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Hugo and Richard visiting Aholab in Bilbao.
Speakers: Hugo Quispe and Richard Castro (Universidad UNSAAC of Cusco, Peru), ………………Olatz Arregi, Xabier Artola eta Kepa Sarasola (Ixa Group) Title: Primera aproximación al procesamiento automático del Quechua ………(First steps towards Quechua’s processing.) Date: November 15, 2012, Thursday Time: 16:00–17:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2
This week we are going to listen a second talk, on Friday:
Speaker: Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno Head of research team Natural Language Processing (NLP) at the Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon (LIA) Title: Text Summarization. Resumen automático de documentos: Algoritmos y tendencias futuras Date: November 9, 2012, Friday Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2
Speaker: Adam Kilgarriff (Lexical Computing Ltd., Brighton) Title: Getting to Know Your Corpus. Date: November 7, 2012, Wednesday Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2
Corpora are not easy to get a handle on. The usual way of getting to grips with text is to read it, but corpora are mostly too […]
Speaker: Martha Palmer. Department of Linguistics, University of Colorado (AEB)
Title: Beyond Shallow Semantics. Date: October 8, 2012 Time: 16:00-19:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2
Shallow semantic analyzers, such as semantic role labelers and sense taggers, are increasing in accuracy and becoming commonplace. However, they only provide limited and local representations of […]
Speaker:Atro Voutilainen (University of Helsinki) Date: June 8, 2011 Time: 11:30 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2 Title: Building a dependency treebank and other LRs for Finnish Abstract
Research infrastructure FIN-CLARIN LR web service for R&D corpora, language models, software, open sourc FIN-CLARIN project FinnTreeBank user needs grammar definition corpus a parsebank with dependency syntactic […]
Speaker: Daniele Pighin NLPRG, TALP Technical University of Catalonia, UPC Date: May 31, 2011 Time: 11:30 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2 Title Automatic Projection of Semantic Structures: an Application to Pairwise Translation Ranking Abstract The ability to automatically assess the quality of translation hypotheses is a key requirement towards the development of accurate […]
Speakers:Giovanni Semeraro, Pasquale Lops, Marco de Gemmis Dipartimento di Informatica Universita’ di Bari Date: May 6, 2011 Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2 “Information Retrieval and Information Filtering: Two battlefields for NLP techniques” Part 1: Introduction to basic concepts on: – Information Retrieval Models: Boolean, Vector space – Information Filtering tecniques – Recommender […]
Speaker: Roser Morante Senior researcher on the BIOGRAPH project led by Walter Daelemans. CLiPS-Computational Linguistics research group University of Antwerp, Date: February 23, 2010 Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Meeting room (batzar aretoa) . Modality and negation in natural language processing:
current trends and future directions Summary: Research on modality and negation focuses on […]
Speaker: Rodolfo Delmonte, (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy). Date: January 17 and 18, 2011 Time: 16:00 – 19:30 Where: Computer Science Faculty
ABSTRACT These two sessions cover some of the most important aspects of Computational Semantics and Pragmatics including: * Lexical Representations and Argument Structure * Parsing with constituency or dependency structure * Co-reference resolution […]
Speaker: Wauter Bosma (Vrieje Universiteit Amsterdam) Date: Oct 22, 2010 Time: 15:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, room 2.2 .
Wauter Bosma is currently working as a postdoc on the European KYOTO project (where Ixa group is another partner) at the Vrieje Universiteit Amsterdam . His main research interests are in the area of Natural Language […]