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Talk: Discourse organization studies at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (J. Desiderato, 2015/06/04)

Speaker:  Juliano Desiderato
…………….Universidade Estadual de Maringa, DTL, (Brasil)
Data: June 4th 2015, Thursday
Time: 15:00
Room: 3.2 room. Faculty of Informatics (UPV/EHU)
Title: “Discourse organization studies at Universidade Estadual de Maringá”


The talk aims at presenting the discourse organization studies conducted by the Group of Functionalist Investigations at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (Brazil). The investigations concern both spoken and written Brazilian Portuguese and describe the rhetorical structure of diverse genres. The programme of the talk is the following:Spoken language

  • Spoken language strategies
  • Discourse markers
  • Rhetorical structure of undergraduate lectures
  • Rhetorical structure of biblical sermons
  • Rhetorical structure of narratives
  • Rhetorical structure of personal experience reports
  • Rhetorical structure of argumentative answers

Short bio:

Juliano Desiderato Antonio is associate professor at Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil. The theme of his master’s degree dissertation (1998) was preferred argument structure in narratives in Brazilian Portuguese. His doctorate thesis (2004) concerns the rhetorical structure of narratives in Brazilian Portuguese and its manifestation via hypotaxis. He conducted a post-doctorate investigation (2011) to characterize some Functional Discourse Grammar’s parameters as signals of hypotactic rhetorical relations. At UEM he teaches Linguistics for graduation classes and Functional Linguistics for post-graduation classes, where he also advises masters dissertations and doctorate theses. From a functional point of view his investigations approach discourse structure of diverse genre, spoken language and clause combining and grammar and discourse.

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