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Best paper award in SEPLN2017

Last week, our colleagues Begoña Altuna, María Jesús Aranzabe, and Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza were awarded in Murcia with the best paper award in the 33rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (SEPLN 2017)


The paper is available here: EusHeidelTime: Time Expression Extraction and Normalisation for Basque

Temporal information helps to organise the information in texts as it places the actions and states in time. It is therefore very important to identify the time points and intervals in the text, as well as what times they refer to. We developed EusHeidelTime for Basque time expression extraction and normalisation. For it, we analysed time expressions in Basque, we created the rules and resources for the tool and we built corpora for development and testing. We finally ran an experiment to evaluate EusHeidelTime’s performance. We achieved satisfactory results and we proved the adaptability of the tool for morphologically rich languages.

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