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Seminar: Irish Machine Translation and Resources (M. Dowling, 2019-03-11)

Seminar title: Irish Machine Translation and Resources Speaker: Meghan Dowling (PhD student in the ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University) When: Mon, 11 Mars, 15:00pm Where: Faculty of informatics, room 3.2 gelan map

Summary: As an official language in both Ireland and the EU, there is a high demand for Irish language translation in public […]

Presentation: Research groups in the Faculty of Informatics (2017-10-10, 10:00-11:10)

Tomorrow morning the research groups in the Faculty of Informatics will present their work to the students.

Date: Tuesday, October 10 Time: 10:05-11:10 Where: Ada-Lovelace room Audience: Students of 3rd & 4th levels Subject: Presentation of research subjects and groups in the Faculty. IXA Group’s collaboration with students: job opportunities for undergraduate […]

Seminar: Big Data and NLP at Trivago (Min Fang, 2016-06-08)

Talk: Big Data and NLP at Trivago Speaker: Min Fang ………..2013 – 2015: Master Erasmus Mundus Language and Communication Technologies, summa cum laude ………..2015-… : (Trivago, hotel metasearch) When: Wed, 8 June, 10pm – 11pm Where: Faculty of informatics, room 3.2 gelan map Abstract: I’m interested in getting insights from data by applying natural […]

Talk: Irish language technology (T. Lynn, 2015/10/13)

Speaker: Teresa Lynn ADAPT Centre, School of Computing, Dublin City University Data: October 13th 2015, Tuesday Time: 15:00-16:00 Room: 3.2 room. Faculty of Informatics (UPV/EHU) Title: Overview of the current status of Irish language technology

The Irish government have asked a group (two members from Dublin City University, and three from Trinity College Dublin) to […]

Seminar: ‘The Lexikoaren Behatokia project’ & ‘Enriching EDBL with Hiztegi Batua’ (12/11/2013)

Topics : The Lexikoaren Behatokia project (X. Artola) + Enriching EDBL with Hiztegi Batua (Gorka Labaka – Xabier Artola) Speakers: Xabier Artola and Gorka Labaka Day: December 11th 2013, Wednesday

The Basque language academy, Euskaltzaindia, launched in 2008 the Lexikoaren Behatokia project (“The Lexicon Observatory”), led by Andoni Sagarna. The objective of the project was […]

Seminar: Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge (2013/07/10)

Last week Oier Lopez de Lacalle participated in our IXA seminar with a presentation entitled “Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge“.

Currently, Oier Lopez de Lacalle is a Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh.


In this work we present an unsupervised approach to relational information extraction. Our model partitions tuples representing […]

Seminar: HPSG grammars. (2013/07/15).

Speakers: Montse Marimón and Lluis Padró Title: HPSG grammars Date: July 15, 2013, Monday Time: 10:00-13:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.


What is a HPSG Grammar? Head-driven phrase structure grammar Spanish HPSG grammar. Examples. HPSG for other languages and Parallel deepbanks.


Montse Marimón. (2013) The Spanish DELPH-IN grammar. Language Resources and […]

Seminar. First steps towards Quechua’s processing. (2012/11/15)

Hugo and Richard visiting Aholab in Bilbao.

Speakers: Hugo Quispe and Richard Castro (Universidad UNSAAC of Cusco, Peru), ………………Olatz Arregi, Xabier Artola eta Kepa Sarasola (Ixa Group) Title: Primera aproximación al procesamiento automático del Quechua ………(First steps towards Quechua’s processing.) Date: November 15, 2012, Thursday Time: 16:00–17:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2
