The European project EFA 227/16/LINGUATEC “Development of cross-border cooperation and knowledge transfer in language technologies” organizes the workshop open to all researchers, with the aim of disseminating the work carried out within the project and presenting some of the advances made for Basque and Occitan.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Free registration. Please, use this registration form
12 May, 2021
Online, with presentations in English, Spanish and French, with simultaneous translation into English, Spanish and French.
10h – Opening
10h15 Invited talks: Catalan processing
Lluis Padró (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Morphological and Syntactic Resources in FreeLing
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French
Mariona Taulé (Universitat de Barcelona)
AnCora: un corpus anotado a diferentes niveles lingüístico
AnCora: a corpus annotated at different linguistic levels
Presentation in Spanish – Simultaneous translation in English and French
11h15 — Break
11h30 Presentations: Corpora for Occitan, Basque and other under-resourced languages
Assaf Urieli, Joliciel
Talismane, Jochre: automatic syntax analysis and OCR for under-resourced languages
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French
Aleksandra Miletic y Dejan Stosic, CLLE
Mutualisation des ressources pour la création de treebanks : le cas du serbe et de l’occitan
Pooling resources for the creation of syntactic tree banks: the case of Serbian and Occitan
Presentation in French – Simultaneous translation in English and Spanish
Ainara Estarrona (IXA, HiTZ, UPV/EHU)
Construcción del corpus histórico en euskera
Construction of a historical corpus in Basque
Presentation in Spanish – Simultaneous translation in English and French
13h — Break
14h30 Invited talk: Use of Neural Networks
Mans Hulden (University of Colorado)
Neural Networks in Linguistic Research
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French
15h30 Presentación: Language processing
Rodrigo Agerri (IXA, HITZ, UPV/EHU)
Contextual lemmatization for inflected languages: statistical and deep-learning approaches
Presentation in English – Simultaneous translation in Spanish and French
16h – Break
16h15 – Presentations: Results of the LINGUATEC project
Myriam Bras, Aleksandra Miletic, Marianne Vergez-Couret, Clamença Poujade, Jean Sibille, Louise Esher, CLLE :
Automatic processing of Occitan: construction of the first annotated corpora
Video in Occitan with accessible subtitles in English, Spanish and French
Creation and improvement of Basque resources within the framework of Linguatec
Video in Occitan with accessible subtitles in English, Spanish and French
16h45 – Conclusions
Presentation in Spanish and French – No simultaneous translation
17h – Closing
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