*SEM 2012: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics


pdf bib Front matter pages
pdf bib Casting Implicit Role Linking as an Anaphora Resolution Task
Carina Silberer and Anette Frank
pp. ;1–10
pdf bib Adaptive Clustering for Coreference Resolution with Deterministic Rules and Web-Based Language Models
Razvan Bunescu
pp. ;11–19
pdf bib Measuring Semantic Relatedness using Multilingual Representations
Samer Hassan, Carmen Banea and Rada Mihalcea
pp. ;20–29
pdf bib Towards Building a Multilingual Semantic Network: Identifying Interlingual Links in Wikipedia
Bharath Dandala, Rada Mihalcea and Razvan Bunescu
pp. ;30–37
pdf bib Sentence Clustering via Projection over Term Clusters
Lili Kotlerman, Ido Dagan, Maya Gorodetsky and Ezra Daya
pp. ;38–43
pdf bib The Use of Granularity in Rhetorical Relation Prediction
Blake Howald and Martha Abramson
pp. ;44–48
pdf bib "Could you make me a favour and do coffee, please?": Implications for Automatic Error Correction in English and Dutch
Sophia Katrenko
pp. ;49–53
pdf bib Detecting Text Reuse with Modified and Weighted N-grams
Rao Muhammad Adeel Nawab, Mark Stevenson and Paul Clough
pp. ;54–58
pdf bib Statistical Thesaurus Construction for a Morphologically Rich Language
Chaya Liebeskind, Ido Dagan and Jonathan Schler
pp. ;59–64
pdf bib Sorting out the Most Confusing English Phrasal Verbs
Yuancheng Tu and Dan Roth
pp. ;65–69
pdf bib Learning Semantics and Selectional Preference of Adjective-Noun Pairs
Karl Moritz Hermann, Chris Dyer, Phil Blunsom and Stephen Pulman
pp. ;70–74
pdf bib Identifying hypernyms in distributional semantic spaces
Alessandro Lenci and Giulia Benotto
pp. ;75–79
pdf bib Towards a Flexible Semantics: Colour Terms in Collaborative Reference Tasks
Bert Baumgaertner, Raquel Fernandez and Matthew Stone
pp. ;80–84
pdf bib Unsupervised Disambiguation of Image Captions
Wesley May, Sanja Fidler, Afsaneh Fazly, Sven Dickinson and Suzanne Stevenson
pp. ;85–89
pdf bib Lexical semantic typologies from bilingual corpora — A framework
Steffen Eger
pp. ;90–94
pdf bib Non-atomic Classification to Improve a Semantic Role Labeler for a Low-resource Language
Richard Johansson
pp. ;95–99
pdf bib Combining resources for MWE-token classification
Richard Fothergill and Timothy Baldwin
pp. ;100–104
pdf bib Annotating Preferences in Negotiation Dialogues
Anais Cadilhac, Nicholas Asher and Farah Benamara
pp. ;105–113
pdf bib Selecting Corpus-Semantic Models for Neurolinguistic Decoding
Brian Murphy, Partha Talukdar and Tom Mitchell
pp. ;114–123
pdf bib Simple and Phrasal Implicatives
Lauri Karttunen
pp. ;124–131
pdf bib An Unsupervised Ranking Model for Noun-Noun Compositionality
Karl Moritz Hermann, Phil Blunsom and Stephen Pulman
pp. ;132–141
pdf bib Expanding the Range of Tractable Scope-Underspecified Semantic Representations
Mehdi Manshadi and James Allen
pp. ;142–150
pdf bib Regular polysemy: A distributional model
Gemma Boleda, Sebastian Padó and Jason Utt
pp. ;151–160
pdf bib Extracting a Semantic Lexicon of French Adjectives from a Large Lexicographic Dictionary
Selja Seppälä, Lucie Barque and Alexis Nasr
pp. ;161–169
pdf bib Modelling selectional preferences in a lexical hierarchy
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha and Anna Korhonen
pp. ;170–179
pdf bib Unsupervised Induction of a Syntax-Semantics Lexicon Using Iterative Refinement
Hagen Fürstenau and Owen Rambow
pp. ;180–188
pdf bib An Evaluation of Graded Sense Disambiguation using Word Sense Induction
David Jurgens
pp. ;189–198
pdf bib Ensemble-based Semantic Lexicon Induction for Semantic Tagging
Ashequl Qadir and Ellen Riloff
pp. ;199–208
pdf bib An Exact Dual Decomposition Algorithm for Shallow Semantic Parsing with Constraints
Dipanjan Das, André F. T. Martins and Noah A. Smith
pp. ;209–217
pdf bib Aligning Predicate Argument Structures in Monolingual Comparable Texts: A New Corpus for a New Task
Michael Roth and Anette Frank
pp. ;218–227
pdf bib The Effects of Semantic Annotations on Precision Parse Ranking
Andrew MacKinlay, Rebecca Dridan, Diana McCarthy and Timothy Baldwin
pp. ;228–236
pdf bib A Probabilistic Lexical Model for Ranking Textual Inferences
Eyal Shnarch, Ido Dagan and Jacob Goldberger
pp. ;237–245
pdf bib #Emotional Tweets
Saif Mohammad
pp. ;246–255
pdf bib Monolingual Distributional Similarity for Text-to-Text Generation
Juri Ganitkevitch, Benjamin Van Durme and Chris Callison-Burch
pp. ;256–264
pdf bib *SEM 2012 Shared Task: Resolving the Scope and Focus of Negation
Roser Morante and Eduardo Blanco
pp. ;265–274
pdf bib UABCoRAL: A Preliminary study for Resolving the Scope of Negation
Binod Gyawali and Thamar Solorio
pp. ;275–281
pdf bib UCM-I: A Rule-based Syntactic Approach for Resolving the Scope of Negation
Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz, Laura Plaza, Alberto Díaz and Miguel Ballesteros
pp. ;282–287
pdf bib UCM-2: a Rule-Based Approach to Infer the Scope of Negation via Dependency Parsing
Miguel Ballesteros, Alberto Díaz, Virginia Francisco, Pablo Gervás, Jorge Carrillo de Albornoz and Laura Plaza
pp. ;288–293
pdf bib UConcordia: CLaC Negation Focus Detection at *Sem 2012
Sabine Rosenberg and Sabine Bergler
pp. ;294–300
pdf bib UGroningen: Negation detection with Discourse Representation Structures
Valerio Basile, Johan Bos, Kilian Evang and Noortje Venhuizen
pp. ;301–309
pdf bib UiO1: Constituent-Based Discriminative Ranking for Negation Resolution
Jonathon Read, Erik Velldal, Lilja Øvrelid and Stephan Oepen
pp. ;310–318
pdf bib UiO 2: Sequence-labeling Negation Using Dependency Features
Emanuele Lapponi, Erik Velldal, Lilja Øvrelid and Jonathon Read
pp. ;319–327
pdf bib UMichigan: A Conditional Random Field Model for Resolving the Scope of Negation
Amjad Abu Jbara and Dragomir Radev
pp. ;328–334
pdf bib UWashington: Negation Resolution using Machine Learning Methods
James Paul White
pp. ;335–339
pdf bib FBK: Exploiting Phrasal and Contextual Clues for Negation Scope Detection
Md. Faisal Mahbub Chowdhury
pp. ;340–346
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 1: English Lexical Simplification
Lucia Specia, Sujay Kumar Jauhar and Rada Mihalcea
pp. ;347–355
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 2: Measuring Degrees of Relational Similarity
David Jurgens, Saif Mohammad, Peter Turney and Keith Holyoak
pp. ;356–364
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 3: Spatial Role Labeling
parisa kordjamshidi, steven bethard and Marie-Francine Moens
pp. ;365–373
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 4: Evaluating Chinese Word Similarity
Peng Jin and Yunfang Wu
pp. ;374–377
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 5: Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing
Wanxiang Che, Meishan Zhang, Yanqiu Shao and Ting Liu
pp. ;378–384
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 6: A Pilot on Semantic Textual Similarity
Eneko Agirre, Daniel Cer, Mona Diab and Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre
pp. ;385–393
pdf bib SemEval-2012 Task 7: Choice of Plausible Alternatives: An Evaluation of Commonsense Causal Reasoning
Andrew Gordon, Zornitsa Kozareva and Melissa Roemmele
pp. ;394–398
pdf bib Semeval-2012 Task 8: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment for Content Synchronization
Matteo Negri, Alessandro Marchetti, Yashar Mehdad, Luisa Bentivogli and Danilo Giampiccolo
pp. ;399–407
pdf bib EMNLP@CPH: Is frequency all there is to simplicity?
Anders Johannsen, Héctor Martínez, Sigrid Klerke and Anders Søgaard
pp. ;408–412
pdf bib UTD: Determining Relational Similarity Using Lexical Patterns
Bryan Rink and Sanda Harabagiu
pp. ;413–418
pdf bib UTD-SpRL: A Joint Approach to Spatial Role Labeling
Kirk Roberts and Sanda Harabagiu
pp. ;419–424
pdf bib MIXCD: System Description for Evaluating Chinese Word Similarity at SemEval-2012
Yingjie Zhang, Bin Li, Xinyu Dai and Jiajun Chen
pp. ;425–429
pdf bib Zhijun Wu: Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing with Third-Order Features
Zhijun Wu, Xuan Wang and Xinxin Li
pp. ;430–434
pdf bib UKP: Computing Semantic Textual Similarity by Combining Multiple Content Similarity Measures
Daniel Bär, Chris Biemann, Iryna Gurevych and Torsten Zesch
pp. ;435–440
pdf bib TakeLab: Systems for Measuring Semantic Text Similarity
Frane Šarić, Goran Glavaš, Mladen Karan, Jan Šnajder and Bojana Dalbelo Bašić
pp. ;441–448
pdf bib Soft Cardinality: A Parameterized Similarity Function for Text Comparison
Sergio Jimenez, Claudia Becerra and Alexander Gelbukh
pp. ;449–453
pdf bib UNED: Improving Text Similarity Measures without Human Assessments
Enrique Amigó, Jesus Gimenez, Julio Gonzalo and Felisa Verdejo
pp. ;454–460
pdf bib UTDHLT: COPACETIC System for Choosing Plausible Alternatives
Travis Goodwin, Bryan Rink, Kirk Roberts and Sanda Harabagiu
pp. ;461–466
pdf bib HDU: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment with SMT Features
Katharina Wäschle and Sascha Fendrich
pp. ;467–471
pdf bib UAlacant: Using Online Machine Translation for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment
Miquel Esplà-Gomis, Felipe Sánchez-Martínez and Mikel L. Forcada
pp. ;472–476
pdf bib UOW-SHEF: SimpLex – Lexical Simplicity Ranking based on Contextual and Psycholinguistic Features
Sujay Kumar Jauhar and Lucia Specia
pp. ;477–481
pdf bib SB: mmSystem - Using Decompositional Semantics for Lexical Simplification
Marilisa Amoia and Massimo Romanelli
pp. ;482–486
pdf bib ANNLOR: A Naïve Notation-system for Lexical Outputs Ranking
Anne-Laure Ligozat, Cyril Grouin, Anne Garcia-Fernandez and Delphine Bernhard
pp. ;487–492
pdf bib UNT-SimpRank: Systems for Lexical Simplification Ranking
Ravi Sinha
pp. ;493–496
pdf bib Duluth : Measuring Degrees of Relational Similarity with the Gloss Vector Measure of Semantic Relatedness
Ted Pedersen
pp. ;497–501
pdf bib BUAP: A First Approximation to Relational Similarity Measuring
Mireya Tovar, J. Alejandro Reyes, Azucena Montes, Darnes Vilariño, David Pinto and Saul León
pp. ;502–505
pdf bib Zhou qiaoli: A divide-and-conquer strategy for semantic dependency parsing
zhou qiaoli, zhang ling, liu fei, cai dongfeng and zhang guiping
pp. ;506–513
pdf bib ICT:A System Combination for Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing
Hao Xiong and Qun Liu
pp. ;514–518
pdf bib NJU-Parser: Achievements on Semantic Dependency Parsing
Guangchao Tang, Bin Li, Shuaishuai Xu, Xinyu Dai and Jiajun Chen
pp. ;519–523
pdf bib PolyUCOMP: Combining Semantic Vectors with Skip bigrams for Semantic Textual Similarity
Jian Xu, Qin Lu and Zhengzhong Liu
pp. ;524–528
pdf bib ETS: Discriminative Edit Models for Paraphrase Scoring
Michael Heilman and Nitin Madnani
pp. ;529–535
pdf bib Sbdlrhmn: A Rule-based Human Interpretation System for Semantic Textual Similarity Task
Samir AbdelRahman and Catherine Blake
pp. ;536–542
pdf bib LIMSI: Learning Semantic Similarity by Selecting Random Word Subsets
Artem Sokolov
pp. ;543–546
pdf bib ATA-Sem: Chunk-based Determination of Semantic Text Similarity
Demetrios Glinos
pp. ;547–551
pdf bib IRIT: Textual Similarity Combining Conceptual Similarity with an N-Gram Comparison Method
Davide Buscaldi, Ronan Tournier, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles and Josiane Mothe
pp. ;552–556
pdf bib DSS: Text Similarity Using Lexical Alignments of Form, Distributional Semantics and Grammatical Relations
Diana McCarthy, Spandana Gella and Siva Reddy
pp. ;557–564
pdf bib DeepPurple: Estimating Sentence Semantic Similarity using N-gram Regression Models and Web Snippets
NIkos Malandrakis, Elias Iosif and Alexandros Potamianos
pp. ;565–570
pdf bib JU\_CSE\_NLP: Multi-grade Classification of Semantic Similarity between Text Pairs
Snehasis Neogi, Partha Pakray, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Alexander Gelbukh
pp. ;571–574
pdf bib Tiantianzhu7:System Description of Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) in the SemEval-2012 (Task 6)
Zhu Tiantian and Lan Man
pp. ;575–578
pdf bib sranjans : Semantic Textual Similarity using Maximal Weighted Bipartite Graph Matching
Sumit Bhagwani, Shrutiranjan Satapathy and Harish Karnick
pp. ;579–585
pdf bib Weiwei: A Simple Unsupervised Latent Semantics based Approach for Sentence Similarity
Weiwei Guo and Mona Diab
pp. ;586–590
pdf bib UNIBA: Distributional Semantics for Textual Similarity
Annalina Caputo, Pierpaolo Basile and Giovanni Semeraro
pp. ;591–596
pdf bib UNITOR: Combining Semantic Text Similarity functions through SV Regression
Danilo Croce, Paolo Annesi, Valerio Storch and Roberto Basili
pp. ;597–602
pdf bib Saarland: Vector-based models of semantic textual similarity
Georgiana Dinu and Stefan Thater
pp. ;603–607
pdf bib UMCC\_DLSI: Multidimensional Lexical-Semantic Textual Similarity
Antonio Fernández, Yoan Gutiérrez, Héctor Dávila, Alexander Chávez, Andy González, Rainel Estrada, Yenier Castañeda, Sonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo and Rafael Muñoz
pp. ;608–616
pdf bib SRIUBC: Simple Similarity Features for Semantic Textual Similarity
Eric Yeh and Eneko Agirre
pp. ;617–623
pdf bib FBK: Machine Translation Evaluation and Word Similarity metrics for Semantic Textual Similarity
José Guilherme Camargo de Souza, Matteo Negri and Yashar Mehdad
pp. ;624–630
pdf bib FCC: Three Approaches for Semantic Textual Similarity
Maya Carrillo, Darnes Vilariño, David Pinto, Mireya Tovar, Saul León and Esteban Castillo
pp. ;631–634
pdf bib UNT: A Supervised Synergistic Approach to Semantic Text Similarity
Carmen Banea, Samer Hassan, Michael Mohler and Rada Mihalcea
pp. ;635–642
pdf bib DERI&UPM: Pushing Corpus Based Relatedness to Similarity: Shared Task System Description
Nitish Aggarwal, Kartik Asooja and Paul Buitelaar
pp. ;643–647
pdf bib Stanford: Probabilistic Edit Distance Metrics for STS
Mengqiu Wang and Daniel Cer
pp. ;648–654
pdf bib University\_Of\_Sheffield: Two Approaches to Semantic Text Similarity
Sam Biggins, Shaabi Mohammed, Sam Oakley, Luke Stringer, Mark Stevenson and Judita Preiss
pp. ;655–661
pdf bib janardhan: Semantic Textual Similarity using Universal Networking Language graph matching
Janardhan Singh, Arindam Bhattacharya and Pushpak Bhattacharyya
pp. ;662–666
pdf bib SAGAN: An approach to Semantic Textual Similarity based on Textual Entailment
Julio Castillo and Paula Estrella
pp. ;667–672
pdf bib UOW: Semantically Informed Text Similarity
Miguel Rios, Wilker Aziz and Lucia Specia
pp. ;673–678
pdf bib Penn: Using Word Similarities to better Estimate Sentence Similarity
Sneha Jha, Hansen A. Schwartz and Lyle Ungar
pp. ;679–683
pdf bib Soft Cardinality + ML: Learning Adaptive Similarity Functions for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment
Sergio Jimenez, Claudia Becerra and Alexander Gelbukh
pp. ;684–688
pdf bib JU\_CSE\_NLP: Language Independent Cross-lingual Textual Entailment System
Snehasis Neogi, Partha Pakray, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay and Alexander Gelbukh
pp. ;689–695
pdf bib CELI: An Experiment with Cross Language Textual Entailment
Milen Kouylekov, Luca Dini, Alessio Bosca and Marco Trevisan
pp. ;696–700
pdf bib FBK: Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment Without Translation
Yashar Mehdad, Matteo Negri and Jose Guilherme C. de Souza
pp. ;701–705
pdf bib BUAP: Lexical and Semantic Similarity for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment
Darnes Vilariño, David Pinto, Mireya Tovar, Saul León and Esteban Castillo
pp. ;706–709
pdf bib DirRelCond3: Detecting Textual Entailment Across Languages With Conditions On Directional Text Relatedness Scores
Alpar Perini
pp. ;710–714
pdf bib ICT: A Translation based Method for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment
Fandong Meng, Hao Xiong and Qun Liu
pp. ;715–720
pdf bib SAGAN: A Machine Translation Approach for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment
Julio Castillo and Marina Cardenas
pp. ;721–726

Last modified on May 17, 2012, 6:04 p.m.
