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IXAmBERT: Good news for languages with few resources!

Good news for languages with few resources! Pre-trained Basque monolingual and multilingual language models have proven to be very useful in NLP tasks for Basque! Even they have been created with a 500 times smaller corpus than the English one and with a 80 times smaller wikipedia.


An example of Conversational Question […]

HAP/LAP Master Theses (2020-09-21 and 22)

The following master theses will be presented next week. Date: September 21 and 22 Place: Ada Lovelace room

Day/ Time Student Supervisor Title Sep. 21

15:00 Garcia Montero, Eneritz Arantza del Pozo-Echezarreta

Itziar Gonzalez-Dios Coping with Data Scarcity: First Steps towards Word Expansion for a Chatbot in the Urban transportation Domain Sep 21

15:45 […]

‘AI Basque’ created by GAIA Cluster and HITZ Center

This summer we have created AI Basque with the GAIA cluster. We want to achieve greater diffusion in our local area for the work that our HITZ Center carries out in language technology and artificial intelligence.

Basque Cluster on ‘Knowledge and Applied Technology Industry’

With AI Basque center we want to be an international […]