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40th anniversary of the Centro de Lingüística Aplicada in Santiago de Cuba.

In January Iñaki Alegria participated in the XII Simposium de Comunicación Social organized by Centro de Lingüística Aplicada (CLA) in Santiago de Cuba.

The title of his course was:

“Computational Morphology: trends, finite-states and open-source” (Evolución de la morfología computacional: nuevas posibilidades)

Foma, the application developed by Mans Hulden (University of Helsinki), was the […]

Course: Foma Tool for Finite-State Machine Construction (Mans Houlden, 2011-Jan-11,12,13)

Speaker: Mans Houlden (University of Helsinki) Date: January 11, 12, and 13, 2011 Time: 9:30-12:30 Where: Computer Science Faculty, room 3.17

Mans Houlden from the University of Helsinki is going to be in Donostia working in collaboration with the Ixa Group until May 2011. He is an expert in Finite-State Machine Construction Methods. He […]

Summer course on Language Managing in the Global World

September 1-3, Donostia-San Sebastián

Summer course on ‘Language managing in the global world / Hizkuntzen kudeaketa mundu global batean’ (30 hours, in Basque). Included in the XXIX Summer School of the University of The Basque Country .

2010/06/11 Andy Way’s invited talk: ‘Example Based Machine Translation

Speaker: Andy Way (Dublin City University) Date: June 11, 2010 Time: 16:00 Where: Computer Science Faculty, room 3.17 .

– A brief introduction to EBMT, – Issues for EBMT over the years, and the extent to which they have since been addressed (possibly in other paradigms) – Recent open-source EBMT releases. – European Commission funded […]