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Course: Foma Tool for Finite-State Machine Construction (Mans Houlden, 2011-Jan-11,12,13)

Speaker: Mans Houlden (University of Helsinki)
Date: January 11, 12, and 13, 2011
Time: 9:30-12:30
Where: Computer Science Faculty, room 3.17

Mans Houlden from the University of Helsinki is going to be in Donostia working in collaboration with the Ixa Group until May 2011. He is an expert in Finite-State Machine Construction Methods. He is the creator of Foma, a free tool for constructing finite-state automata and transducers.

The Ixa group is interested in this subject because it may the key to allow us to integrate all the capabilities of our spelling checker for Basque in free software applications. Besides, we expect Foma to increase the performance of our morphology tools.

Download the slides of the T8 tutorial on Creating Language Resources and Applications Using Finite-State Morphological Grammars in LREC 2010

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