- Foundation for Endangered Languages
- Indigenous Languages and Technology (ILAT) discussion list. It is an open forum for community language specialists, linguists, scholars, and students to discuss issues relating to the uses of technology in language revitalization efforts.
- DELAMAN Digital endangered languages and musics archive network
- AfLaT African Language Technology
- Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity (RNLD)
- Report on the Special Joint LT-FLaReNet session "Getting Less-Resourced Languages On-Board!" LTC'09 Conference
- The European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages funding possibilities information page.
- The ELSNews 10.1 Special Issue on Minority Languages.
- Discussion list on issues in Functional Linguistics
- Jeff Allen's publications on Minority language Engineering.
- ACLwiki, List of resources by language: with details of language resources for more than 50 languages (Amharic, Breton, Catalan, Faroese, Welsh...)
- The Linguistic Data Consortium's "Linguistic Exploration" page, with details of various resources for the empirical study of language data.