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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

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Codefest summer­lab aims to revitalise resource ­scarce language (Donostia, July 4-8)

Donostia / San Sebastian 2016 European Capital of Culture represents an enormous opportunity to turn the focus on culture and dialogue as the roads towards improved coexistence. Thus, Donostia / San Sebastian aims to become a benchmark in the sphere of creative processes and culture.

Inside the programme, we are organising Codefest: Coding […]

Talk: Clinical text mining (H. Dalianis, 2016-04-06)

Talk: Clinical text mining at Stockholm University and at other research groups in Europe. Speaker: Hercules Dalianis, Stockholm University. When: Wed, 6 April, 3pm – 4pm Where: Faculty of informatics, room 3.2 gelan map Abstract:

Healthcare has many challenges in form of monitoring and predicting adverse events as healthcare associated infections or […]

Are the meanings of these two words related? (Eneko’s Google Award)

Measuring the distance between word meanings

Eneko Agirre has been awarded with a Google Research Award after its annual open call for proposals on computer science and related topics, including machine learning, speech recognition, natural language processing, and computational neuroscience. Google received 950 proposals covering 55 countries and over 350 universities, and decided to […]