Last December, Ixa Group was awarded with the Abbadia Prize by the Gipuzkoan Provincial Government.
This prize is given every two years to the institutions and people who work in the normalisation of Basque language.
According to the governmental website, the prize was given in the recognition of the new tools created for Basque.
See the images (in Basque) of the Abbadia Award ceremony from
- 21:24 Presentation by Prof. Maite Goñi
- 28:14 Award ceremony.
- 28:25 Mr Martin Garitano’s speech, President of the Gipuzkoan Provincial Government.
- 32:50 Ms Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza’s speech (IXA Group).
noticias de Gipuzkoa Premian al grupo IXA por el desarrollo del euskera en la tecnología
El grupo Ixa de la UPV ha recibido esta noche el premio Antton Abbadia (44’25”)
Antton Abbadia saria jaso du gaur iluntzean EHUko Ixa taldeak (35’50”)
EHUko IXA Taldeak Anton Abbadia saria jasoko du gaur, euskararen normalizazioan egindako lanarengatik Garai berrietan euskara lantzeko tresna berriak sortzeagatik jaso du Ixa taldeak Abbadia saria (ekitaldiko bideoa)
Abbadia saria jaso du IXA taldeak
Euskara informatikaren aroan txertatu duela eta, Abadia saria Ixa taldeari IXA Taldeak jaso du Anton Abbadia saria
Ixa taldeak jasoko du Anton Abadia saria
INFOZAZPI irratia Quark saioa (2013/11/22)
[…] Ixa Group awarded with the Abbadia Prize […]