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HAP/LAP master thesis (Noelia Migueles, 2017-06-27)

Today afternoon, June the 27th, Noelia Migueles will defend her master thesis.

Date: june 27th, 15:00 Place: Ada Lovelace room

Izenburua / Title: A Study Towards Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation

Egilea / Author: Noelia Migueles-Abraira

Tutoreak / Supervirors: Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza and Rodri Agerri

Talk: Computational explorations of creative language (C. Strapparava, 2017-07-07)

Speaker: Carlo Strapparava …………….FBK-irst (Fondazione Bruno Kessler – Istituto per la ricerca scientifica e Tecnologica) Date: July 7, 2017, Time: 09:30 Place: UPV/EHUko Informatika Fakultatea, Manuel de Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia (map) Title: Computational explorations of creative language


Dealing with creative language and in particular with affective, persuasive and even humorous language […]

PhD Thesis: Automatic Scansion of Poetry (M. Agirrezabal, 2017/06/19)

Title: Automatic Scansion of Poetry Author: Manex Agirrezabal Zabaleta Supervisors: Dr. Iñaki Alegria Loinaz and Dr. Mans Hulden Date: June 19, 2017, Monday Time: 12:00 Where: Faculty of Informatics, Ada Lovelace Room (UPV/EHU)

Research questions:

What do we need to know when analyzing a poem, and how can we capture it? Does language-specific linguistic knowledge […]