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Talk: Rhetorical Structure Theory (Thiago Pardo)

Speaker: Thiago Pardo
Data: February 27th 2014, Thursday
Time: 15:30
Room: 3.2 computer Science Faculty (UPV/EHU)

Title: “Rhetorical Structure Theory: relational discourse structure annotation”


Thiago A.S. Pardo has developped many tools to work with Rhetorical Structure Theory. For example, the following:

  • CSTNews interface – access to 50 clusters of news texts and their multidocument summaries, with texts annotated according to the Cross-document Structure Theory
  • CSTTool – a semi-automatic edition tool for annotating texts according to the Cross-document Structure Theory
  • DiZer 2.0 – an on-line version of DiZer, which is easily adaptable and portable to different text types/genres and languages
  • RSTeval – tool for discourse parsing evaluation, following Marcu (2000) evaluation method – the tool is able to compare RST trees (automatically or manually produced), producing precision and recall numbers
  • CorpusTCC – corpus of 100 Brazilian Portuguese scientific texts (from Computer Science domain – introduction sections of theses), marked by Marcu’s RSTTool (using this relation set), used for developing DiZer
  • RhetDB – Rhetorical Database – an edition environment for handling the rhetorical analyses produced by Daniel Marcu’s RSTTool; it offers several computational facilities for both computational and linguistic purposes. (this is an old version of the software; for better and more advanced features, use RST Toolkit above)

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