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Eneko Agirre and Mikel Artetxe awarded with Spanish National Awards on Informatics

The members of Ixa Group Eneko Agirre and Mikel Artetxe have received two spanish leading SCIE awards of 2021. Eneko has received the National Award on Informatics and Mikel has been one of the six awards for young researchers. The jury explained that Eneko Agirre has been awarded for his excellent contributions in the […]

Ixa group has been awarded in the CAPITEL@IberLEF2020 competition

The three systems presented by IXA Group (HiTZ center) to the competition CAPITEL@IberLEF2020 have ranked first in Sub-task 1 (Named Entity Recognition and Classification in Spanish News Articles). The systems were developed by Rodrigo Agerri with the help of German Rigau, Ander Barrena and Jon Ander Campos.

Zorionak, congratulations to Rodrigo and all the team!


Master students won EHealth-KD-2020 subtask on Relation Extraction

Oscar Sainz and Edgar Andrés, students of the HAP-LAP master, obtained an excellent result in the eHealth-2020 challenge presented with professors Oier Lopez de Lacalle and Aitziber Atutxa. Their team (IXA-NER-RE) has been “champion” in the Relational Extraction sub-task.

Although their main objective was participation only in the Relation Extraction subtask, they also presented tiny […]

The Ixa research group has been awarded in the artificial intelligence competition promoted by the US government related to COVID-19 disease

The competition CORD-19 (COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge) has been organized by several organizations such as Allen Institute for AI, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Georgetown University, Microsoft Research, National Institutes of Health and The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The organization has made available to the global research community more than 50,000 scientific […]

Eneko Agirre won for the third consecutive year the Google prize

Eneko Agirre won again a Google prize last March. He is one of the few researchers who has obtained the Google Faculty Research Award on three occasions. The $62,000 prize will fund the project ‘Conversational Question Answering agents that learn after deployment’ to develop user dialogue systems, chatbots and artificial intelligence.


One of the best three papers on Clinical NLP in 2017 was published by Ixa Group

A paper written by IXA members Arantza Casillas, Koldo Gojenola, Maite Oronoz and Alicia Perez, among the 3 best papers published in 2017 in the field of clinical Natural Language Processing.

The paper entitled “Semi-supervised medical entity recognition: A study on Spanish and Swedish clinical corpora“, by Pérez A, Weegar R, Casillas A, Gojenola K, […]

Mitxelena Award for PhD theses 2018 to Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre: Automatic medical term generation

Our colleague Olatz Perez de Viñaspre won last week the VI. Koldo MItxelena Award for PhD Theses organized by Euskaltzaindia (the Academy of Basque Language) and the University of the Basque Country. CONGRATULATIONS Olatz!

This thesis faced the creation of computational tools to promote the use of Basque in helath services.

The winners […]

Eneko Agirre awarded by Google Research

Faculty Research Awards recipients (Google, 2018)

Google Faculty Research Awards 2018 were published in March. Eneko Agirre was awarded with a Google’s Faculty Research Award after its annual open call for proposals on computer science and related topics including quantum computing, machine learning, algorithms and theory, natural language processing and more. […]

Best Paper Award on CoNLL2018

Last week our colleagues Mikel Artetxe, Gorka Labaka, Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, and Eneko Agirre were the recipients of the Best Paper Award in the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2018) for the paper “Uncovering Divergent Linguistic Information in Word Embeddings with Lessons for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation”.


. […]

Science journal: ‘Ixa opens a new research avenue: Machine Translation without a dictionary?’

Science reported this week about the work recently published by our colleagues Mikel Artetxe, Eneko Agirre and Gorka Labaka: Artificial intelligence goes bilingual—without a dictionary In October the 30th our three colleagues published a pre-print paper entitled Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation in collaboration with Kyunghyun Cho. One day later G. Lample published another paper with […]