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Eneko Agirre and Mikel Artetxe awarded with Spanish National Awards on Informatics

The members of Ixa Group Eneko Agirre and Mikel Artetxe have received two spanish leading SCIE awards of 2021. Eneko has received the National Award on Informatics and Mikel has been one of the six awards for young researchers.

The jury explained that Eneko Agirre has been awarded for his excellent contributions in the field of Natural Language Processing, especially in the exploitation of large textual resources and also in unsupervised machine learning based on neuronal computing applied to machine translation. In addition to the excellent quality of his scientific publications (some of them considered to be global references), the jury remarked the great transfer of research results, his scientific leadership (Head of the HiTZ research center), and his international trajectory, both in training and collaborations.

For Mikel Artetxe has been one of the six Computer Awards for Young Researchers. The jury highly valued Mikel for his  his wide international presence, his stays in the main companies in the field of language processing and his contributions to prestigious congresses.



Zorionak! Congratulations to Eneko and Mikel!


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