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Ixa Group turns 25 today (#ixa25)

Ixa Group turns 25 today, performing top-notch NLP research in and for Basque.
We are organizing formal celebrations this week.

November 7 (18:30) At the Carlos Santamaría Centre, “Antonio Beristain” auditorium.

  • Talk:
    “An Ixa History of Computational Linguistics”
    Jon Patrick (Health Languages Laboratories (HLL))
  • Video showing:
    “Ixa turns 25”
  • Round table: Ixa: barne-hotsa eta oihartzuna (Ixa: inner voice and echo)
    Chair: Olatz Arregi (Ixa Group)
    Miren Azkarate (University of the Basque Country. Academy of the Basque Language – Euskaltzaindia)
    Mans Hulden (University of Helsinki)
    Xabier Arregi (Ixa Group)

ixa25_ikono_jositaBut we would also like to feel the presence of far off collaborators and friends.
We would like to invite our close friends and collaborators during these years to participate in this event in a simple way. You could send a tweet with the hashtag #ixa25. We welcome all kinds of contributions: just greetings, congratulations, a short story, short description of the relationship with the group, when/how did you met us, using the language you want.

Up to now some of our collaborators sent us greeting videos, 28 so far! Those videos and tweets are an informal “picture” of those who think Language Technology can be a nice tool to promote the use of less-resourced languages and to improve human communication.;-)

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