- HAP/LAP Master Theses (2020-09-21 and 22)
- ‘AI Basque’ created by GAIA Cluster and HITZ Center
- PhD Thesis: Unsupervised Machine Translation (Mikel Artetxe, 2020/07/29)
- Ixa group has been awarded in the CAPITEL@IberLEF2020 competition
- Master students won EHealth-KD-2020 subtask on Relation Extraction
- The Ixa research group has been awarded in the artificial intelligence competition promoted by the US government related to COVID-19 disease
- Five papers accepted at 58th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Eneko Agirre won for the third consecutive year the Google prize
- “Itzulbide” ikerketa-proiektua
- Visitor: Andrea Horbach, Automatic scoring
- One of the best three papers on Clinical NLP in 2017 was published by Ixa Group
- Mitxelena Award for PhD theses 2018 to Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre: Automatic medical term generation
- Eneko Agirre awarded by Google Research
- PhD Thesis: Computational Model for Semantic Textual Similarity (I. San Vicente, 2019/03/11)
- Seminar: Irish Machine Translation and Resources (M. Dowling, 2019-03-11)
- Meeting of LINGUATEC project in Donostia (2019-02-21)
- 2 master-theses today (2019-02-25, 16:00)
- Best Paper Award on CoNLL2018
- Talk: Neural Networks and Linguistics. Talking Past Each Other? (M. Hulden, 2018-11-08)
- Best Thesis Award in SEPLN (Aitor Gonzalez, 2018-09-13)
- European Parliament endorses the report on Language Equality in the Digital Age (2018-09-11)
- “Language Analysis and Processing” master theses (2018-06-26)
- Talk: Karelian dialects, how to study variation between closely related languages? (I. Moshnikov, 2018-06-19)
- Talk: The Open Multilingual Wordnet (F. Bond., 2018-06-13)
- PROCESSING OF HISTORICAL CORPORA (Open day workshop, 2018-06-11)
- Be a friend of the Minority SafePack! We need your signature!
- Science journal: ‘Ixa opens a new research avenue: Machine Translation without a dictionary?’
- Course: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (4,5 ECTS, February)
- Presentation: Research groups in the Faculty of Informatics (2017-10-10, 10:00-11:10)
- HAP/LAP master theses (2017-09-26)
- Best paper award in SEPLN2017
- PhD Thesis: Computational Model for Semantic Textual Similarity (A. Gonzalez, 2017/07/07)
- HAP/LAP master thesis (Noelia Migueles, 2017-06-27)
- Talk: Computational explorations of creative language (C. Strapparava, 2017-07-07)
- PhD Thesis: Automatic Scansion of Poetry (M. Agirrezabal, 2017/06/19)
- Neural Machine Translation. Open workshop with Kyunghyun Cho (2017-05-29)
- PhD position in Innsbruck with Michael Ustaszewski
- Mikel Artetxe awarded in Hackaton on Language Technologies organized by Red.es
- German Rigau keynote speaker in the JRC Conference TEXT MINING IN POLICY MAKING
- Our papers in Japan (COLING 2016)
- HAP/LAP master theses (2016-09-27)
- Book: Microparameters in the Grammar of Basque
- Nora Aramberri: Machine Translation for Translators (Innsbruck, 2016-07-20)
- Nice results in Codefestdss2016 projects
- Erasmus Mundus LCT master. Annual Meeting 2016 in Donostia (June 09 – 10)
- Seminar: Big Data and NLP at Trivago (Min Fang, 2016-06-08)
- Ixa Group is one of the 15 institutional members of EAMT
- Video: HAP-LAP master thesis (Mikel Artetxe)
- We have 14 papers at LREC
- Master theses defence
- Language Technologies for refugee integration
- Codefest summerlab aims to revitalise resource scarce language (Donostia, July 4-8)
- Talk: Clinical text mining (H. Dalianis, 2016-04-06)
- Are the meanings of these two words related? (Eneko’s Google Award)
- Eneko Agirre awarded by Google Research
- 2nd Workshop on Semantics-Driven Machine Translation (SedMT)
- ixa-pipes in FOSDEM
- Course: Language Processing Applications (9 ECTS, on Fridays)
- Talk: Irish language technology (T. Lynn, 2015/10/13)
- Eloína Miyares, the mother of the Cuban Basic School Dictionary
- QTLeap european project: Meeting in Donostia-San Sebastian (June/30 – July/1)
- Talk: Medical Natural Language Processing (Jon Patrick, 2015/06/24)
- Talk: Discourse Structure in Machine Translation Evaluation (L. Marquez, 2015/06/25)
- 10.000 downloads for Mitzuli translator app
- Our masters on Language Technology for 2015/16
- Talk: Discourse organization studies at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (J. Desiderato, 2015/06/04)
- R. Agerri: mentor in Google Summer of Code 2015
- 14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies in Bilbao
- Talk: A broad stroke on Machine Translation Evaluation (C. España-Bonet, 2015/03/13)
- LoCloud Hackaton (today): applications for the cultural heritage sector
- PhD Thesis: Automatic Extraction of Lexical Knowledge from Wordnet (M. Castillo, 2015/01/28)
- Talk: Biomedical Relation Extraction (Roland Roller, 2015/01/28)
- Ninth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-9)
- Talk: Going to the Roots of Dependency Parsing (Miguel Ballesteros, 2014/12/16)
- Talk: A Vector Space Model approach to discover constructions (Toni Martí, 2014-12-15)
- OpeNER project is over: check our tools and results!
- The Basque WordNet semantic dictionary is a “public resource” now
- QTLeap project: Towards global communication without linguistic barriers
- Seminar: NEWSREADER project (G. Rigau)
- Talk: Text summarization using discourse knowledge. Text simplification and co-reference (T. Pardo)
- Talk: Rhetorical Structure Theory (Thiago Pardo)
- Talk: Multilingual Mention Detection for Coreference Resolution (O. Uryupina, 21/02/2014)
- Talk: BrainNet (Massimo Poesio, 20/02/2014)
- Basque Advanced Informatics Laboratory – BAILab
- 2014-15 masters: Erasmus Mundus LCT and LAP/HAP
- RUNASIMI project: processing of Quechua
- Ixa Group awarded with the Abbadia Prize
- Seminar: ‘The Lexikoaren Behatokia project’ & ‘Enriching EDBL with Hiztegi Batua’ (12/11/2013)
- NewsReader Project winner of the 4th edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR4) competition
- Ixa Group turns 25 today (#ixa25)
- Iñigo Lopez Gazpio receives the Best Academic Record Award in Computer Science 2013
- Seminar: Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge (2013/07/10)
- Seminar: HPSG grammars. (2013/07/15).
- Nice results from the OpeNER Hackathon
- OpeNER Hackathon (Text Mining & Big Data). Amsterdam, July 2, 2013
- Piek Vossen receives Spinoza prize
- Ixa Group at the kick-off meeting of the LoCloud project
- The Basque Language in the digital age (META-NET White Paper)
- Arbel digitala: a tool for writing verses in Basque is on line
- Koldo Mitxelena award for PhD theses to Arantxa Otegi
- Ixa Group at the kick-off meeting of the NewsReader Project
- Ixa Group is a new institutional member of EAMT
- Seminar. First steps towards Quechua’s processing. (2012/11/15)
- TALK. JM Torres: Text Summarization (2012/11/09)
- TALK. A. Kilgarriff: Getting to Know Your Corpus (2012/11/07)
- Talk. Martha Palmer: Beyond Shallow Semantics (2012-10-08)
- Xuxen, Kimmo Koskenniemi and FSMNLP2012
- OpeNER, Newsreader and READERS: 3 new European projects with participation of IXA Group.
- Visit of master students from the University of Zurich (2012-06-05)
- SemEval-2012 Task 6: A Pilot on Semantic Textual Similarity
- *SEM conference: Lexical and computational semantics
- Supporting Users’ Exploration of Digital Libraries (SUEDL workshop)
- Google Research publishes an innovative concept dictionary, descended from collaboration with Ixa Group
- Talk:Nicolai Erbs. Multilingual acquisition of large scale knowledge resources (2012/02/24)
- BerbaTek project’s results and demos.
- Talk: M. Cuadros. Multilingual acquisition of large scale knowledge resources
- Zubiaga:Mining Twitter for real-time trend and information discovery (2011/12/12)
- Talk: V. Kordoni. Automated Annotation and Acquisition of Linguistic Knowledge (2011/11/25)
- Talk. Tegau Andrews. An overview of Welsh language technologies. (2011/11/02)
- Talks. David Martinez and Meladel Mistica. (2011/10/14)
- Talk. Dan Jurafsky. Extracting many kinds of meaning from text and speech. (2011/09/13)
- Talk. Marta Recasens. Coreference: Theory, Annotation, Resolution and Evaluation (2011/06/28)
- Talk. Atro Voutilainen. Dependency treebank for Finnish (2011/06/08)
- Talk. Daniele Pighin. Semantic Structures in Translation Ranking (2011/05/31)
- International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid Machine Translation (LIHMT-2011)
- Talk. Lluís Màrquez. Automatic evaluation in Machine Translation: Towards combined linguistically-motivated measures (2011/05/10)
- Talk. Giovanni Semeraro. Information Retrieval and Information Filtering: two battlefields for NLP techniques (2011/05/06)
- News from OPENMT-2 project
- Mitxelena Award for PhD theses: Maite Oronoz eta Larraitz Uria
- Karin Verspoor. Beyond Search: enabling biomedical knowledge discovery through natural language processing (2011/03/18)
- 40th anniversary of the Centro de Lingüística Aplicada in Santiago de Cuba.
- Roser Morante’s talk: Modality and negation in natural language processing (2011/02/23)
- A new European Project: PATHS
- Invited talk: Computational Semantics and Pragmatics (Rodolfo Delmonte, 2011/01/17,18
- Course: Foma Tool for Finite-State Machine Construction (Mans Houlden, 2011-Jan-11,12,13)
- Wauter Bosma: Contextual salience in query-based summarization (2010/10/22)
- Summer course on Language Managing in the Global World
- Collaborating on language processing for Basque and Sami (Laponian)
- Master on ‘Analysis and Processing of Language’. Registration in September.
- 2010/06/11 Andy Way’s invited talk: ‘Example Based Machine Translation
- CLARIN Meeting in Donostia. May 2010
- Mark Stevenson’s invited talk: ‘Disambiguation of Biomedical Text’ (2010/05/14)
- IXA NLP has been invited to join Europeana v1.0 thematic network
- Larraitz Uria’s PhD Thesis: A framework for the analysis of errors and deviations in Basque texts. Analysis and processing of errors on the use of determiners.
- Jon Patrick ‘s invited talk: ‘Medical NLP and Engineering. An NLP Workbench for it’ (2010/02/12)
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