Basque WordNet
Euskal WordNet
Descripción (en):
The Basque WordNet follows the EuroWordNet framework and, basically, it is produced using a semi-automatic method that links Basque words to the English WordNet. We have found that in order to ensure proper linguistic quality and avoid excessive English bias, a double manual pass on the automatically produced Basque synsets is desirable: a first concept-to-concept pass to ensure correctness of the Basque words linked to the synsets, and a word-to-word pass to ensure the completeness of the word senses linked to the words. By this method, we expect to combine quick progress (as allowed by a development based on the English WordNet) with quality (as provided by a development based on a native dictionary).
We have completed the concept-to-concept review of the automatically produced links for the nominal concepts, and are currently performing the word-to-word review.
Euskal WordNet EuroWordNet-en markoan garatu da, euskal hitzak ingelesezko WordNet-era metodo erdiautomatikoz lotuz. Ingelesaren gehiegizko eragina saihesteko eta kalitate linguistikoa babesteko euskal synset-ak eskuz orraztu dira bi pasalditan: lehenengoan, kontzeptutik kontzepturako pasaldi batean, euskal hitzen eta synset-en arteko lotura egiaztatu da; bigarrenean, hitzetik hitzerako pasaldian, hitzei estekatutako hitz-adieren osotasuna bermatu da. Metodo honen bidez, azkartasuna eta kalitatea uztartu nahi dira.
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German Rigau
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Tools and services
Averell is a Python library and command line interface to download and to standardize corpora from ten multi-lingual poetry repositories |
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PoetryLab app
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Cartografía dos apelidos de Galicia
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Vocabulary analyzer Web Service
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Ngram Statistics de Pedersen
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UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger.
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Análisis de relaciones de dependencias
This WS performs dependency parsing using Bohnet's graph-based Parser. The input is text in plain text or CoNLL format. The languages supported are English and Spanish. |
Freeling Named Entity Recognition - NER
Freeling-based Named Entity Recognition - NER |
Word-Sense Disambiguation |
Ixa pipes
Multilingual NLP tools |
A modular chain of Natural Language Processing tools for Basque |
Statistical Syntactic analyzer for Basque |
Morphosyntactic tagger for Basque |
Spelling and grammar checker for Basque |
A web application to analyse syntactic variation of Basque dialects |
Category analyzer |