCarthy: Cytoplasm, plastid | plastocyanin | |
plasto- | plasto- | McCarthy: Cytoplasm, plastid | plastocyanin | |
platy- | plati- | Stedman's: wide, flat McCarthy: Flat |
Platyhelminthes, platyrrhine | |
pleio- | pleo- | Wikipedia: more, excessive, multiple | pleiomorphism | |
pleo- | pleo- | Stedman's: more | ||
plesio- | plesio- | Stedman's: near, similar | ||
pleur- | pleur- | Stedman's: rib, side, pleura Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ribs McCarthy: Relating to the pleura |
Pleurogenous, pleural | |
pleura- | pleura- | Stedman's: rib, side, pleura | ||
pleuro- | pleuro- | Stedman's: rib, side, pleura Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ribs McCarthy: Relating to the pleura |
Pleurogenous, pleural | |
plur- | plur- | McCarthy: More | pluridyscrina | |
pluri- | pluri- | Stedman's: several, more McCarthy: More |
pluridyscrina | |
pneo- | pneo- | Stedman's: breath, respiration McCarthy: Breath |
pneograph | |
pneu- | pneu- | McCarthy: Relating to air or the lungs | ||
pneum- | pneum- | Stedman's: 1 air, gas, 2 lung, 3 breathing Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the lungs McCarthy: Relating to air or the lungs |
Pneumonocyte, Pneumonia | |
pneuma- | pneumo- | Stedman's: 1 air, gas, 2 lung, 3 breathing | ||
pneumat- | pneumat- | Stedman's: 1 air, gas, 2 lung, 3 breathing Wikipedia: air, lung |
pneumato- | pneumato- | Stedman's: 1 air, gas, 2 lung, 3 breathing Wikipedia: air, lung |
pneumo- | pneumo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the lungs McCarthy: Relating to air or the lungs |
Pneumonocyte, Pneumonia | |
pod- | pod- | Stedman's: foot, foot-shaped Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the foot, -footed McCarthy: (1) foot, hoof; of or relating to feet or hooves ; (2) stalk |
Podiatry, pododynia, Podocarpus | |
podo- | podo- | Stedman's: foot, foot-shaped McCarthy: (1) foot, hoof; of or relating to feet or hooves ; (2) stalk |
pododynia, Podocarpus | |
poecil- | poikil- | McCarthy: Varying, variegated | poikilothermy | |
poecilo- | poikilo- | McCarthy: Varying, variegated | poikilothermy | |
poikil- | poikil- | McCarthy: Varying, variegated | poikilothermy | |
poikilo- | poikilo- | Stedman's: irregular, variable McCarthy: Varying, variegated |
poikilothermy | |
poli- | poli- | McCarthy: (1) gray ; (2) relating to the gray matter of the nervous system | poliosis, poliomyelitis | |
polio- | polio- | Stedman's: gray Wikipedia: Denoting a grey color McCarthy: (1) gray ; (2) relating to the gray matter of the nervous system |
Poliomyelitis, poliosis, poliomyelitis | |
poly- | poli- | Stedman's: 1 multiplicity, 2 polymer Wikipedia: Denotes a 'plurality' of something McCarthy: (1) many, much, multiple ; (2) increased, excessive |
Polymyositis, polymorphonuclear, polyploidy, polyphagia, polyuria | |
por- | por- | Wikipedia: pore, porous | ||
poro- | poro- | Wikipedia: pore, porous McCarthy: Pore, stoma |
porometer | |
porphyr- | porfir- | Wikipedia: Denotes a purple color | Porphyroblast | |
porphyro- | porfiro- | Wikipedia: Denotes a purple color | Porphyroblast | |
post- | post- | Stedman's: after, behind, posterior Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'after' or 'behind' another McCarthy: After, behind |
Postoperation, Postmortem, postcranial, postpartum, posterior | |
pre- | pre- | Stedman's: anterior, before Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'before' another (in [physical] position or time) McCarthy: In front of, anterior to |
Prematurity, precocial, premolar | |
presby- | presbi- | Stedman's: old Wikipedia: old age |
Presbyopia | |
presbyo- | presbi- | Wikipedia: old age | Presbyopia | |
prim- | prim- | Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'first' or 'most-important' | Primary | |
pro- | pro- | Stedman's: 1 before, forward, 2 precursor Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'before' another (in [physical] position or time) McCarthy: Favoring, supporting, preceding |
Procephalic, progesterone | |
proct- | prokt- | Stedman's: anus, rectum Wikipedia: anus, rectum |
proctology | |
procto- | prokto- | Stedman's: anus, rectum Wikipedia: anus, rectum |
proctology | |
proprio- | proprio- | McCarthy: One's own, individually characteristic | proprioception | |
pros- | pros- | McCarthy: Forward, in front | prosethmoid, prosogaster, Prosostomata | |
proso- | proso- | McCarthy: Forward, in front | prosethmoid, prosogaster, Prosostomata | |
prosop- | prosop- | Wikipedia: face McCarthy: Face |
Prosopagnosia, prosopic, prosopagnosia | |
prosopo- | prosopo- | Wikipedia: face McCarthy: Face |
Prosopagnosia, prosopic, prosopagnosia | |
prostat- | prostat- | McCarthy: Prostate | prostatectomy | |
prostato- | prostato- | McCarthy: Prostate | prostatectomy | |
prot- | prot- | Stedman's: first Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'first' or 'most important' McCarthy: (1) first in temporal order ; (2) archetypal |
Protoneuron, protoblast, Proterozoic, protomorph | |
proter- | proter- | McCarthy: (1) first in temporal order ; (2) archetypal | protoblast, Proterozoic, protomorph | |
protero- | protero- | McCarthy: (1) first in temporal order ; (2) archetypal | protoblast, Proterozoic, protomorph | |
proto- | proto- | Stedman's: first Wikipedia: Denotes something as 'first' or 'most important' McCarthy: (1) first in temporal order ; (2) archetypal |
Protoneuron, protoblast, Proterozoic, protomorph | |
pseud- | pseud- | Stedman's: false Wikipedia: Denotes something false or fake McCarthy: False |
Pseudoephedrine, pseudoesthesia | |
pseudo- | pseudo- | Stedman's: false Wikipedia: Denotes something false or fake McCarthy: False |
Pseudoephedrine, pseudoesthesia | |
psittac- | psitak- | McCarthy: Parrot | psittacine, psittacism | |
psittaco- | psitako- | McCarthy: Parrot | psittacine, psittacism | |
psor- | psor- | Wikipedia: Itching | Psoriasis | |
psych- | psik- | Stedman's: mind Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mind McCarthy: The mind |
Psychology, psychiatry, psychokinesis | |
psyche- | psike- | Stedman's: mind Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mind |
Psychology, psychiatry | |
psycho- | psiko- | Stedman's: mind Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mind McCarthy: The mind |
Psychology, psychiatry, psychokinesis | |
psychro- | psikro- | McCarthy: Cold | psychrophilous | |
pter- | pter- | McCarthy: Feather, wing | pterosaur | |
pterid- | pterid- | McCarthy: Fern | pteridophytes | |
pterido- | pterido- | McCarthy: Fern | pteridophytes | |
ptero- | ptero- | McCarthy: Feather, wing | pterosaur | |
pteryg- | pterig- | McCarthy: (1) wing ; (2) pterygoid | Pterygodium, pterygomalar | |
pterygo- | pterigo- | Wikipedia: Pertaining to a wing McCarthy: (1) wing ; (2) pterygoid |
Lateral pterygoid plate, Pterygodium, pterygomalar | |
ptil- | ptil- | McCarthy: Feather | ptilopod | |
ptilo- | ptilo- | McCarthy: Feather | ptilopod | |
ptyal- | ptial- | McCarthy: Saliva | ptyalagogue | |
ptyalo- | ptialo- | McCarthy: Saliva | ptyalagogue | |
pub- | pub- | McCarthy: Denotes pubic hair, pubic bone, or pubic region | puboprostatic | |
pubio- | pubio- | McCarthy: Denotes pubic hair, pubic bone, or pubic region | puboprostatic | |
pubo- | pubo- | McCarthy: Denotes pubic hair, pubic bone, or pubic region | puboprostatic | |
puli- | puli- | McCarthy: Fleas | pulicide | |
pulmo- | pulmo- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to the lungs. McCarthy: Denotes lung |
pulmonary, pulmometer | |
pulmon- | pulmon- | Wikipedia: Of or relating to the lungs. McCarthy: Denotes lung |
pulmonary, pulmometer | |
pulmono- | pulmono- | McCarthy: Denotes lung | pulmometer | |
pur- | pur- | McCarthy: Denotes pus or the presence of pus | purulent | |
puro- | puro- | McCarthy: Denotes pus or the presence of pus | purulent | |
py- | pi- | McCarthy: Pus | pyorrhea, pyuria | |
pycn- | pikn- | McCarthy: Compact, dense, thick | pyknometer | |
pycno- | pikno- | McCarthy: Compact, dense, thick | pyknometer | |
pyel- | piel- | Stedman's: (renal) pelvis Wikipedia: pelvis McCarthy: Denotes the pelvis renalis |
Pyelonephritis, pyelolithotomy | |
pyelo- | pielo- | Stedman's: (renal) pelvis Wikipedia: pelvis McCarthy: Denotes the pelvis renalis |
Pyelonephritis, pyelolithotomy | |
pyg- | pig- | McCarthy: Denotes the nates | pygopagus | |
pygo- | pigo- | McCarthy: Denotes the nates | pygopagus | |
pykn- | pikn- | Stedman's: dense, compact McCarthy: Compact, dense, thick |
pyknometer | |
pykno- | pikno- | Stedman's: dense, compact Wikipedia: to thicken (as the nucleus does in early stages of cell death) McCarthy: Compact, dense, thick |
Pyknosis, pyknometer | |
pyle- | pile- | McCarthy: Orifice | pylorus | |
pylo- | pilo- | McCarthy: Orifice | pylorus | |
pylor- | pilor- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the pylorus | pylorectomy, pylorostenosis | |
pyloro- | piloro- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the pylorus | pylorectomy, pylorostenosis | |
pyo- | pio- | Stedman's: suppuration, pus Wikipedia: pus McCarthy: Pus |
Pyometra, pyorrhea, pyuria | |
pyr- | pir- | McCarthy: Fire, heat | pyropuncture | |
pyreto- | pireto- | Stedman's: fever | ||
pyri- | piri- | |||
pyro- | piro- | Stedman's: fire, heat, fever Wikipedia: fever McCarthy: Fire, heat |
Antipyretic, pyropuncture |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
quadr- | koadr- | Stedman's: four Wikipedia: four McCarthy: Four, having four parts |
quadriceps, quadruped, quadriplegia | |
quadri- | koadri- | Stedman's: four Wikipedia: four McCarthy: Four, having four parts |
quadriceps, quadruped, quadriplegia | |
quadru- | koadru- | McCarthy: Four, having four parts | quadruped, quadriplegia | |
quinqu- | kink- | McCarthy: Five, having five parts | quintipara, quintuplet | |
quinque- | kinke- | McCarthy: Five, having five parts | quintipara, quintuplet | |
quint- | kint- | McCarthy: Five, having five parts | quintipara, quintuplet | |
quinti- | kinti- | McCarthy: Five, having five parts | quintipara, quintuplet |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
rachi- | erraki- | Stedman's: spinal column McCarthy: Spine |
rachiodont | |
rachio- | errakio- | Stedman's: spinal column McCarthy: Spine |
rachiodont | |
radio- | rradio- | Stedman's: 1 radiation, x-ray, 2 radius Wikipedia: radiation McCarthy: (1) denotes radioactivity or radiant energy ; (2) pertaining to the radius |
radiowave, radiograph, radioisotope, radiohumeral | |
re- | rre- | Stedman's: again, backward Wikipedia: again, backward McCarthy: Back, again |
relapse, resuscitation | |
rect- | rrekt- | Stedman's: rectum, straight Wikipedia: rectum |
recto- | rrekto- | Stedman's: rectum, straight Wikipedia: rectum |
ren- | rren- | Stedman's: kidney Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the kidney |
renal | |
reni- | rreni- | McCarthy: Denotes kidney | renogastric | |
reno- | rreno- | Stedman's: kidney Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the kidney McCarthy: Denotes kidney |
renal, renogastric | |
reti- | rreti- | McCarthy: Denotes a network or rete | retiform, reticulocytosis | |
reticul- | rretikul- | Wikipedia: net McCarthy: Denotes a network or rete |
reticulocyte, retiform, reticulocytosis | |
reticulo- | rretikulo- | Wikipedia: net McCarthy: Denotes a network or rete |
reticulocyte, retiform, reticulocytosis | |
retin- | rretin- | McCarthy: Denotes the retina | retinopathy | |
retino- | rretino- | McCarthy: Denotes the retina | retinopathy | |
retro- | rretro- | Stedman's: backward, behind Wikipedia: backward, behind McCarthy: (1) backward ;(2) situated behind ; (3) reversing a trend |
retroversion, retroverted, retroserrulate, retroocular, retroversion | |
rhabd- | rrabd- | Wikipedia: rod shaped, striated McCarthy: Denotes a rod or stick; rod-shaped |
rhabdomyolysis, rhabdomyoma | |
rhabdo- | rrabdo- | Wikipedia: rod shaped, striated McCarthy: Denotes a rod or stick; rod-shaped |
rhabdomyolysis, rhabdomyoma | |
rhachi- | rraki- | Wikipedia: spine | rachial, rachialgia, rachidian, rachiopathy | |
rhachio- | rrakio- | Wikipedia: spine | rachial, rachialgia, rachidian, rachiopathy | |
rheo- | rreo- | McCarthy: Flow, stream, current, electric current | rheostat | |
rhin- | rrin- | Stedman's: nose Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nose |
rhinoceros, rhinoplasty | |
rhino- | rrino- | Stedman's: nose Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nose |
rhinoceros, rhinoplasty | |
rhiz- | rriz- | McCarthy: Root | rhizanthous | |
rhizo- | rrizo- | McCarthy: Root | rhizanthous | |
rhod- | errod- | Wikipedia: Denoting a rose-red color McCarthy: Rose; red |
rhodophyte, rhodoplast, rhodopsin | |
rhodo- | errodo- | Wikipedia: Denoting a rose-red color McCarthy: Rose; red |
rhodophyte, rhodoplast, rhodopsin | |
rhynch- | rrink- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: beak, snout | Rhynchosauria | |
rhyncho- | rrinko- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: beak, snout | Rhynchosauria | |
rib- | rrib- | McCarthy: Structurally related to ribose | riboflavin | |
ribo- | rribo- | McCarthy: Structurally related to ribose | riboflavin | |
rubr- | rrubr- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain | Rubrospinal | |
rubro- | rrubro- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the red nucleus of the brain | Rubrospinal |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
sacchar- | sakar- | McCarthy: Sugar | saccharuria | |
saccharo- | sakaro- | McCarthy: Sugar | saccharuria | |
sacr- | sakr- | McCarthy: Denotes the sacrum | sacroiliac, sacrolumbar | |
sacra- | sakra- | McCarthy: Denotes the sacrum | sacroiliac, sacrolumbar | |
sacro- | sakro- | McCarthy: Denotes the sacrum | sacroiliac, sacrolumbar | |
salping- | salping- | Stedman's: tube Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to tubes e.g. fallopian tubes McCarthy: Relating to a salpinx, especially a eustachian or fallopian tube |
Salpingectomy, Salpingopharyngeus muscle, salpingitis, salpingotomy | |
salpingo- | salpingo- | Stedman's: tube Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to tubes e.g. fallopian tubes McCarthy: Relating to a salpinx, especially a eustachian or fallopian tube |
Salpingectomy, Salpingopharyngeus muscle, salpingitis, salpingotomy | |
sangui- | sangi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to blood McCarthy: Denotes blood |
Sanguine, sanguiferous | |
sanguine- | singine- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to blood | Sanguine | |
sapr- | sapr- | McCarthy: Rotten, putrid, dead, decaying | saprophyte | |
sapro- | sapro- | McCarthy: Rotten, putrid, dead, decaying | saprophyte | |
sarc- | sark- | McCarthy: Flesh, soft tissue | sarcoma, sarcomere | |
sarco- | sarko- | Stedman's: flesh, muscle Wikipedia: muscular, fleshlike McCarthy: Flesh, soft tissue |
sarcoma, sarcoma, sarcomere | |
saur- | saur- | McCarthy: Lizard, lizardlike | saurian, saurophagus, sauropod | |
sauro- | sauro- | McCarthy: Lizard, lizardlike | saurian, saurophagus, sauropod | |
schist- | eskist- | Wikipedia: split, cleft | ||
schisto- | eskisto- | Stedman's: split, cleft Wikipedia: split, cleft |
schiz- | eskiz- | Stedman's: split, cleft, division Wikipedia: Denoting something 'split' or 'double-sided' McCarthy: Split, cleft, divided; produced by cleavage |
Schizophrenia, schizocoel | |
schizo- | eskizo- | Stedman's: split, cleft, division Wikipedia: Denoting something 'split' or 'double-sided' McCarthy: Split, cleft, divided; produced by cleavage |
Schizophrenia, schizocoel | |
scler- | eskler- | Stedman's: hardness (induration), sclerosis, ocular sclera Wikipedia: hardness McCarthy: (1) hard ; (2) relating to the sclera |
atherosclerosis, scleriasis, scleroderma, sclerocornea | |
sclero- | esklero- | Stedman's: hardness (induration), sclerosis, ocular sclera Wikipedia: hardness McCarthy: (1) hard ; (2) relating to the sclera |
atherosclerosis, scleriasis, scleroderma, sclerocornea | |
scolec- | skolek- | McCarthy: Worm | scolecoid | |
scoleco- | skoleko- | McCarthy: Worm | scolecoid | |
scoli- | eskoli- | Wikipedia: twisted | scoliosis | |
scolio- | eskolio- | Stedman's: crooked Wikipedia: twisted |
scoliosis | |
scot- | eskot- | Stedman's: shadow, darkness | ||
scoto- | eskoto- | Stedman's: shadow, darkness Wikipedia: darkness |
scotopic vision | |
scut- | skut- | McCarthy: Denotes a shield or scutum | scutiferous, scutiform | |
scuti- | skuti- | McCarthy: Denotes a shield or scutum | scutiferous, scutiform | |
semi- | semi- | Stedman's: one-half, partly Wikipedia: one-half, partly McCarthy: Half |
semilunar | |
sept- | sept- | Stedman's: 1 seven, 2 septum, 3 sepsis, infection McCarthy: Seven McCarthy: Septum McCarthy: Sepsis |
septifolious, septectomy, septicemia | |
septi- | sept- | Stedman's: seven McCarthy: Seven McCarthy: Septum McCarthy: Sepsis |
septifolious, septectomy, septicemia | |
septic- | septik- | McCarthy: Sepsis | septicemia | |
septo- | septu- | Stedman's: 1 seven, 2 septum, 3 sepsis, infection McCarthy: Septum |
septectomy | |
sesqui- | seski- | McCarthy: One and a half | sesquidiploid | |
sex- | sex- | McCarthy: Six | sextuplet, sextipara | |
sexi- | sexi- | McCarthy: Six | sextuplet, sextipara | |
sexti- | sesti- | McCarthy: Six | sextuplet, sextipara | |
sial- | sial- | Stedman's: saliva, salivary gland Wikipedia: saliva, salivary gland McCarthy: Saliva |
sialagogue | |
sialo- | sialo- | Stedman's: saliva, salivary gland Wikipedia: saliva, salivary gland McCarthy: Saliva |
sialagogue | |
sider- | sider- | Stedman's: iron McCarthy: Denotes iron or steel |
sidero- | sidero- | Stedman's: iron McCarthy: Denotes iron or steel |
sigmoid- | sigmoid- | Stedman's: 1 S-shaped, 2 sigmoid colon Wikipedia: sigmoid, S-shaped curvature |
sigmoid colon | |
sigmoido- | sigmoido- | Stedman's: 1 S-shaped, 2 sigmoid colon Wikipedia: sigmoid, S-shaped curvature |
sigmoid colon | |
sin- | sin- | Stedman's: sinus | ||
sinistr- | sinistr- | Wikipedia: left, left side McCarthy: Left, to the left |
sinistrocardia | |
sinistro- | sinistro- | Wikipedia: left, left side McCarthy: Left, to the left |
sinistrocardia | |
sino- | sino- | Stedman's: sinus | ||
sinu- | sinu- | Stedman's: sinus | ||
sinus- | sinus- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the sinus | Sinusitis | |
sito- | sito- | Stedman's: food, grain Wikipedia: food, grain McCarthy: (1) grain ; (2) food |
Sitophilus, sitosterol, sitology | |
som- | som- | McCarthy: Body, of the body | somatic, somites | |
soma- | soma- | McCarthy: Body, of the body | somatic, somites | |
somat- | somat- | Stedman's: body, bodily Wikipedia: body, bodily |
somatico- | somatiko- | Stedman's: body, bodily Wikipedia: body, bodily Wikipedia: body, bodily |
somato- | somato- | Stedman's: body, bodily Wikipedia: body, bodily McCarthy: Body, of the body |
somatic, somites | |
somn- | somn- | |||
somno- | somno- | Stedman's: sleep | ||
son- | son- | Stedman's: 1 sound, 2 ultrasound | ||
sono- | sono- | Stedman's: 1 sound, 2 ultrasound | ||
spasmo- | espasmo- | Stedman's: spasm Wikipedia: spasm |
Spasmodic dysphonia | |
speci- | espezi- | McCarthy: Species. | ||
specie- | espezie- | McCarthy: Species. | ||
specio- | espezio- | McCarthy: Species. | ||
spectr- | spektr- | McCarthy: (1) of or pertaining to spectra ; (2) of or pertaining to a spectrophotometer. | spectral karyotype | |
spectro- | spektro- | McCarthy: (1) of or pertaining to spectra ; (2) of or pertaining to a spectrophotometer. | spectral karyotype | |
sperm- | sperm- | McCarthy: Denotes seed, sperm, germ, semen | spermatid | |
sperma- | sperma- | Stedman's: semen, spermatozoa Wikipedia: semen, spermatozoa McCarthy: Denotes seed, sperm, germ, semen |
Spermatogenesis, spermatid | |
spermat- | spermat- | McCarthy: Denotes seed, sperm, germ, semen | spermatid | |
spermato- | spermato- | Stedman's: semen, spermatozoa Wikipedia: semen, spermatozoa McCarthy: Denotes seed, sperm, germ, semen |
Spermatogenesis, spermatid | |
spermi- | spermi- | McCarthy: Denotes seed, sperm, germ, semen | spermatid | |
spermo- | spermo- | Stedman's: semen, spermatozoa Wikipedia: semen, spermatozoa McCarthy: Denotes seed, sperm, germ, semen |
Spermatogenesis, spermatid | |
sphen- | esfen- | McCarthy: (1) wedge, wedge-shaped ; (2) of or pertaining to the sphenoid. PICTURE OF SPHENOID | Sphenisciformes | |
spheno- | esfeno- | McCarthy: (1) wedge, wedge-shaped ; (2) of or pertaining to the sphenoid. PICTURE OF SPHENOID | Sphenisciformes | |
sphygm- | sfigm- | McCarthy: Denotes the pulse | sphygmic | |
sphygmo- | esfigmo- | Stedman's: pulse McCarthy: Denotes the pulse |
sphygmic | |
spir- | spir- | Stedman's: breathing McCarthy: Coil, spiral |
Spirillum | |
spiri- | spiri- | McCarthy: Coil, spiral | Spirillum | |
spiro- | spiro- | Stedman's: breathing McCarthy: Coil, spiral McCarthy: Respiration |
Spirillum, spiroscope | |
spiro- | spiro- | Stedman's: breathing McCarthy: Coil, spiral McCarthy: Respiration |
Spirillum, spiroscope | |
splanchn- | splank- | Stedman's: viscera Wikipedia: viscera Wikipedia: viscera Wikipedia: viscera McCarthy: Denotes internal organs |
splanchnology | |
splanchni- | splanki- | Stedman's: viscera Wikipedia: viscera Wikipedia: viscera |
splanchno- | splanko- | Stedman's: viscera Wikipedia: viscera Wikipedia: viscera McCarthy: Denotes internal organs |
splanchnology | |
splen- | splen- | Stedman's: spleen Wikipedia: spleen |
Splenectomy | |
spleno- | spleno- | Stedman's: spleen Wikipedia: spleen |
Splenectomy | |
spondyl- | spondil- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra McCarthy: Pertaining to vertebra(e) |
Spondylitis, spondylitis | |
spondylo- | spondilo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra McCarthy: Pertaining to vertebra(e) |
Spondylitis, spondylitis | |
spor- | spor- | McCarthy: Seed, spore | sporulation | |
spori- | spori- | McCarthy: Seed, spore | sporulation | |
sporo- | sporo- | McCarthy: Seed, spore | sporulation | |
squam- | skuam- | McCarthy: Scale, scalelike | Squamata | |
squamo- | skuamo- | McCarthy: Scale, scalelike | Squamata | |
squamos- | eskuamos- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'full of scales' or 'scaly' | Squamous cell | |
squamoso- | eskuamoso- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'full of scales' or 'scaly' | Squamous cell | |
staphyl- | stafil- | Stedman's: grape, bunch of grapes, staphylococci McCarthy: (1) like a bunch of grapes ; (2) relating to the uvula or soft palate ; (3) relating to Staphylococcus |
Staphylococcus, staphylopharyngeus, staphyloangina, staphylococcemia | |
staphylo- | stafilo- | Stedman's: grape, bunch of grapes, staphylococci McCarthy: (1) like a bunch of grapes ; (2) relating to the uvula or soft palate ; (3) relating to Staphylococcus |
Staphylococcus, staphylopharyngeus, staphyloangina, staphylococcemia | |
stat- | stat- | McCarthy: Standing, resting, balanced | statocyst | |
stato- | stato- | McCarthy: Standing, resting, balanced | statocyst | |
steat- | steat- | McCarthy: Fat | steatorrhea | |
steato- | steato- | McCarthy: Fat | steatorrhea | |
steg- | steg- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: Covering plate or layer | Stegosaurus | |
stego- | stego- | McCarthy: In taxonomic names: Covering plate or layer | Stegosaurus | |
sten- | sten- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'narrow in shape' or pertaining to narrowness McCarthy: Narrow, contracted, short |
Stenography, stenosis, stenostomia, stenothermal | |
steno- | steno- | Stedman's: narrowness, constriction Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'narrow in shape' or pertaining to narrowness McCarthy: Narrow, contracted, short |
Stenography, stenosis, stenostomia, stenothermal | |
sterc- | sterk- | McCarthy: Denotes excrement | stercoral | |
sterco- | sterko- | McCarthy: Denotes excrement | stercoral | |
stere- | stere- | McCarthy: Solid | stereochemistry | |
stereo- | stereo- | Stedman's: solid McCarthy: Solid |
stereochemistry | |
steth- | stet- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest, the area above the breast and under the neck McCarthy: Denotes the chest |
Stethoscope, stethoscope | |
stetho- | steto- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest, the area above the breast and under the neck McCarthy: Denotes the chest |
Stethoscope, stethoscope | |
stheno- | steno- | Stedman's: strength, force, power Wikipedia: strength, force, power |
stom- | stom- | Stedman's: mouth | ||
stoma- | stoma- | Stedman's: mouth | ||
stomat- | stomat- | Stedman's: mouth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mouth McCarthy: Mouth, opening, stoma |
Stomatogastric, Stomatidae, stomatologist | |
stomato- | stomato- | Stedman's: mouth Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the mouth McCarthy: Mouth, opening, stoma |
Stomatogastric, Stomatidae, stomatologist | |
strat- | strat- | McCarthy: Stratum | stratified, stratigraphy | |
strato- | strato- | McCarthy: Stratum | stratified, stratigraphy | |
strept- | strept- | McCarthy: (1) twisted ; (2) Streptococcus-caused or -related | Streptococcus, strepticemia, streptodermatitis | |
strepto- | strepto- | McCarthy: (1) twisted ; (2) Streptococcus-caused or -related | Streptococcus, strepticemia, streptodermatitis | |
styl- | stil- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the styloid process | stylomandibular | |
stylo- | stilo- | McCarthy: Pertaining to the styloid process | stylomandibular | |
sub- | sub- | Stedman's: beneath, less than normal, inferior Wikipedia: beneath McCarthy: (1) under ; (2) a division of taxonomic group |
subcutaneous tissue, subcutaneous, suborder | |
sulf- | sulf- | McCarthy: Sulfur | sulfonamides | |
sulfo- | sulfo- | McCarthy: Sulfur | sulfonamides | |
sulph- | sulf- | McCarthy: Sulfur | sulfonamides | |
sulpho- | sulfo- | |||
super- | super- | Stedman's: in excess, above, superior, in the upper part Wikipedia: in excess, above, superior McCarthy: Above, over, upon, on the upper side |
superior vena cava, superorder, suprarenal | |
supero- | supero- | McCarthy: Above, over, upon, on the upper side | superorder, suprarenal | |
supra- | supra- | Stedman's: above Wikipedia: above, excessive McCarthy: Above, over, upon, on the upper side |
supraorbital vein, superorder, suprarenal | |
sy- | si- | Stedman's: together | ||
syl- | sil- | Stedman's: together Wikipedia: Indicates similarity, likeness, or being together; Assimilates before some consonants: before l to syl-, s to sys-, before a labial consonant to sym-. |
Synalgia, synesthesia, syssarcosis | |
sym- | sin- | Stedman's: together Wikipedia: Indicates similarity, likeness, or being together; Assimilates before some consonants: before l to syl-, s to sys-, before a labial consonant to sym-. McCarthy: (1) with, together, united ; (2) the same |
Synalgia, synesthesia, syssarcosis, symbiosis, synapsis, syncytium, syngamy, syngeneic | |
syn- | sin- | Stedman's: together Wikipedia: Indicates similarity, likeness, or being together; Assimilates before some consonants: before l to syl-, s to sys-, before a labial consonant to sym-. McCarthy: (1) with, together, united ; (2) the same |
Synalgia, synesthesia, syssarcosis, symbiosis, synapsis, syncytium, syngamy, syngeneic | |
syphil- | sifil- | McCarthy: Syphilis | syphilomania | |
syphilo- | sifilo- | McCarthy: Syphilis | syphilomania | |
syring- | siring- | McCarthy: Tube, fistula, duct, canal | syringitis | |
syringo- | siringo- | McCarthy: Tube, fistula, duct, canal | syringitis | |
sys- | sis- | Stedman's: together Wikipedia: Indicates similarity, likeness, or being together; Assimilates before some consonants: before l to syl-, s to sys-, before a labial consonant to sym-. |
Synalgia, synesthesia, syssarcosis |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
tach- | tak- | McCarthy: Swift, rapid, accelerated | tachygenesis | |
tacho- | tako- | McCarthy: Swift, rapid, accelerated | tachygenesis | |
tachy- | taki- | Stedman's: rapid Wikipedia: Denoting something as fast, irregularly fast McCarthy: Swift, rapid, accelerated |
Tachycardia, tachygenesis | |
taen- | ten- | McCarthy: Denotes tapeworm(s) | teniform, teniasis | |
taenio- | tenio- | McCarthy: Denotes tapeworm(s) | teniform, teniasis | |
taeno- | teno- | McCarthy: Denotes tapeworm(s) | teniform, teniasis | |
taph- | taf- | McCarthy: Burial, grave | taphonomy | |
tapho- | tafo- | McCarthy: Burial, grave | taphonomy | |
tars- | tarts- | McCarthy: Denotes the tarsus | tarsotibial | |
tarso- | tartso- | McCarthy: Denotes the tarsus | tarsotibial | |
taut- | taut- | McCarthy: Identical | tautomerism | |
tauto- | tauto- | McCarthy: Identical | tautomerism | |
tax- | tax- | McCarthy: Denotes arrangement or ordering | taxonomy | |
taxo- | taxo- | McCarthy: Denotes arrangement or ordering | taxonomy | |
teg- | teg- | McCarthy: Covering, skin, armor | tegmen | |
tegu- | tegu- | McCarthy: Covering, skin, armor | tegmen | |
tel- | tel- | Stedman's: distant McCarthy: End, completion |
telomere, telophase | |
tele- | tele- | Stedman's: distant McCarthy: End, completion McCarthy: Distant |
telomere, telophase, teleceptor | |
telo- | telo- | McCarthy: End, completion | telomere, telophase | |
ten- | ten- | Stedman's: tendon McCarthy: Denotes tapeworm(s) McCarthy: See: taen-. |
teniform, teniasis | |
tendin- | tendin- | Stedman's: tendon | ||
teno- | teno- | Stedman's: tendon | ||
tenont- | tenont- | Stedman's: tendon | ||
tenonto- | tenonto- | Stedman's: tendon | ||
tera- | tera- | Stedman's: one quadrillion (1015) McCarthy: trillion |
terabyte | |
tetan- | tetan- | Wikipedia: rigid, tense | tetanus | |
tetr- | tetr- | McCarthy: Four, having four parts | tetramer, tetraploid, tetrapod | |
tetra- | tetra- | Stedman's: four McCarthy: Four, having four parts |
tetramer, tetraploid, tetrapod | |
tetrahydr- | tetrahidr- | McCarthy: Indicates a molecule containing four hydrogen atoms | tetrahydrofolate | |
tetrahydro- | tetrahidro- | McCarthy: Indicates a molecule containing four hydrogen atoms | tetrahydrofolate | |
thec- | tek- | Wikipedia: case, sheath McCarthy: Sac, capsule, sporecase |
Intrathecal, theca | |
theci- | tezi- | McCarthy: Sac, capsule, sporecase | theca | |
theco- | teko- | McCarthy: Sac, capsule, sporecase | theca | |
thel- | tel- | Stedman's: nipple Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a nipple [uncommon as a prefix] |
Theleplasty | |
thele- | tele- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a nipple [uncommon as a prefix] | Theleplasty | |
theli- | teli- | |||
thelo- | telo- | Stedman's: nipple Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to a nipple [uncommon as a prefix] |
Theleplasty | |
thely- | teli- | Wikipedia: Denoting something as 'relating to a woman, feminine' | Thelygenous | |
therap- | terap- | Wikipedia: treatment | hydrotherapy | |
therapo- | terapo- | Wikipedia: treatment | hydrotherapy | |
therio- | terio- | McCarthy: Beast, mammal | theriomorph | |
therm- | term- | Stedman's: heat Wikipedia: heat McCarthy: Heat, hot |
thermolabile | |
thermo- | termo- | Stedman's: heat Wikipedia: heat McCarthy: Heat, hot |
thermolabile | |
thi- | ti- | McCarthy: Sulfur | thiamin, thiophil | |
thio- | tio- | McCarthy: Sulfur | thiamin, thiophil | |
thorac- | torak- | Stedman's: chest, thorax Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck McCarthy: Chest |
Thorax, thoracoepigastric | |
thoraci- | torazi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck |
Thorax | |
thoracico- | toraziko- | Stedman's: chest, thorax Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck |
Thorax | |
thoraco- | torako- | Stedman's: chest, thorax Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck McCarthy: Chest |
Thorax, thoracoepigastric | |
thromb- | tronb- | Stedman's: blood clot Wikipedia: Of or relating to a blood clot, clotting of blood McCarthy: Denotes a thrombus |
Thrombus, Thrombocytopenia, thrombocyte, thrombosis | |
thrombo- | tronbo- | Stedman's: blood clot Wikipedia: Of or relating to a blood clot, clotting of blood McCarthy: Denotes a thrombus |
Thrombus, Thrombocytopenia, thrombocyte, thrombosis | |
thym- | tim- | Wikipedia: emotions | dysthymia | |
thymoia- | timoia- | Wikipedia: emotions | dysthymia | |
thyr- | tir- | Stedman's: thyroid gland Wikipedia: thyroid McCarthy: Refers to the thyroid gland or, more broadly, to anything shield-shaped |
thyroid | |
thyreo- | tireo- | McCarthy: Refers to the thyroid gland or, more broadly, to anything shield-shaped | thyroid | |
thyro- | tiro- | Stedman's: the thyroid gland Wikipedia: thyroid McCarthy: Refers to the thyroid gland or, more broadly, to anything shield-shaped |
thyroid | |
thyroid- | tiroid- | McCarthy: Refers to the thyroid gland or, more broadly, to anything shield-shaped | thyroid | |
tibi- | tibi- | McCarthy: Denotes the tibia | tibiofemoral | |
tibio- | tibio- | McCarthy: Denotes the tibia | tibiofemoral | |
toco- | toko- | Stedman's: childbirth Wikipedia: childbirth McCarthy: Denotes birth |
tocology | |
toko- | toko- | McCarthy: Denotes birth | tocology | |
tono- | tono- | Stedman's: tone, tension, pressure Wikipedia: tone, tension, pressure McCarthy: Pressure |
tonoplast, tonotaxis | |
top- | top- | Stedman's: place, topical Wikipedia: place, topical |
Topical anesthetic | |
topo- | topo- | Stedman's: place, topical Wikipedia: place, topical |
Topical anesthetic | |
tort- | tort- | Wikipedia: twisted | Torticollis | |
torti- | torti- | Wikipedia: twisted | Torticollis | |
tox- | tox- | Stedman's: toxin, poison Wikipedia: toxin, poison McCarthy: (1) arched, bowlike (2) arrow-shaped McCarthy: Poisonous, toxic |
Toxoplasmosis, Toxoglossa, toxicity | |
toxi- | toxi- | Stedman's: toxin, poison Wikipedia: toxin, poison McCarthy: (1) arched, bowlike (2) arrow-shaped McCarthy: Poisonous, toxic |
Toxoplasmosis, Toxoglossa, toxicity | |
toxic- | toxik- | Wikipedia: toxin, poison McCarthy: Poisonous, toxic |
Toxoplasmosis, toxicity | |
toxico- | toxiko- | Stedman's: toxin, poison Wikipedia: toxin, poison McCarthy: Poisonous, toxic |
Toxoplasmosis, toxicity | |
toxo- | toxo- | Stedman's: toxin, poison Wikipedia: toxin, poison McCarthy: (1) arched, bowlike (2) arrow-shaped McCarthy: Poisonous, toxic |
Toxoplasmosis, Toxoglossa, toxicity | |
trache- | trake- | Stedman's: trachea Wikipedia: trachea McCarthy: Relating to the trachea |
Tracheotomy, trachealgia | |
trachea- | trakea- | Wikipedia: trachea | Tracheotomy | |
trachel- | trakel- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the neck McCarthy: Denotes the neck |
tracheloplasty, trachelomastoid | |
trachelo- | trakelo- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the neck | tracheloplasty | |
tracheo- | trakeo- | Stedman's: trachea | ||
trans- | trans- | Stedman's: across, through, beyond Wikipedia: Denoting something as moving or situated 'across' or 'through' McCarthy: Across |
Transfusion, transfection, transposon | |
tri- | tri- | Stedman's: three Wikipedia: three McCarthy: Three, triple |
triangle, trichocyst | |
trich- | trik- | Stedman's: hair Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to hair, hair-like structure McCarthy: Hair, filament |
Trichocyst, tricuspid | |
trichi- | triki- | Stedman's: hair Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to hair, hair-like structure |
Trichocyst | |
tricho- | triko- | Stedman's: hair McCarthy: Hair, filament |
tricuspid | |
tripl- | tripl- | McCarthy: Triple | triploblastic, triploid | |
tripla- | tripla- | McCarthy: Triple | triploblastic, triploid | |
tripli- | tripli- | McCarthy: Triple | triploblastic, triploid | |
triplo- | triplo- | McCarthy: Triple | triploblastic, triploid | |
tris- | tris- | Stedman's: three | ||
trop- | trop- | McCarthy: turn, rotation McCarthy: (1) tropine; (2) atropine. |
tropometer | |
tropa- | tropa- | McCarthy: (1) tropine; (2) atropine. | ||
troph- | trof- | McCarthy: Relating to nutrition | trophoblast | |
tropho- | trofo- | Stedman's: food, nutrition McCarthy: Relating to nutrition |
trophoblast | |
tropo- | tropo- | McCarthy: turn, rotation | tropometer | |
trypan- | tripan- | McCarthy: (1) borer, auger, spiral ; (2) trypanosome | Trypanosoma, trypanosomiasis | |
trypano- | tripano- | McCarthy: (1) borer, auger, spiral ; (2) trypanosome | Trypanosoma, trypanosomiasis | |
tubo- | tubo- | McCarthy: Denotes a tube | tuboperitoneal | |
tympan- | tinpan- | Wikipedia: eardrum McCarthy: Relating to the tympanic membrane |
Tympanocentesis, tympanotomy | |
tympano- | tinpano- | Wikipedia: eardrum McCarthy: Relating to the tympanic membrane |
Tympanocentesis, tympanotomy |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
ul- | ul- | McCarthy: The gums | ulocace, ulorrhea | |
ule- | ule- | McCarthy: The gums | ulocace, ulorrhea | |
uln- | uln- | McCarthy: Relating to the ulna | ulnocarpal | |
ulno- | ulno- | McCarthy: Relating to the ulna | ulnocarpal | |
ulo- | ulo- | McCarthy: The gums | ulocace, ulorrhea | |
ultra- | ultra- | Stedman's: beyond Wikipedia: beyond, excessive McCarthy: Beyond, in excess, extreme |
ultraviolet | |
umbilic- | unbilik- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the navel, the umbilicus | Umbilical | |
un- | un- | Wikipedia: one McCarthy: Not, opposite, deprived of |
Unilateral hearing loss, unossified | |
unci- | untzi- | McCarthy: Hook, hooked Compare: onci-. | uncinate | |
undec- | endek- | McCarthy: Eleven | undecane | |
ungui- | ungi- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the nail, a claw | Unguiform, Ungual | |
uni- | uni- | Stedman's: one, single Wikipedia: one McCarthy: One, single |
Unilateral hearing loss, univalent | |
ur- | ur- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system; (specifically) pertaining to the physiological chemistry of urine McCarthy: Tail, taillike, posterior region |
Urology, Urodela | |
ureter- | ureter- | McCarthy: Denotes the ureter(s) | ureteralgia | |
uretero- | uretero- | McCarthy: Denotes the ureter(s) | ureteralgia | |
uri- | uri- | Stedman's: uric acid Wikipedia: uric acid |
uric- | uriz- | Stedman's: uric acid Wikipedia: uric acid |
urico- | uriko- | Stedman's: uric acid Wikipedia: uric acid |
urin- | urin- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system McCarthy: Urine |
Uriniferous, urinoscopy | |
urino- | urino- | McCarthy: Urine | urinoscopy | |
uro- | uro- | Stedman's: 1 urine, 2 urinary tract Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system; (specifically) pertaining to the physiological chemistry of urine McCarthy: Tail, taillike, posterior region McCarthy: Urine |
Urology, Urodela, urinoscopy | |
uter- | uter- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the uterus or womb | Uterus | |
utero- | utero- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the uterus or womb | Uterus |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
vagin- | bagin- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the vagina McCarthy: Denotes the vagina |
Vagina, vaginitis | |
vagino- | bagino- | McCarthy: Denotes the vagina | vaginitis | |
varic- | bariz- | Wikipedia: swollen or twisted vein | varicose | |
varico- | bariko- | Wikipedia: swollen or twisted vein | varicose | |
vas- | bas- | Stedman's: duct, blood vessel Wikipedia: duct, blood vessel McCarthy: Blood vessel |
vasoconstriction, vasodepressant | |
vascul- | baskul- | McCarthy: Blood vessel | vasocularity | |
vasculo- | baskulo- | Stedman's: blood vessel Wikipedia: blood vessel McCarthy: Blood vessel |
vasocularity | |
vaso- | baso- | Stedman's: duct, blood vessel Wikipedia: duct, blood vessel McCarthy: Blood vessel |
vasoconstriction, vasodepressant | |
ven- | ben- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein (used in terms pertaining to the vascular system) McCarthy: (1) vein ; (2) vena cava |
Vein, Venospasm, venisection, venoatrial | |
veni- | beni- | McCarthy: (1) vein ; (2) vena cava | venisection, venoatrial | |
veno- | beno- | McCarthy: (1) vein ; (2) vena cava | venisection, venoatrial | |
ventr- | bentr- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the belly; the stomach cavities McCarthy: (1) in humans: denotes the belly or front; (2) in animals: denotes the lower surface |
Ventrodorsal, ventrolateral | |
ventricul- | bentrikul- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ventricles; any hollow region inside an organ | Cardiac ventriculography | |
ventriculo- | bentrikulu- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the ventricles; any hollow region inside an organ | Cardiac ventriculography | |
ventro- | bentro- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the belly; the stomach cavities McCarthy: (1) in humans: denotes the belly or front; (2) in animals: denotes the lower surface |
Ventrodorsal, ventrolateral | |
vermi- | bermi- | McCarthy: Worm | vermiform | |
vesic- | besik- | Stedman's: urinary bladder, vesicle Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the bladder |
Vesica, vesical arteries | |
vesico- | besiko- | Stedman's: urinary bladder, vesicle Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the bladder |
Vesica, vesical arteries | |
vesicul- | besikul- | McCarthy: Denotes vesicle(s) | vesicular | |
vesiculo- | besikulo- | |||
vibr- | bibr- | McCarthy: Denotes vibration; hence, in a bacterium, the presence of flagella is implied | Vibrio | |
vibri- | bibri- | McCarthy: Denotes vibration; hence, in a bacterium, the presence of flagella is implied | Vibrio | |
vill- | bil- | McCarthy: Denotes a villus or villi | villiform, vilosity | |
villi- | bili- | McCarthy: Denotes a villus or villi | villiform, vilosity | |
viri- | biri- | McCarthy: Virus | viricide | |
viscer- | biszer- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the internal organs, the viscera McCarthy: Pertaining to the interal organs |
Viscera, visceral | |
viscero- | biszero- | Wikipedia: Of or pertaining to the internal organs, the viscera McCarthy: Pertaining to the interal organs |
Viscera, visceral | |
vitre- | bitre- | McCarthy: Like glass; clear as glass, glassy | vitreous | |
vitreo- | bitreo- | McCarthy: Like glass; clear as glass, glassy | vitreous | |
viv- | bib- | McCarthy: Alive, living; lively | vivisection | |
vivi- | bibi- | McCarthy: Alive, living; lively | vivisection | |
vulv- | bulb- | McCarthy: Denotes the vulva | vulvar | |
vulvo- | bulbo- | McCarthy: Denotes the vulva | vulvar |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
xanth- | xant- | Stedman's: yellow, yellowish Wikipedia: Denoting a yellow color, an abnormally yellow color McCarthy: Yellow |
Xanthopathy, xanthous | |
xantho- | xanto- | Stedman's: yellow, yellowish Wikipedia: Denoting a yellow color, an abnormally yellow color McCarthy: Yellow |
Xanthopathy, xanthous | |
xen- | xen- | Wikipedia: Foreign, different McCarthy: Foreign, strange, intruding |
Xenograft, xenograft | |
xeno- | xeno- | Wikipedia: Foreign, different McCarthy: Foreign, strange, intruding |
Xenograft, xenograft | |
xer- | xer- | Wikipedia: dry, desert-like McCarthy: Dry |
Xerostomia, xeric | |
xero- | xero- | Stedman's: dry Wikipedia: dry, desert-like McCarthy: Dry |
Xerostomia, xeric | |
xiphi- | xifi- | McCarthy: Denotes the xiphoid process | xiphocostal | |
xipho- | xifo- | McCarthy: Denotes the xiphoid process | xiphocostal | |
xyl- | xil- | McCarthy: Wood | xylem | |
xylo- | xilo- | McCarthy: Wood | xylem |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
yocto- | ???- | McCarthy: 10-24 | yoctogram | |
yotta- | ???- | McCarthy: 1024 | yottaFLOPS |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | Definizioa | Adibideak | |
Ingelesez | Euskaraz | |||
zepto- | zepto- | McCarthy: 10-21 | zeptomole | |
zeta- | zeta- | McCarthy: 1021 | zetaFLOPS | |
zinco- | zinko- | McCarthy: Pertaining to or containing the element zinc. | ||
zirco- | zirko- | McCarthy: Pertaining to or containing the element zirconium. | ||
zo- | zo- | Stedman's: 1 animal, 2 life Wikipedia: animal, animal life McCarthy: (1) of or relating to animals ; (2) capable of movement |
zoology, zoology, zoophagous, zoosterol, zoocytium | |
zoo- | zoo- | Stedman's: 1 animal, 2 life Wikipedia: animal, animal life McCarthy: (1) of or relating to animals ; (2) capable of movement |
zoology, zoology, zoophagous, zoosterol, zoocytium | |
zyg- | zig- | McCarthy: Union, fusion, yoking | zygote | |
zygo- | zigo- | McCarthy: Union, fusion, yoking | zygote | |
zym- | zim- | Stedman's: fermentation, enzymes Wikipedia: fermentation McCarthy: Ferment, enzyme |
enzyme, lysozyme, zymotic | |
zymo- | zimo- | Stedman's: fermentation, enzymes Wikipedia: fermentation McCarthy: Ferment, enzyme |
enzyme, lysozyme, zymotic |