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SemEval-2012 Task 6: A Pilot on Semantic Textual Similarity

Eneko Agirre from the Ixa Group is one of the organizers of the 6th task in SemEval-2012: A Pilot on Semantic Textual Similarity. Aitor Gonzalez from Ixa is also involved in the task.

The Semantic Evaluation (SemEval) series of workshops focuses on the evaluation of semantic analysis systems. with the aim of comparing systems […]

*SEM conference: Lexical and computational semantics

ACL special interest groups SIGLEX and SIGSEM are organising a joint conference on Lexical and computational semantics: *SEM

Eneko Agirre from the Ixa Group is the general chair in this conference.

The main goal of *SEM is to provide a stable fo of rum for the growing number of NLP researchers working on different […]

Supporting Users’ Exploration of Digital Libraries (SUEDL workshop)

Eneko Agirre and Arantxa Otegi from the Ixa Group are members of the organizing committee in this workshop:

International Workshop on Supporting Users’ Exploration of Digital Libraries, to be held as part of the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL). Cyprus, September 27, 2012

The aim of the […]

Google Research publishes an innovative concept dictionary, descended from collaboration with Ixa Group

Last week Google published in its Research Blog a new public resource, a dictionary for linking words to entities and ideas, comprising 7,560,141 concepts and 175,100,788 unique text strings. Valentin Spitkovsky and Peter Norvig hope it will assist research on moving from words to meaning — from turning search queries into relevant results and suggesting […]