IXA team - UPV/EHU (Coordinator)
IXA is a research group working on Natural Language Processing since 1988.
It was created with the aim of developing basic computational resources for Basque.
Nowadays, the group is composed of 38 computer scientists, 15 linguists, 3 research technicians (36 Ph.D.) It has taken part in multiple research projects and scientific publications, including many works on intelligent text processing using NLP and medical ontologies.
UPV/EHU team:
Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza
Koldo Gojenola
Maxux Aranzabe
Olatz Arregi
JM. Arriola
Xabier Artola
Arantza Casillas
Nerea Ezeiza
Itziar Irigoien
Itziar Aduriz
Alicia Pérez
Itziar San Martin
Igone Zabala
Luis Mendarte
Javier Peral
Julián Salvador
Inés Berta Montero
The Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Group at UNED (NLP & IR GROUP at UNED), with ample experience on NLP on numerous projects and research papers.
UNED team:
Raquel Martínez
Víctor Fresno
Lourdes Araujo
Juan Martínez
Soto Montalvo
Luis de Benito
Enrique de la Peña
Agustín Delgado
Andrés Duque
M. Carmen Morales
TALP - UPC Research Center - UPC
The Center for Language and Speech Technologies and Applications (TALP) is a specific interdepartmental research center at the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC).
UPC team:
Jordi Turmo
Lluís Padró
Horacio Rodríguez
Alicia Ageno
Manuel Medina
Leonardo Méndez
Mireia Fàbregas
María Aragón
Manuel Iglesias
Carmen Olmos