Neural Machine Translation
Open workshop with Kyunghyun Cho
Donostia, 2017-05-29
Trends in Neural Machine Translation (Olof Mogren, 2016)
The third generation of machine translation systems is currently under active development. After initially dominating the field, rule-based machine translation (RBMT) systems have been gradually replaced by data-driven approaches in the last two decades, with statistical machine translation (SMT) systems prevailing as the main paradigm. In the last two years, deep learning approaches have significantly impacted the field, with the rise of neural machine translation (NMT) as the new state-of-the-art in automated translation. This event presents advanced results in the field, in particular for machine translation of Basque.
The MODELA project was created to advance research and development in deep-learning approaches to machine translation and to address the many challenges of Basque machine translation. The project is financed by the Basque Government and is being carried out by the following entities: Ametzagaiña, Elhuyar, ISEA, UPV/EHU (IXA group) and Vicomtech-IK4.
The main speaker will be Kyunghyun Cho (Center for Data Science, New York University), who is an eminent researcher in the area, the most referenced on NMT, a field in which he has obtained a Google prize. Additionally, he is a a brilliant speaker.
Date: May 29, 2017, 11:00
Place: UPV/EHUko Informatika Fakultatea, Manuel de Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia (map)
- 11.00-11.15: Introduction and presentation of the project
- 11.15-12.30: Neural Machine Translation (Kyunghyun Cho)
- 12.30-13.15: First results in the Modela project
Sponsor: Modela project and University of the Basque Country
Next day, on Tuesday May 30, at 15:00 he will be with the students of our Master on Language Technology
[…] Neural Machine Translation. Open workshop with Kyunghyun Cho (2017-05-29) […]