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Mitxelena Award for PhD theses: Maite Oronoz eta Larraitz Uria


Our colleague Maite Oronoz won last Monday the II. Koldo MItxelena Award for PhD Theses organized by Euskaltzaindia (the Academy of Basque Language) and  the University of the Basque Country.


Besides, our colleague Larraitz Uria’s PhD thesis was also nominated for this award.

Both theses face language error detection. Maite’s thesis deals with it from a computational point of view, while Larraitz’ work does it from a linguistic perspective.

Title of Maite’s thesis: Euskarazko errore sintaktikoak detektatzeko eta zuzentzeko baliabideen garapena: datak, postposizio-lokuzioak eta komunztadura.
(Saroi, a system to detect and correct syntactic mistakes: dates, complex postpositions, and agreement.)
Maite’s supervisors: Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza and Koldo Gojenola
Title of Larraitz’ thesis: Euskarazko erroreen eta desbideratzeen analisirako lan-ingurunea. Determinatzaile-erroreen azterketa eta prozesamendua.
(A framework for the analysis of errors and deviations in Basque texts. Analysis and processing of errors on the use of determiners.
Larraitz’ supervisors: Igone Zabala and Montse Maritxalar

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