LREC04. SALTMIL workshop. 2004 Lisboa
"First Steps for Language Documentation of Minority Languages:
Computational Linguistic Tools for Morphology, Lexicon and Corpus Compilation"
LREC2004 (Lisbon, Portugal)
(8:00 to 13:30) Oral Session: First Steps for Language Documentation
08:00 Workshop Welcome and Introduction. Bojan Petek (Univ. of Ljubljana)
08:15 "Morphological Analysis and Generation: A First Step in Natural Language Processing" Kenneth R. Beesley (Xerox)
08:45 "Laying Lexical Foundations for NLP: the Case of Basque at the Ixa Research Groups" Xabier Artola (Univ. of The Basque Country))
09:15 "First steps in corpus building for linguistics and technology." Dafydd Gibbon (Univ. Bielefeld)
09:45 Break
Oral Session: HLT and the Coverage of Languages
10:15 "First steps in FP6" Bojan Petek (Univ. of Ljubljana)
10:45 Panel discussion - Invited speakers will be included as panelist members.
12:00 Poster Session
1.Atelach Alemu & Lars Asker: Building an Amharic Lexicon from Parallel Texts
2.Jens Allwood & A. P. Hendrikse: Spoken Language Corpora in South Africa
3.Akshar Bharati, Rajeev Sangal, Dipti M Sharma, Radhika Mamidi: Generic Morphological Analysis Shell
4.Emily Bender Dan Flickinger, Jeff Good, Ivan Sag: Montage: Leveraging advances in grammar engineering, linguistic ontologies, and mark-up for the documentation of underdescribed languages.
5.Bordel G., Ezeiza A. , Lopez de Ipina K., Méndez M., Peñagarikano M., Rico T., Tovar C., Zulueta E.: Linguistic Resources and Tools for Automatic Speech Recognition in Basque.
6.Montserrat Civit, Núria Bufí and Ma. Pilar Valverde: Building Cat3LB: a Treebank for Catalan.
7.Mike Maxwell: From Legacy Lexicon to Archivable Resource.
8.László Németh, Viktor Trón, Péter Halácsy, András Kornai, András Rung , István Szakadát: Leveraging the open source ispell codebase for minority language analysis.
9.Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Martha Dalton, Mika Ito, Christer Gobl: Analysing Irish prosody: A dual linguistic/quantitative approach.
10.Attila Novák: Creating a Morphological Analyzer and Generator for the Komi language.
11.Delyth Prys, Briony Williams, Bill Hicks, Dewi Jones, Ailbhe Ní Chasaide, Christer Gobl, Julie Carson- Berndsen, Fred Cummins, Máire Ní Chiosáin, John McKenna, Rónán Scaife, Elaine Uí Dhonnchadha: WISPR: Speech Processing Resources for Welsh and Irish.
12.Rajmund Piotrowski, Yuri Romanov: Imperial and Minority Languages in the Former USSR and in the Post- Soviet Area
13.Ksenia Shalonova and Roger Tucker: Issues in Porting TTS to Minority Languages.
14.Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova, Alexander Simov, Krasimira Ivanova, Ilko Grigorov, Hristo Ganev: Creation of a Tagged Corpus for Less-Processed Languages with ClaRK System.
15.Oliver Streiter, Mathias Stuflesser, Isabella Ties: CLE, an aligned Tri-lingual Ladin -Italian-German Corpus. Corpus Design and Interface.
16.Nicholas Thieberger: Building an interactive corpus of field recordings.
17.Trond Trosterud: Porting morphological analysis and disambiguation to new languages. 13:30 End