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One of the best three papers on Clinical NLP in 2017 was published by Ixa Group

A paper written by IXA members Arantza Casillas, Koldo Gojenola, Maite Oronoz and Alicia Perez, among the 3 best papers published in 2017 in the field of clinical Natural Language Processing.

The paper entitled “Semi-supervised medical entity recognition: A study on Spanish and Swedish clinical corpora“, by Pérez A, Weegar R, Casillas A, Gojenola K, Oronoz M, Dalianis H., published in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics , was considered one of the best three papers in the field of clinical Natural Language Processing in 2017.

A survey of the literature was performed in bibliographic databases. PubMed and Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) Anthology were searched for papers with a focus on NLP efforts applied to clinical texts or aimed at a clinical outcome. A total of 709 papers were automatically ranked and then manually reviewed. A shortlist of 15 candidate best papers was selected by the section editors and peer-reviewed by independent external reviewers to come to the three best clinical NLP papers for 2017.

The paper addresses “medical named entity recognition in clinical text in Spanish and Swedish; furthermore, they emphasize methods’ contribution in a context where little training data is available, which is often the case for languages other than English or when a new medical specialty is explored”.

The selection process is described and published in “Expanding the Diversity of Texts and Applications: Findings from the Section on Clinical Natural Language Processing of the International Medical Informatics Association Yearbook“, by Aurélie Névéol, Pierre Zweigenbaum, in the Yearbook of Medical Informatics,

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