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Master theses defence

Master HAP/LAP masterra

Master-tesien defentsak / Master theses defence

Eguna / Date: maiatzaren 17a / May 17th
Lekua / Place: Ada Lovelace aretoa / Ada Lovelace room

Adverse Drug Reaction event extraction on Electronic Health Records written in Spanish.
Egilea / Author: Sara Santiso González
Tutoreak / Supervirors: Alicia Pérez eta Arantza Casillas
Epaimahaia: Eva Navas, Montse Maritxalar Arantza Casillas

Distributional Semantics and Machine Learning for Statistical Machine Translation
Egilea / Author: Mikel Artetxe Zurutuza
Tutoreak / Supervirors: Eneko Agirre eta Gorka Labaka
Epaimahaia: Eva Navas, Montse Maritxalar, Gorka Labaka

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