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*SEM conference: Lexical and computational semantics

Lexical and Computational Semantics

ACL special interest groups SIGLEX and SIGSEM are organising a joint conference on Lexical and computational semantics: *SEM

Eneko Agirre from the Ixa Group is the general chair in this conference.

The main goal of *SEM is to provide a stable fo of rum for the growing number of NLP researchers working on different aspects of semantic processing, which has been scattered over a large array of small workshops and conferences.

The first edition of *SEM will be a two-day conference collocated with the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Human Language Technologies 2012 conference (NAACL HLT), which will take place in Montreal, Canada.

Important dates:
 30 March 2012, Paper due date
 23 April 2012, Notification of acceptance
  4 May 2012, Camera-ready deadline
7-8 June 2012, Conference

For further information see *SEM

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