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The European project EFA 227/16/LINGUATEC “Development of cross-border cooperation and knowledge transfer in language technologies” organizes the workshop open to all researchers, with the aim of disseminating the work carried out within the project and presenting some of the advances made for Basque and Occitan. This project is co-financed by the European Regional […]
The competition CORD-19 (COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge) has been organized by several organizations such as Allen Institute for AI, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Georgetown University, Microsoft Research, National Institutes of Health and The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The organization has made available to the global research community more than 50,000 scientific […]
Eneko Agirre won again a Google prize last March. He is one of the few researchers who has obtained the Google Faculty Research Award on three occasions. The $62,000 prize will fund the project ‘Conversational Question Answering agents that learn after deployment’ to develop user dialogue systems, chatbots and artificial intelligence.
LINGUATEC project: Development of cross-border cooperation and knowledge transfer in language technologies.
LINGUATEC is an European project funded by FEDER via POCTEFA (Programa INTERREG V-A España-Francia-Andorra). The partners are the followings:
Elhuyar Fundazioa Lo Congrès Permanent de la Lenga Occitana Universidad Del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Ixa Taldea) CNRS (CENTRE National de […]
After finishing our Erasmus Mundus LCT Master in 2016 Michael Ustaszewski is now a postdoc assistant at the University of Innsbruck, and Unit Manager (liaison with the Department of Translation Studies) at the Innsbruck Translation Centre. His group is working on Corpus-Based Translation and asked us to publish this Call for PhD Position Candidates:
Measuring the distance between word meanings
Eneko Agirre has been awarded with a Google Research Award after its annual open call for proposals on computer science and related topics, including machine learning, speech recognition, natural language processing, and computational neuroscience. Google received 950 proposals covering 55 countries and over 350 universities, and decided to […]
Last week, Eneko Agirre was awarded with a Google Research Awards: Fall 2015 after its annual open call for proposals on computer science and related topics including machine learning, speech recognition, natural language processing, and computational neuroscience. Google received 950 proposals covering 55 countries and over 350 universities, and decided to fund 151 projects, […]
Eneko AGIRRE and Nora ARANBERRI, Ixa Group from University of the Basque Country, together with Deyi Xiong (Soochow University), Kevin Duh (Johns Hopkins University), and HoufengWang (Peking University), are the organizers of the 2nd Workshop on Semantics-Driven Machine Translation (SedMT) San Diego, California, USA; June 16, 2016 (co-located with NAACL).
This workshop seeks to build […]
IXA Group is organizing in Donostia-San Sebastián a meeting of the European project QTLeap from Monday June 29th to Wednesday July 1st.
Recently, at the beginging of June, this project succesfully organized in Denver, Colorado, the SSST-9 – Ninth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation collocated with NAACL 2015, June 4, 2015.
Our colleague Rodrigo Agerri has been selected as the mentor of the project Word Sense Disambiguation – Supervised Techniques presented by Apache Software Foundation to the Google Summer of Code 2015.
The objective of Word Sense Disambiguation is to determine which sense of a word is meant in a particular context. Apache OpenNLP […]