Basque WordNet
Euskal WordNet
Descripción (en): 
The Basque WordNet follows the EuroWordNet framework and, basically, it is produced using a semi-automatic method that links Basque words to the English WordNet. We have found that in order to ensure proper linguistic quality and avoid excessive English bias, a double manual pass on the automatically produced Basque synsets is desirable: a first concept-to-concept pass to ensure correctness of the Basque words linked to the synsets, and a word-to-word pass to ensure the completeness of the word senses linked to the words. By this method, we expect to combine quick progress (as allowed by a development based on the English WordNet) with quality (as provided by a development based on a native dictionary). We have completed the concept-to-concept review of the automatically produced links for the nominal concepts, and are currently performing the word-to-word review.

Euskal WordNet EuroWordNet-en markoan garatu da, euskal hitzak ingelesezko WordNet-era metodo erdiautomatikoz lotuz. Ingelesaren gehiegizko eragina saihesteko eta kalitate linguistikoa babesteko euskal synset-ak eskuz orraztu dira bi pasalditan: lehenengoan, kontzeptutik kontzepturako pasaldi batean, euskal hitzen eta synset-en arteko lotura egiaztatu da; bigarrenean, hitzetik hitzerako pasaldian, hitzei estekatutako hitz-adieren osotasuna bermatu da. Metodo honen bidez, azkartasuna eta kalitatea uztartu nahi dira.

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Lexical resources
Persona de contacto: 
German Rigau
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Grupo de investigación: 
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Grammars and language models

Rule-based Dependency Grammar for Basque

BERT language model for Basque
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20

Tools and services

Averell is a Python library and command line interface to download and to standardize corpora from ten multi-lingual poetry repositories
Jollyjumper is our enjambment detection Python library for Spanish
Rantanplan is a Python library for the automated scansion of Spanish poetry
PoetryLab app
PoetryLab: An Open Source Toolkit for the Analysis of Spanish Poetry Corpora
Tool for documenting and analyzing speakers' judgments about spatial and sociocultural linguistic variation.
Ferramenta On-Line de ExpeRimentación PerceptivA (FOLErPa)
FOLERPA is an online tool for carrying out perceptual experiments.
Cartografía dos apelidos de Galicia
Research tool for the study of the geographical distribution of surnames in Galicia.
Vocabulary analyzer Web Service
This web service calculates different lexicometric measures and displays them graphically (tokens, types, hapaxes & type/token ratio).
Ngram Statistics de Pedersen
Pedersen's Ngram Statistics Package
UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger.
This is the UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger.
Análisis de relaciones de dependencias
This WS performs dependency parsing using Bohnet's graph-based Parser. The input is text in plain text or CoNLL format. The languages supported are English and Spanish.
Freeling Named Entity Recognition - NER
Freeling-based Named Entity Recognition - NER
Word-Sense Disambiguation
Ixa pipes
Multilingual NLP tools
A modular chain of Natural Language Processing tools for Basque
Statistical Syntactic analyzer for Basque

Morphosyntactic tagger for Basque

Spelling and grammar checker for Basque
A web application to analyse syntactic variation of Basque dialects
Category analyzer