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The Basque WordNet semantic dictionary is a “public resource” now

Machines need computing tools that are more powerful than conventional dictionaries for tasks like information extraction, disambiguation of word meanings, etc. This is in fact the function of the Euskal WordNet application —developed by the IXA Group (UPV/EHU)— which can already be consulted and downloaded free of charge.

This is the first Lexical Knowledge Base […]

Seminar: ‘The Lexikoaren Behatokia project’ & ‘Enriching EDBL with Hiztegi Batua’ (12/11/2013)

Topics : The Lexikoaren Behatokia project (X. Artola) + Enriching EDBL with Hiztegi Batua (Gorka Labaka – Xabier Artola) Speakers: Xabier Artola and Gorka Labaka Day: December 11th 2013, Wednesday

The Basque language academy, Euskaltzaindia, launched in 2008 the Lexikoaren Behatokia project (“The Lexicon Observatory”), led by Andoni Sagarna. The objective of the project was […]

Seminar. First steps towards Quechua’s processing. (2012/11/15)

Hugo and Richard visiting Aholab in Bilbao.

Speakers: Hugo Quispe and Richard Castro (Universidad UNSAAC of Cusco, Peru), ………………Olatz Arregi, Xabier Artola eta Kepa Sarasola (Ixa Group) Title: Primera aproximación al procesamiento automático del Quechua ………(First steps towards Quechua’s processing.) Date: November 15, 2012, Thursday Time: 16:00–17:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, Room 3.2


40th anniversary of the Centro de Lingüística Aplicada in Santiago de Cuba.

In January Iñaki Alegria participated in the XII Simposium de Comunicación Social organized by Centro de Lingüística Aplicada (CLA) in Santiago de Cuba.

The title of his course was:

“Computational Morphology: trends, finite-states and open-source” (Evolución de la morfología computacional: nuevas posibilidades)

Foma, the application developed by Mans Hulden (University of Helsinki), was the […]

Invited talk: Computational Semantics and Pragmatics (Rodolfo Delmonte, 2011/01/17,18

Speaker: Rodolfo Delmonte, (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy). Date: January 17 and 18, 2011 Time: 16:00 – 19:30 Where: Computer Science Faculty

ABSTRACT These two sessions cover some of the most important aspects of Computational Semantics and Pragmatics including: * Lexical Representations and Argument Structure * Parsing with constituency or dependency structure * Co-reference resolution […]