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40th anniversary of the Centro de Lingüística Aplicada in Santiago de Cuba.

In January Iñaki Alegria participated in the XII Simposium de Comunicación Social organized by Centro de Lingüística Aplicada (CLA) in Santiago de Cuba.

The title of his course was:

“Computational Morphology: trends, finite-states and open-source” (Evolución de la morfología computacional: nuevas posibilidades)

Foma, the application developed by Mans Hulden (University of Helsinki), was the […]

Roser Morante’s talk: Modality and negation in natural language processing (2011/02/23)

Speaker: Roser Morante Senior researcher on the BIOGRAPH project led by Walter Daelemans. CLiPS-Computational Linguistics research group University of Antwerp, Date: February 23, 2010 Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Meeting room (batzar aretoa) . Modality and negation in natural language processing: 

current trends and future directions Summary: Research on modality and negation focuses on […]

A new European Project: PATHS

IXA Group is participating with other 5 partners in a new European project: PATHS (2010-2012). The PATHS project (Personalised Access To cultural Heritage Spaces) primarily addresses objective ICT-2009.4.1: Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation. It relates to target outcome (d), adaptive cultural experiences, by creating personalised views of various forms of cultural expression, adapting these […]