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Seminar: Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge (2013/07/10)

Last week Oier Lopez de Lacalle participated in our IXA seminar with a presentation entitled “Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge“.

Currently, Oier Lopez de Lacalle is a Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh.


In this work we present an unsupervised approach to relational information extraction. Our model partitions tuples representing […]

Seminar: HPSG grammars. (2013/07/15).

Speakers: Montse Marimón and Lluis Padró Title: HPSG grammars Date: July 15, 2013, Monday Time: 10:00-13:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.


What is a HPSG Grammar? Head-driven phrase structure grammar Spanish HPSG grammar. Examples. HPSG for other languages and Parallel deepbanks.


Montse Marimón. (2013) The Spanish DELPH-IN grammar. Language Resources and […]

Nice results from the OpeNER Hackathon

Picture of the hackathon (


Some IXA members participated in the Natural Language Processing, Text Mining and Big Data Hackathon organised by our colleagues from the OpeNER project. And they obtained excellent results:

10 projects were organized. Three projects were tied for third place. The project presented by Iñaki San Vicente (“Last […]