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Science journal: ‘Ixa opens a new research avenue: Machine Translation without a dictionary?’

Science reported this week about the work recently published by our colleagues Mikel Artetxe, Eneko Agirre and Gorka Labaka: Artificial intelligence goes bilingual—without a dictionary In October the 30th our three colleagues published a pre-print paper entitled Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation in collaboration with Kyunghyun Cho. One day later G. Lample published another paper with […]

Course: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (4,5 ECTS, February)

Are the meanings of these two words related? (Eneko’s Google Award 2015)

Course: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

Course open to anyone, see details and pre-requisite information below. Deep Learning neural network models have been successfully applied to natural language processing, and are now changing radically how we interact with machines (Siri, Amazon […]