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The Basque WordNet semantic dictionary is a “public resource” now

Machines need computing tools that are more powerful than conventional dictionaries for tasks like information extraction, disambiguation of word meanings, etc. This is in fact the function of the Euskal WordNet application —developed by the IXA Group (UPV/EHU)— which can already be consulted and downloaded free of charge.

This is the first Lexical Knowledge Base […]

News from OPENMT-2 project


Three pieces of news related to the OPENMT-2 project (2010-2012):

Gorka Labaka’s PhD thesis

In his PhD thesis (“EUSMT: Incorporating Linguistic Information to Statistical Machine Translation for Basque“) Labaka studied how Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) can handle the translation of Spanish into Basque, a morphologically rich and less-resourced language. He found two ways […]

Mitxelena Award for PhD theses: Maite Oronoz eta Larraitz Uria


Our colleague Maite Oronoz won last Monday the II. Koldo MItxelena Award for PhD Theses organized by Euskaltzaindia (the Academy of Basque Language) and the University of the Basque Country.


Besides, our colleague Larraitz Uria’s PhD thesis was also nominated for this award.

Both theses face language error detection. Maite’s thesis deals […]

Collaborating on language processing for Basque and Sami (Laponian)

Researchers working on Basque and Sami (Laponian) are collaborating on Automatic Language Processing.

Linda Wiechetek, a researcher from the University of Tromsø (Norway) is visiting the Ixa Group in Donostia in the period April to July in 2010. Her visit is founded by the NILS mobility project.

Why Sami and Basque? Why do we […]

CLARIN Meeting in Donostia. May 2010

CLARIN meeting 10:00: Steven Krawer. CLARIN project Coordinator. 10:30: Nuria Bel (Pompeu Fabra University). Coordinator of CLARIN in Spain. 11:00: Coffee -break 11:30 -13:00 Presentation of Basque groups (I)

* Miriam Urkia. Euskaltzaindia * Miren Azkarate. Euskara institutua. UPV/EHU * Mikel Santesteban. Gogo Elebiduna. UPV/EHU * Antton Gurrutxaga eta Iñaki San Vicente. Elhuyar I+G

13:00: […]

Larraitz Uria’s PhD Thesis: A framework for the analysis of errors and deviations in Basque texts. Analysis and processing of errors on the use of determiners.

We analyse errors and deviations made in Basque to bring contributions to two research fields: in the field of automatic error treatment, our aim is to develop spelling, grammar and style checkers for Basque; in the field of ICALL, we aim to create resources for the study of the language learning process. In both fields, […]