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HAP/LAP master theses (2017-09-26)

Master HAP/LAP — EMLCT master Master thesis defences


Izenburua / Title: Automatic Generation of Named Entity Taggers Leveraging Parallel Corpora Egilea / Author: Yi-Ling Chung (EMLCT) Tutoreak / Supervirors: Rodrigo Agerri and German Rigau


Izenburua / Title: Dialect normalisation with deep learning-based automatic speech recognition Egilea / Author: Mahsa Vafaie (EMLCT) […]

Best paper award in SEPLN2017

Last week, our colleagues Begoña Altuna, María Jesús Aranzabe, and Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza were awarded in Murcia with the best paper award in the 33rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (SEPLN 2017)


The paper is available here: EusHeidelTime: Time Expression Extraction and Normalisation for Basque

Temporal information […]