Quiénes somos
- Somos el primer Centro Clarin Knowledge y la representación de la infraestructura CLARIN en España.
IXA-UPV/EHU (Donostia/San Sebastián) IXA group (UPV/EHU) is specialized in Text Analytics and Language Technologies and Resources for Basque.
El Instituto da Lingua Galega (ILG/USC) es un centro de investigación perteneciente a la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Desde su fundación, en mayo de 1971, el Instituto despliega una intensa actividad investigadora en los campos de la lingüística y de la filología gallegas y, al mismo tiempo, en el desarrollo de herramientas y aplicaciones tecnológicas que pongan a disposición de la comunidad académica y de la sociedad en su conjunto el conocimiento generado en el marco de las actividades de investigación. + info
IULA-UPF CLARIN Competence Center (CC-CLARIN IULA-UPF) is specialized in Text Analytics and Language Technologies and Resources. + info
UVIGO is specialized in Text Analytics and Language Technologies and Resources. + info
LINDH-UNED (Madrid)Laboratorio de innovación en Humanidades Digitales (LINDH) is a research center on Digital Humanities at UNED.
Tools and services
Averell is a Python library and command line interface to download and to standardize corpora from ten multi-lingual poetry repositories |
Jollyjumper is our enjambment detection Python library for Spanish |
Rantanplan is a Python library for the automated scansion of Spanish poetry |
PoetryLab app
PoetryLab: An Open Source Toolkit for the Analysis of Spanish Poetry Corpora |
Tool for documenting and analyzing speakers' judgments about spatial and sociocultural linguistic variation. |
Ferramenta On-Line de ExpeRimentación PerceptivA (FOLErPa)
FOLERPA is an online tool for carrying out perceptual experiments. |
Cartografía dos apelidos de Galicia
Research tool for the study of the geographical distribution of surnames in Galicia. |
Vocabulary analyzer Web Service
This web service calculates different lexicometric measures and displays them graphically (tokens, types, hapaxes & type/token ratio). |
Ngram Statistics de Pedersen
Pedersen's Ngram Statistics Package |
UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger.
This is the UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger. |
Análisis de relaciones de dependencias
This WS performs dependency parsing using Bohnet's graph-based Parser. The input is text in plain text or CoNLL format. The languages supported are English and Spanish. |
Freeling Named Entity Recognition - NER
Freeling-based Named Entity Recognition - NER |
Word-Sense Disambiguation |
Ixa pipes
Multilingual NLP tools |
A modular chain of Natural Language Processing tools for Basque |
Statistical Syntactic analyzer for Basque |
Morphosyntactic tagger for Basque |
Spelling and grammar checker for Basque |
A web application to analyse syntactic variation of Basque dialects |
Category analyzer |