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Video: HAP-LAP master thesis (Mikel Artetxe)

Last week Mikel Artetxe presented his thesis at HAP-LAP master.

The presentation can be seen here:


Distributional Semantics and Machine Learning for Statistical Machine Translation Author: Mikel Artetxe Zurutuza Supervisors: Eneko Agirre eta Gorka Labaka

We have 14 papers at LREC

This week we present 14 papers/posters in LREC Conference (Language Resources and Evaluation Conference). 🙂

Three of them written in collaboration with Elhuyar.

The links for download of our papers:

A Comparison of Domain-based Word Polarity Estimation using different Word Embeddings A Comparison of Named-Entity Disambiguation and Word Sense Disambiguation A Multilingual Predicate […]

Master theses defence

Master HAP/LAP masterra

Master-tesien defentsak / Master theses defence

Eguna / Date: maiatzaren 17a / May 17th Lekua / Place: Ada Lovelace aretoa / Ada Lovelace room

11:00 Adverse Drug Reaction event extraction on Electronic Health Records written in Spanish. Egilea / Author: Sara Santiso González Tutoreak / […]

Language Technologies for refugee integration

Cross-Linguistic Bridges:

Can language technology be helpful? Of course!! Which tools can I use to communicate with refugees and help them? We suggest some tools in this website. Our aim is to give you an overview of the technology you can use with syrian refugees. English

Zertan lagun diezagukete hizkuntza-teknologiek? Zein tresna/baliabide erabil […]