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QTLeap european project: Meeting in Donostia-San Sebastian (June/30 – July/1)

IXA Group is organizing in Donostia-San Sebastián a meeting of the European project QTLeap from Monday June 29th to Wednesday July 1st.

Recently, at the beginging of June, this project succesfully organized in Denver, Colorado, the SSST-9 – Ninth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation collocated with NAACL 2015, June 4, 2015.


Talk: Medical Natural Language Processing (Jon Patrick, 2015/06/24)

Speaker: Jon Patrick (The University of Sydney) Data: June 24th 2015, Wednesday Time: 12:00 Room: 3.2 room. Faculty of Informatics (UPV/EHU) Title: Medical Natural Language Processing

Talk: Discourse Structure in Machine Translation Evaluation (L. Marquez, 2015/06/25)

Speaker: Lluis Màrquez …………….Arabic Language Technologies group from the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) Data: June 25th 2015, Thursday Time: 12:00 Room: 3.2 room. Faculty of Informatics (UPV/EHU) Title: “Discourse Structure in Machine Translation Evaluation”


In this talk I will describe our research at the Arabic Language Technologies group from the […]

10.000 downloads for Mitzuli translator app

Do you have Mitzuli app on your Android phone? This app allows you to translate text, audio and images between 50 language pairs, it’s free and… it was created by Mikel Artetxe, a member of IXA Group and student in our HAP-LAP master’s programme!

And now it has more than 10.000 downloads, in one month! […]

Our masters on Language Technology for 2015/16

The IXA Group offers two masters for 2015/16:

EM LCT: Erasmus Mundus Language and Communication Technologies. The IXA Group runs this Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme in the field of language processing within a consortium of the following universities: Saarland (coordinator, Germany), Trento (Italy), Malta, Lorraine (France), Charles University (Czech Republic), Groningen (The Netherlands), Melbourne (Australia) […]

Talk: Discourse organization studies at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (J. Desiderato, 2015/06/04)

Speaker: Juliano Desiderato …………….Universidade Estadual de Maringa, DTL, (Brasil) Data: June 4th 2015, Thursday Time: 15:00 Room: 3.2 room. Faculty of Informatics (UPV/EHU) Title: “Discourse organization studies at Universidade Estadual de Maringá”


The talk aims at presenting the discourse organization studies conducted by the Group of Functionalist Investigations at Universidade […]