
Tool for documenting and analyzing speakers' judgments about spatial and sociocultural linguistic variation.
Ferramenta para documentar e analizar os xuízos dos falantes sobre a variación lingüística espacial e sociocultural.
Descripción (en): 
Perceptual dialectology focuses on the study of speakers' impressions, beliefs, and attitudes about dialectal variation. It is part of folk linguistics and therefore seeks to investigate the reflections of non-linguists on languages, placing in the foreground the knowledge and assessments of speakers about geographical variation. The PDMapping application facilitates research in the field of perceptual dialectology studies. This tool can be used to document and analyze speakers' judgments about linguistic variation, especially that determined by spatial and sociocultural variables.

A dialectoloxía perceptiva céntrase no estudo das impresións, crenzas e actitudes dos falantes sobre a variación dialectal. Forma parte da lingüística popular e polo tanto procura indagar sobre as reflexións dos non lingüistas sobre as linguas, colocando nun primeiro plano os coñecementos e as valoracións dos falantes sobre a variación en relación co espazo.

A aplicación PDMapping facilita a investigación no ámbito dos estudos de dialectoloxía perceptiva. Este recurso pode ser utilizado para documentar e analizar os xuízos dos falantes sobre a variación lingüística, especialmente a determinada por variables espaciais e socioculturais.

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Tools and services
Persona de contacto: 
Xulio Sousa
Email persona de contacto: 
Grupo de investigación: 
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Grammars and language models

Rule-based Dependency Grammar for Basque

BERT language model for Basque
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20

Tools and services

Averell is a Python library and command line interface to download and to standardize corpora from ten multi-lingual poetry repositories
Jollyjumper is our enjambment detection Python library for Spanish
Rantanplan is a Python library for the automated scansion of Spanish poetry
PoetryLab app
PoetryLab: An Open Source Toolkit for the Analysis of Spanish Poetry Corpora
Tool for documenting and analyzing speakers' judgments about spatial and sociocultural linguistic variation.
Ferramenta On-Line de ExpeRimentación PerceptivA (FOLErPa)
FOLERPA is an online tool for carrying out perceptual experiments.
Cartografía dos apelidos de Galicia
Research tool for the study of the geographical distribution of surnames in Galicia.
Vocabulary analyzer Web Service
This web service calculates different lexicometric measures and displays them graphically (tokens, types, hapaxes & type/token ratio).
Ngram Statistics de Pedersen
Pedersen's Ngram Statistics Package
UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger.
This is the UPF Freeling-based part-of-speech tagger.
Análisis de relaciones de dependencias
This WS performs dependency parsing using Bohnet's graph-based Parser. The input is text in plain text or CoNLL format. The languages supported are English and Spanish.
Freeling Named Entity Recognition - NER
Freeling-based Named Entity Recognition - NER
Word-Sense Disambiguation
Ixa pipes
Multilingual NLP tools
A modular chain of Natural Language Processing tools for Basque
Statistical Syntactic analyzer for Basque

Morphosyntactic tagger for Basque

Spelling and grammar checker for Basque
A web application to analyse syntactic variation of Basque dialects
Category analyzer