LREC98. SALTMIL workshop. Report, Programme and Proceedings.
Wednesday May 27 1998 (morning), Granada, Spain
1. Report and future directions
About 35 people attended the workshop. The first speaker (Marc Alemany) was unable to attend due to illness. The oral talks were chaired by Dr. Climent Nadeu, and the welcome and final session were led by Dr. Briony Williams.
A review of the workshop was later written by Nicolas Ostler.
In the final plenary session, a proposal was introduced to set up a Special Interest Group within ESCA (European Speech Communication Association). This SIG would be focussed on the theme of "Speech and Language Technology for Minority Languages" (or SALTMIL for short). Interested persons are asked to contact the proposer,
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. The following documents are available for viewing and saving:
- The draft proposal to set up a SIG within ESCA.
- ESCA regulations for setting up SIGs in general.
2. Programme and papers for downloading
All papers are available for downloading from this website. All are available in Postscript format (.ps filename extension). All except two are also available in a zipped form of MS-Word version 6.0 format (.zip filename extension), and will need unzipping (with pkunzip) before they can be used. There are two choices in downloading papers:
a) Package of all papers together as a single compressed "tar" file:
- Postscript format, compressed. Once downloaded, use the following commands (on a Unix machine):
- uncompress allps.tar.Z to uncompress the file.
- tar-xvf allps.tar to extract the individual Postscript files.
- Word 6.0 format, zipped. Once downloaded, use the following command (on a PC): pkunzip to extract the individual Word files.
b) Individual papers. See table below for single papers in two formats:
- Postscript format, compressed (.ps.Z file extension). Once downloaded, use the following command (on a Unix machine): uncompress [filename].
- MS-Word 6.0 format, zipped (.zip file extension). Once downloaded, use the following command (on a PC): pkunzip [filename].
2.1 Oral papers
Time | Title and author (s) | Download in compressed Postscript format | Download in zipped MS-Word 6.0 format |
8:00 | Registration | ||
8:30 | Welcome and Introduction | ||
8:40 | "Overview of minority languages in Europe". Marc Alemany (Catalan Sociolinguistic Institute) | ||
9:00 | "VOCATEL and VOGATEL: Two Telephone Speech Databases of Spanish Minority Languages (Catalan and Galician)". Luis Villarrubia, Paloma León, Luis Hernandez (Speech Technology Group, Telefonica I&D, Madrid, Spain); Climent Nadeu, Ignasi Esquerra, Javier Hernando (Dept. TSC, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain); Carmen Garcia-Mateo, Laura Docio (ETSIT de Telecomunicación, Universidad de Vigo, Vigo, Spain) | | |
9:20 | "Written Linguistic Resources in Catalan: the DCC Project". Joan Soler i Bou (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain) | | |
9:40 | "The MELIN project". Donncha Ó Cróinín (Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann-Linguistics Institute of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland) | | |
10:00 | Coffee | ||
10:40 | "A framework for the automatic processing of Basque". I. Aldezabal, O. Ansa, J.M. Arriola, A. Díaz de Ilarraza, N. Ezeiza, A. Maritxalar, M. Oronoz, K. Sarasola (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain); I. Aduriz, M. Urkia (UZEI, Donostia, Spain) | | |
11:00 | "Towards the creation of new Galician language resources: From a printed dictionary to the Galician WordNet". Fernando Magan (Ramón Pi–eiro Research Center for Humanities, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) | | |
11:20 | Poster Session 1 (odd-numbered authors to stand at their posters) | ||
12:05 | Poster Session 2 (even-numbered authors to stand at their posters) | ||
12:50 | Plenary session | ||
13:10 | End |
2.2 Poster papers
Poster number | Title and author(s) | Download in Postscript format | Download in Word 6.0 format |
1 | "A tagger environment for Galician". M. Vilares, J. Gra–a (Universidad de Corunna, Spain); T. Araujo, D. Cabrero, I. Diz (Ramón Pi–eiro Research Center for Humanities, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) | | |
2 | "A bilingual Spanish-Catalan database of units for concatenative synthesis". I. Esquerra, A. Bonafonte, F. Vallverdú, A. Febrer (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain) | | |
3 | "Methods and tools for building the Catalan WordNet". L. Benítez, S. Cervell, G. Escudero, M. López, G. Rigau, M. Taulé (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona; Universitat de Barcelona) | | |
4 | "Lemmatisation of the corpus of Cornish". J. Mills (University of Luton, England, UK) | | |
5 | "SpeechDat Cymru: A large-scale telephony Welsh database". R. J. Jones, J. S. Mason (Univ. of Wales, Swansea, Wales, UK); L. Helliker, M. Pawlewski (BT Labs, Ipswich, England, UK) | | |
6 | "KGB Project: Tools and resources for Breton language learning". J. Siroux, H. Gourmelon, G. Mercier, J-P. Messager (ENSSAT, Lannion, France) | | |
7 | "A speech database in the Basque language". K. López de Ipi–a, I. Torres, L. O–ederra (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain) | | |
8 | "An overview of the existing language resources for Galician". C. García-Mateo (Universidade de Vigo, Spain); M. González-González (Universidade de Santiago, Spain) | | |
9 | "Language standardisation and linguistic resources: The case of Central Ladin (Dolomites)". F. Ciochetti (Istitut Ladin, Vigo di Fassa, Italy); F. Pianesi (IRST, Trento, Italy) | | |
10 | "The LE-PAROLE project and the National Corpus of Irish". D. Ó Cróinín, E. Uí Dhonnchadha (Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann — Linguistics Institute of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland) | | |
11 | "Design of a phonetic corpus for speech recognition in Catalan". I. Esquerra, C. Nadeu (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain); L. Villarrubia, P. León (Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, Madrid, Spain) | | |
12 | "Levels of annotation for a Welsh speech database for phonetic research". B. Williams (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) | | |
3. Organisers
Briony Williams | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Climent Nadeu | Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya |
Alex Monaghan | Dublin City University, Ireland |