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Erasmus Mundus LCT master. Annual Meeting 2016 in Donostia (June 09 – 10)

European Masters Program Language & Communication Technologies

Annual Meeting 2016 in Donostia (June 09 – 10) Day 1, Thursday, June 9, 2016 08:45 : Welcome. 09:00 : Introduction, Dr. Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová. 09:30 : Invited talk: Eneko Agirre (UPV/EHU) – Natural Language Understanding using Knowledge Bases and Random Walks. 10:30 : Coffee break. 11:00 : […]

Seminar: Big Data and NLP at Trivago (Min Fang, 2016-06-08)

Talk: Big Data and NLP at Trivago Speaker: Min Fang ………..2013 – 2015: Master Erasmus Mundus Language and Communication Technologies, summa cum laude ………..2015-… : (Trivago, hotel metasearch) When: Wed, 8 June, 10pm – 11pm Where: Faculty of informatics, room 3.2 gelan map Abstract: I’m interested in getting insights from data by applying natural […]

Ixa Group is one of the 15 institutional members of EAMT

Ixa Group is an institutional member in the European Association of Machine Translation (EAMT) since 2012, the organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and translation tools, including users, developers, and researchers of this increasingly viable technology. Now we have pubished a new a page about IXA Group inside EAMT’s website.
