Chinese-Spanish RST Treebank
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- Cao Shuyuan, da Cunha Iria, and Iruskieta, Mikel. 2017. Toward the Elaboration of a Spanish-Chinese Parallel Annotated Corpus. EPiC Series of Language and Linguistics, 2: 315-324.
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- da Cunha Iria, Torres-Moreno Juan-Manuel, Sierra Gerardo, Cabrera-Diego Luis Adrián, Castro Brenda Gabriela, and Rolland Juan Manuel. 2011. The RST Spanish Treebank On-line Interface. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP’2011), 698-703.
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- Iruskieta Mikel, Aranzabe María Jesús, Diaz de Ilarraza Arantza, Gonzalez-Dios Itziar, Lersundi Mikel, and Lopez de Lacalle Oier. The RST Basque TreeBank: an online search interface to check rhetorical relations. In Proceedings of IV Workshop A RST e os Estudos do Texto, 40-49.
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- Cao Shuyuan, da Cunha Iria, and Iruskieta Mikel. 2016. A Corpus-based Approach for Spanish-Chinese Language Learning. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLP-TEA3), 97-106.